Beasts of Beyond
track me down ;; joiner - Printable Version

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track me down ;; joiner - Night of No Stars - 05-11-2022

always dead.

a sick joke that mocked her every day. she was not dead nor was she alive. she was what she had always been. a mistake gifted life and tossed into the world. she hated every moment of it, but she never showed it. she refused to show it. it was not in her nature to show things that mattered little.

this was why the seductive woman of shadows came to this land. for some reason the sands felt familiar under paws that walked time and time again. she could not remember anything from her past and that bothered her. she didn't know where she came from or how she got there.

she remembered nothing but waking here and wandering aimlessly until these corpses caught her eye. the sands under her paws making her calm. she felt such joy here. so, she moved up onto the corpses and took a seat on the skull of a long dead wolf. the rotting flesh falling away from her feet as she sat with tail curled about tiny paws.

she was alone, but she was sure this place was her home. although she could not recall ever living here. the six month old sized woman looked out over the lands with those red tinted black orbs. anguished face telling her true age was much older than she was or looked.

she was in need of a new life, because she had no old one now. she couldn't go back to what she couldn't recall, right? was it wrong of her to want to start over and not find her past? what was there to find? it couldn't be good if she couldn't bother remembering it. the breeze making her long fur move like shadows.

she pulled her satchel closer to her frame as she studied the lands beyond the corpses. her purple mark, like a flame, on the middle of her forehead. silky fur split by two small demon horns upon her head. wings like a bats, black and red leathery things, tucked into her sides like she was hugging herself.

at first glance, most would think her a child. she was anything but one. she was a monster trying to play the odds and she was good at it. to good, really. so, the woman would settle there and wait. it was such a shame she had no powers to speak of. maybe she could have called for attention in some way.


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template by quietly

Re: track me down ;; joiner - Kold - 05-11-2022

In a way, Kold was always going to be dead. Her birth body had died, yet the soul continued to live on. It became a constant reminder that she was not in her true body, though she chose to ignore it.

Small paws moved along the sands, the lykoi cat letting out a gentle sigh. The group was full of the dead or dying, barely alive both physically and mentally. Her eyes stared at the newcomer, stopping a few feet before her. "You're treading awfully close to the Pitt's border. Who are you, and what do you want here?"
Kold Darcia NĂ­ Broin - Pitt - Marauder
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: track me down ;; joiner - Night of No Stars - 05-12-2022

the pitts.

the head of the woman turned to the a few feet from her. eyes taking in the stranger calmly. processing all she sees before dipping her head to the other. then, she raised a paw to her mouth to show that she did not speak. she would then use a claw to carve into the skull under her.

'always dead. joining.'

that was clear enough in her book. or, she hoped it was clear enough for the other to understand it. could they read? maybe they could hear her thoughts? she had no idea.

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template by quietly