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i can't see another way ⚘ traveling merchant - Printable Version

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i can't see another way ⚘ traveling merchant - aesior - 05-13-2022

✯ — it just sucks to try and explain
the trip into the desert-like territory had been just as brutal as it had been the first time that he'd entered into tanglewood's swamp and found his home in a place that he hadn't known had existed. a place he wanted to make his family, people he wanted to make friends and family of. family wasn't always blood, and he knew that better than most. a place that was now home to the wanderer, a place that was safe enough for him to put down roots - it didn't seem like the group was going anywhere, but it had seemed that way when the golden eye had just disappeared seemingly overnight. he'd gone out to do trading and when he returned, they were all gone, and he was left to wonder what had happened. each tortishell and each rabbit he came across made his head turn. was it arlo and fragglerock? no. they were lost for good now.

taking a deep brath and exhaling, the tom looked up to the sweltering sun overhead and shook out his pelt, checking on the satchel on his hip and the canteen of water that he carried with him. pausing in the shade of a few trees that had begun to grow again in the burned wreck of the pitt's jungle, he sat down and took it from around his frame, twisting off the cap and taking a mouthful to soothe his burning throat. after twisting the cap back on, the tom would cough faintly, putting his paws on top of his tail to try and alleviate the burning pain that the hot sand brought him. he'd been too accustomed to the swamplands to worry about the desert, and what a mistake it had been. sitting now close to the border, he leaned his body against a tree trunk with a yawn, trying to scoop out sand from just between the roots to make a cooler resting spot for himself. sitting in the hollow he'd made, the tom would turn his head about, waiting for the first to come across him. his satchel sat at his side, his notebook withdrawn and laid at his paws with it's companion pencil bound to its side with leather wrappings, it was the mute individual's primary way of communication aside from growing flowers upon his shoulders and back.

Re: i can't see another way ⚘ traveling merchant - VALE - 05-16-2022

graphic gore ★ genderfluid ★ california condor
The condor glided down to the border. Feathers ruffled—announcing vis arrival—as ve landed on a tree branch. The visitor was lucky Vale hadn’t been napping upon the border amongst the corpses; ve’d startled a fair few, but ve supposed it was for the best, considering the stranger smelled of Tanglewoods.

“You’ve come a long way from your swamp, stranger.” The voice from vis beak was dry, raspy. “What’s your business here?”

Vale’s three red eyes flickered to check the surrounding area. While the bloodthirsty Pittians could always be trusted to defend their border, they’ve been known to be… zealous in their efforts. Even Olalla’s announcement in the meeting that he was seeking an alliance with the Tanglewoods might’ve been forgotten.

How unfortunate it’d be if Vale needed to reinforce both ardent’s will for a simple misunderstanding. And what a bad look, in front of a potential ally! Hopefully the other Pittians would read Vale’s cues.

Because, really, a traveling merchant from a swamp could have loads of goodies to trade which were difficult to find in the desert.

Re: i can't see another way ⚘ traveling merchant - aesior - 05-25-2022

✯ — it just sucks to try and explain
Turning his head up to the sky above once more as a voice descended upon his ears, gray eyes holding the three red ones for a moment before blinking, registering. Fur ruffling on his shoulders in surprise and embarrassment he offered a shy smile to the flying creature, tapping at his throat and notebook jn an effort to show he couldn't speak.

Hoping that the ardent would descend to come and speak with him, well, ve could speak and he'd just write his answers or shore vem his wares. There was always a way around language barriers, even one such as his. Opening the notebook, he would find a less cluttered page before licking his paws and beginning to write. I'm hear here to trade. Distances are long for travelers, we are a wondering wandering kind. I am Aesior., he would motion to bring g his satchel forth and flip it open.

Within the confines of leather laid various bottles of medicinal balms, rolls of linen bandages, needles of bone, leaves wrapped and tied around some bundles of jerky and dried roots, least of all a few bags of tied satchets of fresh tea leaves and various bags of seeds. He wasn't sure if the seeds would grow out here, but alas, they were leftovers from his planting before his little trip. On an outer pocket he would open to reveal a variety of jewelry; of necklaces, rings, bangles, and more, his own twin earrings glistening in the sun's light. I also offer Smith services., he may as well put it out there as well. He had more wares back home in Tanglewood, but this body was too small to carry anything more than this satchel. Perhaps he needed to pick up a basket for his travel. It's not like he'd need a rested jaw to talk.

Re: i can't see another way ⚘ traveling merchant - Olalla - 05-25-2022

Olalla G. Semenov
Male— Ardent— The Pitt— Bio.— Plot
It seemed that wherever Vale snooped off to, Olalla was soon trailing behind; bothering the goopy beast with potential upgrades. And it wasn't long before the Ardent had appeared behind vem, still blabbering about pens and water and shelter and anything in between.

Golden eyes stopped to assess the grey feline, his nose curling in a grimace. Cats, it was always fuckin cats. What was it about The Pitt that drew the attention of so many cats. Was it the heat? The sun? Olalla grumbled and peered down at the tom, after all he was barely the size of his forearm. He squinted to see what the little creature had written upon the notebook before finally craning his head downward to get a better look, which made him a ridiculous sight to say the least. "Well," the Ardent articulated as he sat forward. "We are glad to have you, i suppose. We are open to trade as well. Though considering we're living in a wasteland-"

The behemoth looked at the condor, a brow slipping into a raised one before looking back toward the feline. "I see you've brought plenty of wares," Olalla stated awkwardly, trying his best to keep the very one sided conversation going. "May i look around? I am very much interested in buying."