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bubblegum bitch + introduction - Printable Version

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bubblegum bitch + introduction - Guru - 03-18-2018

What a wonderful world it was, wasn't it? Guru liked looking at the beautiful territories that she passed on the way here. Tanglewood was too bland, The Observatory was too modern, and Snowbound was too cold. But the Typhoon? Now they were original. A volcanic isle with a jungle! How exciting. It brought Guru a sick sense of joy to see such an amazing sight compared to the rest of the boring and sick territories. Hence why she called this home. Even if the fuckers living in it's amazing scene were slightly idiotic and rather annoying... but that was her opinion. She would have to deal with it if she wanted a home.

The member of the Typhoon Tyrants, the warbound guild, rolled over onto her side as she laid in the middle of the jungle. Nearby was the volcano, but she paid no attention to that. It was not bound to erupt(hopefully). In the meantime, the caracal spread out and did a full body stretch that was paired with a wide yawn. "Now that's what I like," she enthused with a smirk. Things were going swell.

Re: bubblegum bitch + introduction - vellichor - 03-18-2018

Daphne wasn't quite sure what to think about her new home. She liked it, she supposed. It was certainly better than the only two other places she lived. It was far better off than the little village she'd called her home for most of her mortal life and it was better than the Otherworld, where toxin bubbled just beneath the pristine surface. Here, she had nothing to fear other than perhaps one of her new friends would mistake her for some type of food, which was easily stopped by speaking up. She wasn't sure what made the difference between some animals in this strange world speaking and others being incapable of communication but it was something that greatly interested her. What stopped all the insects and even other birds, like herself, from speaking their mind and joining these groups the animals had formed? She was sure it was some type of magic, though nothing like what she'd ever seen.

She was pulled from the thoughts of magic and worlds and preferences when she heard a loud yawn and then an unfamiliar voice that followed. The tiny avian fluttered towards it and smiled (could she smile with a beak? She wasn't sure, though she was certainly trying) before speaking up, "Um, hello. My name's Daphne. I don't think we've met."

Re: bubblegum bitch + introduction - Guru - 03-19-2018

There went her silence.

The female's body curved around and rolled onto her other side to face the beaked figure who managed to sneak up on her relaxation time. Though, she was open to new experiences. Her once mischievous smirk twisted into a magnificent grin as she stared up(or down?) at the bird. "Aren't you a cute creature," came her delighted purr, a hint of sarcastic joking to her tone. "Wish I could find a body like that, but this hunk of junk will do." Of course, she was kidding once again. 'Gotta say... I'm quite nice on the eyes though.'

She pushed herself to her feet and began to encircle the avian slowly. "Why, it's a pleasure to meet you Daphne," she offered. "My name is Guru. Remember it, will ya?" Her grin grew wider. "Never seen you wandering around the Typhoon before." Guru paused in thought then continued. "Where have you been?" The caracal's head craned off to the side. Maybe this was a newcomer to their newest humble abode?

Re: bubblegum bitch + introduction - the trash man - 03-20-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family: verdana; line-height: 109%; text-align: left; color: black; padding: 20px;font-size: 12px;"]Slightly amused by those who were in wonder of all the sights The Typhoon had to offer, Daphne supposed that desensitisation had jaded their views on how peculiar it might seem to others to live in an isolated island. Albeit the island wasn't so isolated anymore with a newly uncovered path to the other groups arising. Still in the awe and amazement of other the Asson merely laughed at their peculiar reactions to what the boy had grown up with and come to love like a mother; the land was his mother. His second mother. Never would this mother wither or turn away his love because the island's affections were unconditional. Daphne guessed that had to be his favourite part about the island. His home - the home he was excited to share with others - others like Guru and the smaller Daphne ahead on the horizon.

Both were familiar faces, albeit in the grand scheme of things rather new, they were new in the light of the fact that joining members were arriving at The Typhoon's doorsteps at a rate of which Daphne found himself in amazement at. Like somehow or somewhere The Typhoon was being advertised. But who would do such a thing? Maybe everyone just collectively were drawn by the island's energy, and Daphne was proud. "Excusez-moi, mind if second Daphne butts in here?" Smiling visage spread widely across his face, Daphne bit his cheek idly as his milky gaze drifted between the pair before speaking up once more in a confident and amiable tone. "Adjusting to life in The Typhoon well? I'd love to here what you two think." It was his job as the leader, co-leader.

Re: bubblegum bitch + introduction - vellichor - 03-20-2018

"Oh! Thank you! I didn't really pick it out, though," The girl answered with a wide smile. If anything, this bird had been born out of necessity, in a desperate attempt to escape a world she apparently knew very little about. It'd been a terrible experience overall but she had to admit that being a bird had it's benefits. If only she'd been able to be something this small when she'd needed to spy for the Otherworld, for her doe. Well, no, she supposed now that wouldn't matter. If anything, she should be thankful for how ineffective her body had made her then. The entirely situation was confusing and painful to think about. She needed to move on, to think about something. "Oh, you shouldn't say that. I think you look lovely." Comforting words. Caretaker words. A part of her wanted to be repulsed by her natural reaction, one that had been ingrained in her by such a horrible place, but it was all she had.

"Oh, I think it'd be hard for me to forget." She remembered every name. Even after all this time, all the faces and names. She remembered it all. One more was nothing. "I actually just came here recently, which is probably why we haven't met yet," she explained before her gaze drifted to Daphne. "Technically, wouldn't I be the second Daphne? You were here first, after all," she giggled. "And I love it here so far! It's very... free."

Re: bubblegum bitch + introduction - Guru - 03-21-2018

Another's words met her ears, only to mention that their name was also Daphne. There was another one? How interesting, really. Guru's ears perked momentarily, her head craning off to the side out of curiosity. It seemed like fate for them to align, really. Yet, she kept that to herself, as it would be rather odd to bring up the occurrence yet again, as she assumed they got it a lot. Luckily they were easily distinguishable besides their names. "You may butt in, first Daphne," she enthused jokingly. "Thank you for giving me another name that I don't need to remember." All these joiners within her group was quite the annoyance.

He wanted to hear her opinion? Well damn, then she'd boast about it. "New territory doesn't hurt," she drawled on. "Just needs a bit more... warbound action, I suppose." Getting her paws on something other than a nice piece of dinner would be nice.

Re: bubblegum bitch + introduction - The Tombs - 03-21-2018

"I'm sure there will be a lot of that once we get a grip on what the hell we're doing." Now entered the massive yet surprisingly well-groomed form of the snow-white Siberian tiger, who carefully examined the female before him. "I am Iosef. A pleasure to meet you, Госпожа." There would be many introductions he would have to make over the course of his time here, and this was only the beginning. He figured that all that "warbound action" Guru yearned for would come in time, when the hierarchy was set in place and the Typhoon made use of every nook and cranny in their domain. Sure, they could start all that pillaging fun now, but without a chain of command it could very well be dysfunctional and reckless. He'd be more content with the latter, but now the desire to explore the world and seize it for himself (and the Typhoon) was only growing more and more.
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