Beasts of Beyond
HEED NOT THE VOICE OF REASON ― intro. - Printable Version

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HEED NOT THE VOICE OF REASON ― intro. - abyssjaw - 05-19-2022

AbyssJaw did not like change much. He preferred to stay in one spot--a homebody, one could say. His claws, constantly unsheathed, pressed into the soft dirt below his giant paws, his normal scowl deepened as he took in the clan festering below him. He had enjoyed his life before. There was less crowds, less conversations, and it was much, much quieter. Subtle. Now, however, he was tossed into the fray of what felt like a thousand cats, all swarming below him. The tom flicked what was left of his tail, having been shortened after a fight with a dog.

He turned and headed to the edge of camp after constantly being bumped. For a large cat, he tried to make himself seem small. Every time he moved his paws under his own body, the cats around him immediately occupied the space around him. It was becoming such an issue. He sat down and licked at his leg, where a cat had tripped and, with their claws out, tried to stop themselves from toppling over. Unfortunately for AbyssJaw, those claws sunk into his fur. It stung, but it wasn't as bad as most injuries he had sustained.

The tom watched with his dark orange eyes as he continued to lap at his leg and wrist, then he swiped his large paw behind a torn ear. He resumed licking, his stubby tail occasionally flicking. He hardly ever spoke to anyone around him now, only nodding his head and complying to orders. He did as he was told, and never bothered to ask questions. He was listening to a conversation near by before it had dissipated and the cats parted, either leaving camp for a hunt, a patrol, or just going further into camp to continue taking up space.

AbyssJaw dropped his paw to the ground and continued to scowl.

[div style="font-size: 22px; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 3px 2px 1px black;"]HIGH HOPES
tom - soon to-be shadowclan - attack in RED

Re: HEAD NOT THE VOICE OF REASON ― intro. - Cobra - 05-22-2022

the she-cat was still getting used to this sort of thing. new faces and new ways of life. she was not used to it in the slightest. so, in many ways, she understood how abyssjaw felt. yet, in other ways, she did not understand him at all. she watched the scowling tom and she decided to stroll up to him.

stopping behind him, she would decide to introduce herself. hello. i'm vixenfrost. may i join you in watching the others? seems better than going on a patrol. she had to admit. he was rather handsome. but, she was not looking for a mate any time soon. so, she was genuinely just looking for company this time.

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Re: HEED NOT THE VOICE OF REASON ― intro. - abyssjaw - 05-24-2022

AbyssJaw hadn't even noticed that VixenFrost had snuck up on him, and it showed through a brief bristle of fur, to which he calmly smoothed with a flat tongue. He studied the she-cat before slowly nodding, pointing his paw towards the spot next to him. He set said paw, which he was just using to wash himself moments before, onto the ground and turned his broad head to watch the crowd around him.

"I'm AbyssJaw." He nodded his head, tail flicking once more.

The tom wondered how long VixenFrost had been watching him, if she had been at all, or if she had just seen him. He resumed cleaning, this time using his other paw, inviting the molly to be sat next to him without completely ignoring her. His ear flicked up after his paw swiped over it, and he then turned his attention back to her. A question formed on his tongue, and he slightly opened his mouth to say it, but he changed his mind, instead orange eyes continued to study her like before, though calculating.

"I don't think I've seen you before." He drawled out after a while. "Then again, there's so many cats here, they all melt together." His usual scowl shifted into a slight smile, if one could call it that.

[div style="font-size: 22px; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 3px 2px 1px black;"]HIGH HOPES
tom - soon to-be shadowclan - attack in RED

Re: HEAD NOT THE VOICE OF REASON ― intro. - Cobra - 05-24-2022

the she-cat moved up next to him to take a seat. ears twitching as she looked to the larger tom a moment. his name suited him, that was for sure. she could feel his eyes on her and she let her gaze shift away to the busy bodies below. after a moment, the molly let her tail curl about her paws.

his mention of not seeing her was met with a purr of amusement. correct in assuming you haven't seen me around much. she mused as she looked back to the tom. tilting her head back to meet his gaze. i try not to stay in camp to often. its far to crowded and not a lot of high places to lounge about on.

she mused as she tilted her head slightly.

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template by quietly

Re: HEED NOT THE VOICE OF REASON ― intro. - abyssjaw - 05-25-2022

AbyssJaw hummed in response when she spoke, and the tip of his tail would have flicked, but instead the stub just wiggled. "It seems like every time I lift a paw, the space immediately gets occupied." His scowl had returned as he turned to watch the bustling in camp.

He hadn't thought of leaving camp, maybe finding somewhere else to hide out, but he shook his head and continued to lap at where he was scratched earlier, closing his brilliant orange eyes. Normally he'd be bristled when sitting next to somebody, as they would most likely be right up against him due to the lack of space, but it was nice to both be sitting without anyone else touching him, and to also be sitting with someone who understood his displeasure with the ungodly amount of cats.

It felt like AbyssJaw couldn't catch a breath.

[div style="font-size: 22px; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 3px 2px 1px black;"]HIGH HOPES
tom - soon to-be shadowclan - attack in RED

Re: HEED NOT THE VOICE OF REASON ― intro. - wifewoof - 05-27-2022

she/her - chartreux - thunderclan - tags
Misty stumbled as she was accidentally pushed aside again by the amount of cats in a single place. Her normally carefree expression was replaced by a glaring scowl, as her blue-gray fur started to bristle as she gave a hiss of annoyance. Her words were lost to the one who absently bulldozed over her just kept on going in a rush. She sourly realized she should've just stayed out of camp like she planned, she hadn't scavenged the streambeds and riverbeds today for anything for her, or anyone really. Trudging over to where less- "Of course there's more here." She faintly curled her lip, but tucked herself into a small loaf anyway, distinctly not touching any of the other two.

"This entire camp is a disaster waiting to happen." Misty offered as a low growl to indicate she's not upset at the current company, but the camp situation.
template by quietly

Re: HEED NOT THE VOICE OF REASON ― intro. - Cobra - 06-05-2022

another she-cat joined them and felt the way they seemed to. that was good, or perhaps it was bad. if something happes, we could lose a lot of cats. no way everyone would get out in a fire or flood or attack. they would trip over each other. she stated in agreement as she lowered herself to the ground. watching kits running wild below them. she wanted to scream at someone, anyone, to take control.

yet, they had no leader. no structure. how did no one find that odd? blinking, she would look between her two companions a moment. maybe we should all go find somewhere outside camp to enjoy some quiet. fresh air would do wonders for us, i hope.

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