Beasts of Beyond
Nothin's sacred, but it's a living! // Vale - Printable Version

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Nothin's sacred, but it's a living! // Vale - SirDio - 05-11-2022

Work. Building. Building outposts for the group. Mezrith was a lazy woman when it came to working. Her feline paws were slowly making her way toward one of the in-progress outposts that Vale was supposed to be working on. The Demoness wanted to try and help, but she mostly just wanted to talk to the gorey ardent. Vey reminded her of her old home, with all its strange and disgusting creatures. She was technically part of that group. But she never had any gorey features.

"This shit has got to be boring." She spoke as she approached the building, hoping that the ardent was there. Or at least nearby. "Would a conversation help make it less boring? Would you like some help with the shit?" She stopped before the structure, gently running her tongue over her forepaw.


Re: Nothin's sacred, but it's a living! // Vale - VALE - 05-13-2022

graphic gore ★ genderfluid ★ feathered komodo monitor
The Komodo monitor stood on the ground, toes in the mud, as ve looked up to supervise the crew. The ragtag workers—some slaves, others not—were putting in support beams for the treehouse’s second level, and Vale was doing the all-important task of tossing up the next structural piece.

Fuck if the outposts were useful, because Vale was fucking tired of doing construction for a week straight. Ve finished handing off the last piece to the crew working above, then shook off vis feathery pelt like a wet dog.

“Mezrith, if only you spoke from experience,” Vale said, flicking out vis tongue on the last word. “But, eh, you’re a tiny little thing without powers useful to building. Wouldn’t want you getting squished.”

Vale glanced up at the crew still working. Seemed like they had things handled. Though, if ve left now, chances are they’d slack off… which was not great, since they still needed to make more of these fucking outposts around the territory.

“Honestly? Yeah, I could use a distraction.” Vale scratched the feathers on vis neck, carefully, with overgrown claws. “You’re all snakey-snake like, eh? Do you swallow your prey whole like em? Or do you have boring mammal jaws? Cause I'd pay to see a little feline like you eat a capybara in one bite.”