Beasts of Beyond
BLISSFUL IGNORANCE [o, prompt] - Printable Version

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BLISSFUL IGNORANCE [o, prompt] - IVAN Z. BRAGINSKY - 05-26-2018

He was absolutely clueless to his condition, with a few exceptions. Zimavich knew there were gaps. He remembered, at least, in the early stages, he kept trying to go back to work. He ended up in the wrong place and he had a dog friend.
Zimavich remembered snippets and vague images, but nothing that connected and nothing that made sense. The bear didn’t know how he got any of his scars, but he remembered losing his left vision.
He knew Anakin had saved him and he was indebt to the Skywalker clan for the rest of his life.

He was okay with that.

If he did know what his illness was, perhaps he would be more panicked and paranoid about documenting Ivan Braginsky’s fall from power and respect into a Dark Lord’s guard dog.
It was better that way. Ivan was completely unaware of the fact that Vader had initially used him for an extra bit of power. Unaware that Vader only saved him to use him, take advantage of a disabled beast-

But he didn’t. If he was aware, then perhaps he knew it was better to think otherwise.

Zimavich remembered some things, though. A few things from muscle memory, inground instinct.... still-hunting.  That thing Amunet was doing. He knew how to do that.  Didn’t remember what it was called though.
The polar bear moved now, crawling out of his hole and drooling on the ground. He grumbled, letting out a distressed noise.

Speech. He knew, at least, he lost his speech. The core of it, anyway. He still understood bearspeak, but he was holding onto common by the nouns. There was another language too.... but he hadn’t used it in so long.

Zimavich rolled his shoulders, and moved, heading out to have nice day and go for a swim. Maybe his gator friends would be there!!

Re: BLISSFUL IGNORANCE [o, prompt] - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 05-26-2018