Beasts of Beyond
SPILLWAYS • intro - Printable Version

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SPILLWAYS • intro - badgernose - 05-19-2022

Badgernose made himself to appear as small as possible. If others couldn't see him, they wouldn't go near him, right? Wrong, apparently.

The young tom let out a huff of breath through his nose as he wove through the other inhabitants of the camp, making for the undergrowth at the far side. There was a small gap in the population there, where he was able to slip under a rather gangly-looking shrub and tuck himself down, watching as everyone else continued to mill about. It wasn't that he didn't like his new compatriots, but rather that he valued his own personal bubble more. It wasn't like he was so imposing as to take up a huge amount of space as he walked, was it really too much to ask?


Re: SPILLWAYS • intro - Stormsnap - 05-20-2022

NEW TAB: Stormsnap - male - liliac tabby point - tags

Stormsnap huffed. He generally liked being around others. Generally. The warm talk and jokes where replaced with pushing and shoving, and stepping on the occasional tail. He frowned. This sucked. Why does moving have to be so hard? He lamented, pouting a bit. He just wanted food. And less noise.
Turning around to hunt, or maybe find a quite place (or maybe both) the tom spotted a bit of movement in the crowd. Now, call him what you will, Storm was never a good hunter. Mice and birds seemed to dance when he tried to catch them. Laughing at his inability to be fast enough or pay attention for long enough, bu he did have quite the noise for gossip. Or really his mom's nose? He had is mom's nose for gossip? That didn't quite - either way, the tom was nosey. And seeing another warrior-shaped cat leave the camp was interesting enough to forget the hunger in his stomach.
He followed the cat, but blinked in surprise when he just found a bush. I'm not that bad at hunting, am I?
He turned his head, looking around. Huh. Suppose so.
He sat down, facing the camp. Or what would be camp. He thought about going back in, wrinkling his nose tat the idea. "So many cats. You'd think they'd learn to respect each other's space." He muttered.


Re: SPILLWAYS • intro - badgernose - 05-22-2022

Badgernose's ears twitched at the sound of someone following him, barely audible over the thrum of chatter and noise coming from the rest of the cats in the camp. He made no move yet to acknowledge it, though, as he tucked his paws underneath himself. It wasn't until the other spoke that he glanced their way. He took in Stormsnap's appearance and vaguely recognized him, though his face meant little more to him than any of the other faces of the others. Badgernose hadn't quite taken the time to socialize yet. He preferred to let others come to him.

"You would think," he agreed, barely hiding the exasperation in his voice. "I guess we are in pretty close quarters. There's just so many of us." He figured that any other cat interested in escaping the constant babble and brushing of pelts would want a space to finally stretch their limbs and move a little, but he was content to curl up in his own little corner and watch everyone. He just didn't want to keep getting stepped on.