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what was i thinking ;; monthly challenge #1 - Printable Version

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what was i thinking ;; monthly challenge #1 - Night of No Stars - 05-19-2022

it was not like her to feel this odd so late at night. why was it she could not sleep? her stomach twisted and turned beneath her skin. she felt like throwing up, but she could not figure out why she felt such a way. was this part of her slowly changing into the undead? perhaps vale warned her of this sensation and she could not recall the warning. although it was not like her to forget much of anything.

what is wrong with me?

perhaps she just needed some fresh air? that seemed the most logical thing, and thus she rose from her bed. slowly moving out from the den she threw together on the outskirts of the camp. the movement making her feel worse now, but she pushed on. until she reached a desert shrub and threw up. mostly bile, but it was not fun all the same. nothing about it was fun, but she had no idea what fun was.


a feeling she knew others felt as she witnessed it in the children playing. suddenly, she felt a weird sensation of realization. one that she never thought she would have. a thought that danced in her mind as she remembered something. something that happened with vim.

i'm pregnant.

the concept did not bring fear nor did it bring joy. she felt, as she always had, nothing. but, what would ve think of this news? that was the real question and she debated on saying anything at all. so, she pulled her head up from the shrub and glanced about to see if she was alone still.

she was.

so, she decided to take some time away from camp. just to make sure she was right in her assumption. she moved along until she was by the corpses and there she settled into the sands. rump meeting the earth with a soft thump. it was here that she decided to do some dissections again.

it was not to be though.

as soon as her claw cut the rotting flesh of an old snake corpse, she felt another wave of nausea. she recoiled as the smell made her sick and she jumped away. throwing up in the sands and letting the truth sink into her tired brain. no one would ever love her, but that didn't stop her from having this pregnancy.

love was not important after all. or maybe that was not the take away from this. maybe the take away from this was to not sleep with your freaking leader. then again, she was not one to care for the social norms. she never minded the feelings of others, because she didn't understand them.

you will have to tell vim now.

or maybe she could keep it all to herself and lie about the father? that would make the most sense and cause the least issues emotionally, but logic was her go to and so she did not think of that. no, she thought about telling vim as she could not care less about the emotions involved, but the father should know as they would be tied together through these kids.

if they live.

she smirked, though it was creepy in its way. anyone watching her could tell she felt nothing and her dead eyes showed that. her creepy, and rather forced, smirk faded as fast as it came. she could just keep a secret and kill the cubs. no one would know and it wasn't like she would love them.

but i can use them.

what an idea. what a glorious little idea that formed in her head. twisted as her mind was, she knew she could never love them, but she could take one and abandon the rest. let them die and raise one to be like her. to be strong and cunning. perhaps she could make something out of one of these surprise cubs.

find the one that is the perfect blend of mother and father

yes. that would do just nicely. she could take one that had her and vale all over it. raise it to value the dead. to understand what she always had. that the dead were better than the living any day. slowly, she turned to make her way home. she would suffer through this pregnancy and make her choice. vale could have the ones she did not want.

a perfect plan.

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template by quietly

Re: what was i thinking ;; monthly challenge #1 - VALE - 05-21-2022

graphic gore ★ genderfluid ★ twenty-two eyed wolf
The white wolf landed in front of the red pyramid. Shaking out vis fur, ve sighed and stretched vis wings. Flying to the Enclave, then to Tanglewoods, all while overseeing the outpost and fortification construction the whole week was exhausting. But Vale preferred these tasks than the mind-meltingly numb task of tallying up events and promotions/demotions for the monthly meeting.

Stretching vis paws in front of ver, Vale yawned and leaned back onto vis haunches. The wings upon vis back shivered. Then severed. The limbs fell to the ground; at once, the flesh separated from Vale’s body the glossy feathers lost their shine and gloss. “That’s it, no more flying long distances as anything but a birb from now on,” Vale grumbled to verself.

Another yawn widened vis jaws as ve straightened up. Where the wings had been, the flesh oozed black as eyes bubbled out like burrowing maggots. In the time it took for Vale to spot Livingdead and lift vis muzzle in greeting, ve’d grown twenty eyes—ten where each wing’d been. “You look like shit. Anything I need to know about?” Blunt as ever, but Vale thought this a friendly greeting. Of course, Vale thought this would likely be about an outpost falling behind schedule or the coop collapsing around all of Olalla’s chickens.

Re: what was i thinking ;; monthly challenge #1 - Night of No Stars - 05-22-2022

you look like shit.

she would have laughed at this if she could truly laugh. instead, she looked at the many eyed ardent and offered a dry laugh that was very forced. well, seemed like her chance to tell vim was now or never. flattery gets you everywhere v. was it a weird flirt? maybe it was, not that she had feelings.

the woman would pick her way over to the ardent and flop onto the earth. a shiver running through her a moment. was she cold, nervous, or was it the feeling of life inside her? no one really knew. perhaps it is best you know, vale. i seem to be pregnant.

she spoke deadpan as always while trying to gage vis reaction. not that emotions were something she could read.

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template by quietly