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just tell me i'm burning out ⚘ traveling merchant - Printable Version

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just tell me i'm burning out ⚘ traveling merchant - aesior - 05-13-2022

✯ — it just sucks to try and explain
the coalition of the condemned, a place he hadn't much about, but he'd heard members of this group were responsible for the murder of a reaper ranked individual within his home group, tanglewood. he had heard of the departing patrol to go deal with the issue, and he'd wished them luck. he hadn't known the deceased and therefore had no input aside from being a servant of death himself. his job would have been to collect the soul and deliver it to his reaper, if his reaper roamed these lands as well. there was only so many souls he could collect before they began to negatively affect him.

pushing through the strange territory, the merchant would come to a stop at a scent-lined border, the tom swiveling his head as he studied the border, rubbing his side against a tree to scratch an itch he couldn't reach. resting at his side was a satchel filled to the brim with many different items to trade and use. he was excited to see what they could trade with him, and he with them.

Re: just tell me i'm burning out ⚘ traveling merchant - SOJOURN - 05-22-2022

Of course he had heard all about the little issue that was happening with Tanglewood. He found it amusing only because the two were stupid enough to get caught. He had not. After tearing into a Tangler and devouring their tongue he was still here. And the others were unaware of what had happened. Though he doubted that it would stay undergrads for long. He would relish it the moment it came to light. The pale harbringer knew what it would mean and yet he did not care. Even the thought of it made him chuckle. There was reason to his own chaos for why should they be friends with Tanglewood, after keeping them under their claws for so long. He hated them. He would always hate them even when the one that had claimed that hatred was long gone. Black claws scored the earth as he paused, breathing in the scent of rhe swamp. One of them was here now.

Visible his pupil widened, consuming that dark grey and leaving his eye blacked out. But only for a moment as he forced himself to relax. His eyes normalized and he sighed. Tanglewood. The former Kingpin forced himself to move in their direction and the crazed entity shifted through the foliage. The chains that adorned his body clanked and clinked coldly and herald his arrival before the alabaster lion came to stand before the other. "So tell me why you have come?" Warm honey words left his muzzle, black teeth showing for a mere moment. His gaze bore into the other almost illy before he slowly sat down. The beast could contain himself.

Re: just tell me i'm burning out ⚘ traveling merchant - Agrimony - 05-22-2022

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the child was next to arrive and little feet brought her right up beside sojourn. the adults were talking, so she simply took a seat to wait a moment. ears perking as she noticed the items brimming from the bag. she shifted her little basked to the ground and looked to the stranger.

are you a trader..? she asked softly with a lace of excitement. she only had her jewelry to trade, so she doubted she could get much, but she liked the idea of browsing.

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template by quietly

Re: just tell me i'm burning out ⚘ traveling merchant - Plexus - 05-24-2022

✯ — You're not a monster, just a human
Carefully packing his travel pack, Plexus packed some extracted oils, some medicinal syrups, types of tea, an older tea set from when he was still a rogue, and some excess glass jars he didn't need. Placing his medkit on his side, he strapped the travel pack his other side, and he started at a gentle trot to the wandering trader he heard about.

His green eyes took in Zuriela, a fox kit he was incredibly fond off, like a little sister to him. With a very exaggerated bow to her, he began, "it's so nice to see you princess Zuriela." his words, and good mood, came easier today than usual, he wondered if that'd change before tossing the thought away. His gaze landing on Sojourn, a slight chill overtook him but he shook it off and offered, "Hello, Sojourn, I don't see you around very often."

Drawing himself up from his bow, Plexus gave a soft smile at the merchant, "Hello, my name is Plexus. What sort of wares are you carrying currently?"

Re: just tell me i'm burning out ⚘ traveling merchant - aesior - 05-30-2022

✯ — it just sucks to try and explain
the arrival of the others wasn't missed by him, offering polite bows of his head to each of the three. the aura around the alabaster lion was .. a bit chilling to be honest, but he couldn't fault the groups for having beef with any other. it was only a part of life, he knew. smiling at the small fox and then again at plexus, happy to see animals more his size. not that it mattered, when goods were involved. coughing to clear his throat, he withdrew his notebook from his satchel and laid it down to write within it.

'hello. i am here to trade, independent of my home group. my name is aesior. yes, little one, i am a trader.' he would write, nodding his head to plexus before shrugging from his satchel and laying out it's contents in a neat array before himself, writing once again. 'i do have more items of a larger scale at home, and i am able to find most of what any would wish for.' his paws would busy themselves with pulling out teas, bundles of hard to collect herbs, seedlings in bags of organic material, a few medicinal balms, smoked fish, and a small variety of different kinds of jewelry with a few different tools to use for gardening.