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if i did, i didn't know // pitt ardent, open - Printable Version

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if i did, i didn't know // pitt ardent, open - VALE - 05-12-2022

graphic gore ★ genderfluid ★ skeletal hyena
The skeletal hyena stood upon the Enclave’s border. Vis nose curled from the disgusting scent marks wafting from the line of redwood trees. Why couldn’t everyone else pick up the idea of using corpses and bones as a border? Rot smelled far sweeter and less acidic than urine.

Stepping back to avoid gagging, Vale exhaled a flame to singe the grass underfoot. Might as well smell smoke and fire instead of this awful stench. Especially if it took a while for a damned patrol to find ver. And maybe the ardent was here for frivolous reasons—totally here for frivolous reasons—but Vale was stubborn regardless of whether ve had a good or shit reason for doing anything.

Vale heard a rumor about a direwolf in The Enclave possessed tremendous blacksmithing skills. And while Olalla thought of practical ways to improve the Pitt’s territory, Vale hated how drab and boring everything looked, so ve was determined to stick it to Olalla by commissioning the arts. What was the point of sitting on gems, gold, and stolen wealth if the Pitt’s territory remained a complete and total eyesore?

“Aye, Greek alphabet worshipers!” Vale screamed into the redwood forest. “I’m looking to commission your blacksmith Sora for an art project, and if I have to smell your goddamn urine for one more second I’m going to burn the whole forest down!”

[member=23398]Sora Hoshi[/member]

Re: if i did, i didn't know // pitt ardent, open - Cobra - 05-12-2022

the call for her name brought her to the boarder swiftly. the galaxy dire wolf would pause when she heard the reason and let her eyes shift over the pitts ardent. the woman was a bit surprised by the visit, but she was going to keep up a good face with the groups she visited and this was how to do it.

play nice with others.

that would be me. she greeted as she took a few steps closer. was she  true blacksmith? not in the sense of what one viewed. no, she was a weapon smith, but she could make anything given time. she would do anything for the right price when it came to her craft. that price may seem silly to most, but not to her.

birds of prey.

she loved them and she was planning on training them. she wanted as many s she could handle and then some. she would need an aviary when they were older, but details. what can i do for you? she offered as she looked over the hyena before her.


a strange thing to be summoned by someone so high in stature. yet, she was happy to be able to help. if only for the sake of her clan. or for that lovely chance at new birds.

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template by quietly

Re: if i did, i didn't know // pitt ardent, open - VALE - 05-12-2022

graphic gore ★ genderfluid ★ skeletal hyena
Vale snorted sparks as the dire wolf appeared. Fucking finally! Ve’d been considering following through on vis threat. Thankfully, the alphabet canine appeared quick enough that her home wouldn’t need to worry about putting out a wildfire.

“Ah, perfect, Sora the blacksmith is here. I’m assuming you know who I am?” The hyena didn’t wait for an answer before ve sat down and stuck a boney paw up vis exposed ribcage. Vis skullface didn’t change in expression, but ve rolled vis eyes. “Ugh, one second, it’s in here somewhere.”

Vis toes grasped the corner of the papyrus. With a flourish, Vale pulled it out and held it out for Sora to take.

The design. I don’t know shit about metalworking, so I leave the execution up to you. But I want it to have three snake heads, because that’s rad as fuuuuuuuuck.” Vale scratched at vis lower jaw with a claw. “So? Are your skills up to the task? And don’t worry about transportation—there are several dragons in the Pitt who’ll move it for me.”

Re: if i did, i didn't know // pitt ardent, open - Cobra - 05-12-2022

she watched vim with a bit of stunned silence. ve just stuck a paw inside vimself. it was the wildest thing she had ever witnessed. that was pretty wild considering her death was in a tornado and that was insane. well, of course i know you, vale the ardent of the pitts. would be silly not to.

silly indeed.

sora the blacksmith had a nice ring, but she would let that remain unvoiced. a calm paw reaching out to take the image and her eyes studied the offered papyrus. eyes tracing each edge and lips pursing slightly. i can do this, no problem. how big do you want it? i can make it small or the size of a door.

simple question.

she had to know the size wanted so better serve. though she could guess ve wanted huge. all i want is some sort of bird of prey. if you can find one. i can have it delivered to you easy. especially with dragons to help me. she mused as her yes flicked up to vim. waiting for vis answer.

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template by quietly

Re: if i did, i didn't know // pitt ardent, open - VALE - 05-16-2022

graphic gore ★ genderfluid ★ skeletal hyena
“Hmmmm, ardent of the Pitt,” Vale corrected. “Singular noun.”

“Size of a door,” Vale answered. Ve tapped a paw against vis chin as ve had further thoughts. ”Or the biggest you can manage, really. A three-headed statue is a statement piece, after all!”

She wouldn’t be able to tell, with vis skeletal form, but Vale was quite happy with this negotiation. A bird for a giant sculpture? Good deal. “Hmm, I believe that can be arranged. The Pitt’s territory is part desert, part jungle, so do you have a particular list birds of prey you’d like from such ecosystems? I’m assuming a fledgling will suffice, since they’ll bond easier to you than a wildborn adult.”

Vale swiped vis grey tongue over an eyeball. “And if I’m impressed with your sculpture, I will definitely consider hiring you again.” All the better if she simply wanted birds of prey; with the Pitt’s aviary, they had the supply, though birds of prey had a nasty habit of only raising up the strongest of their brood. Sora seemed like the type who would happily take a runt kicked out of its parents’ nest to keep it alive.

Re: if i did, i didn't know // pitt ardent, open - Cobra - 05-19-2022

the woman clicked her tongue softly as ve corrected her. my apologies. she offered in simple fashion before looking to the image again. eyes studying the form and taking in every detail.

vis request for door sized was noted and she nodded in turn. i can manage that. shouldn't be to hard, though it might be a few days before its ready to move. she informed vim as her eyes flicked back up casually. this would be the hardest task she ever took, and she lived it.

she lived for hard tasks. she loved a decent challenge. when ve stated that it was a deal and that ve may hire her again, her eyes lit up. consider it done. she answered with a dip of her head and she took the parchment.

rolling it neatly before placing it in her belt next to her sword. she would watch to see if ve needed anything further.

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template by quietly