Beasts of Beyond
we're burning into feeling blue ⚘ traveling merchant - Printable Version

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we're burning into feeling blue ⚘ traveling merchant - aesior - 05-13-2022

✯ — it just sucks to try and explain
the sea, he couldn't pass up the chance to see it at least once more in this life of his. he'd spent so long inland that the chance to go to the coast was an opportunity he cherished. it was also filled with many other opportunities and chances, he truly just wanted to go for a swim in the brine-y water, that, and he couldn't wait to get his paws on the items these folks had to trade. perhaps he was a bit giddy as he all but danced through the water that occassionally overlapped the railroad tracks leading into the heart of the typhoon's territory. it was a long distance to travel, but the tanglewood merchant was happy to do it, if only just to see the sea and play in the waters, even if his home's land faced the sea as well. a proper beach sounded so nice to him, and he only had faint fading memories of a different lifetime where he'd been allowed to play to his heart's content, watched over by a loved one and watching over two children of his own.

hanging at his side was his trusty satchel, holding within it many things to offer for trade as well as his own notebook that described what each flower he grew meant, and where he could write when asked to interact. walking up to the grand gates that marked the entrance to the islands of the typhoon, he would reach up and pull on the rope for the bell, otherwise deciding that nobody would find him here for quite some time. it must be a grand land beyond these gates, and the merchant was curious to see it; the legends and rumors of the pirates that lived here didn't scare him, he had seen far more scary things. sitting down politely, the tom would look down into the basket he had brought with himself, various things within it including bags of plants and herbs he'd picked, grown and dried himself.

Re: we're burning into feeling blue ⚘ traveling merchant - ROSEMARY - 05-13-2022

[td][div style="background:url(; font-family: arial; background-size: cover; background-position: center; min-width: 200px; min-height: 450px;"]
Rosemary followed the scent of Tanglewoods carried by the sea breeze, and it led her, predictably, to a Tangler feline enjoying the beach. He’d politely chosen to stick close to the railroad tracks—even if Tanglewoods and the Typhoon hadn’t been on bad terms for as long as Rosemary could remember—and let his guard down playing in the waves, so the witch assumed he was friendly.

“Hello there, are you here for politics or just visiting?” Rosemary tapped the rim of her witchy hat, subconsciously trying to hide her extra eyes from sight. It didn’t usually bother her when newcomers stared, but there had been many lately, and she didn’t appreciate the negative attention. “I’m Rosemary Roux, a healer here in the Typhoon. What’s your name?”

peace comes at dawn, but yours comes at night

Re: we're burning into feeling blue ⚘ traveling merchant - Scyllios - 05-16-2022

"Ancient Dreams in a Modern Land" tags ── The sea current was what brought Scyllios to the duo, rather than the breeze. Standing with the water at shoulder-length, vis eyes watched, only opting to step closer when vey heard Rosemary speak. The gentle waves lead vem on, and as the water got shallower and shallower, vey shook vis fur. The cephalopod tail swayed gently, then curled up and rested upon vis back. Vey tilted vis head, blank face examining the small feline. Vis tail shifted slightly, but vey didn't mind.

Re: we're burning into feeling blue ⚘ traveling merchant - aesior - 05-30-2022

✯ — it just sucks to try and explain
Seemingly all too soon, would a voice drift by him and catch his ears, the Tom's fur ruffling in surprise. He'd let himself get carried away in his play and had dropped his guard, not that he needed to be on edge here. As far as he knew, there was no tension involved between the groups, nor for some years at least. Before his time was a mystery. Turning with a few quick links to smoothe the lifted fur, bowing his head in greeting towards Rosemary.

This was a day not unlike many before where he wished he could speak properly, and not by written word. Raising a paw to his throat, tapping it and his muzzle in an indication of inability to speak, the tom would draw his treasured notebook near and write in it before offering the book to the driest piece of land that he could find. Within it, the contents read, 'Visiting. I'm a bit of a merchunt merchant. I have wares.', before he paused, sensing the arrival of another and offering a dip of his head and a smile in Scyllios direction.

Reaching for his satchel and to open its many compartments, he paused, realizing he'd been asked for his name. Well, he was quite bad with his manners, wasn't he? Writing once again, the tom smiled sheepishly, 'Aesior Opheles. "Aye-Sea-Oar". A pleasure to meet you, Rosemary.' he would then set his satchel down as well before pawing through it to bring out its contents, paws passing over fragrant satchets of tea and other dried herbs, picking over a few pieces of jewelry within. His thoughts had been about what this group might have desired or wanted, and he'd just managed to think of a few things at first.

Second to last were a variety of spices that he'd traded for with others, a variety of rough-hewn blades and scissors, gardening tools, different glass containers among other things, dried fruits of different lands alongside different kinds of dried meat and cheeses. Pausing for a moment to write again, 'I can also procure items that you might not see before you. I am reliable four for getting requests.', the collection of what he had on hand was small, he intended to gather more items as he went, and the bigger items he had in possession were at home. Wouldn't it be nice if he could teleport items? Though, that seemed a bit more of a fantasy ability, even considering the majority of the abilities he'd seen in those around him. Was there truly a line where reality was drawn?