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DANCER SYNDROME • aesior - Printable Version

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The petite feline had spent a lot of time within the confines of his own home lately. Now that he was stuck in the form of a domestic cat, all he could do was helplessly clean the ginormous space. Sure, he had Vintara to help with the smaller sections, but it was up to Cory to handle most of it. Being in such a tiny form compared to his usual made this impossibly difficult, sometimes needing to enlist the help of others just to complete such a simple task. It took a shot at his pride for sure, but he needed to keep it relatively clean for the sake of his child. Plus, he truly believed it built character for the little turtle.

After today’s bucket list was completed, Corrupttimelines found himself waltzing towards the home of Aesior. The male had wanted to know how the former was doing, although there was a clear speech barrier between the two of them. Cory tried his best to understand the symbols scrawled in the journal, and while he could eventually piece them together, there was difficulty. Aesior typically seemed patient with him, much to Cory’s relief. If it were Cory dealing with himself, he was not sure he could.

Trudging over to the home, he rasped a paw against the former’s wall to gain his attention. “Aesior?

[ [member=23233]aesior[/member] ]
code by spacexual

Re: DANCER SYNDROME • aesior - aesior - 05-11-2022

✯ — it just sucks to try and explain
The thought of staying home by oneself was not something he was unfamiliar with. Or he normally wasn't, but today was a different day, the weather had drawn him out after days of unrest and staying awake without any break for his body. The joys of insomnia, driving himself to his very physical limits.

Cleaning wasn't such a strange idea, in fact, he kept his house as clean as well ... as it could be with all of his varying projects scattered about the house. For those who entered into it, they would be treated by the sight of flower beds in all matters of pots and containers he had found within the junkyard, lanterns lit close to them when the sun was down. Today, the sun was high above and he was in need of water for his plants, drawing him outside much sooner than he had thought he would be.

With the approaching swell of heat and disgusting misery that summer was, he knew the scent of decay and rot would spread through the swampland, leaving the Tom to his own devices on how best to protect his nose. With the summer would come a habit he didn't hold much enjoyment to, a habit that had been used as a coping mechanism in the past. In fact, he might have to grow more of it, tobacco, that is. This habit was usually disguised under nightfall and hidden by the scent of flowers around his home and usually sitting upon his shoulders.

His ears lifted now, shoulders deep in tasks to do to prepare for the hot weather, a pile of his belongings close to his front door for use of holding water, or to communicate. He heard a faint rasping as was followed by a call of his name, some small part of him wishing that he was back home, back in the camp of the golden eye, back with arlo and fragglerock. Cory ... he'd seen himself in the single father, at least, somewhere in there. Fragglerock had pretty much been his other son, Sethiram and Fragglerock being the two children that he had cared for. He wondered how the once rabbit had been, if he'd learned how to live in his lion body. How he would have been surprised if he'd known who his son had once been to the lands he now called home.

Right. Summoning. He was being summoned, more or less. Pausing as he backed out of the rotten floorboards and the route they'd made to the ground beneath the house, he padded towards the front door. Paw gently pressing against the silver necklace, a gift given to him by Cory, a small smile working across his maw. A gift ... it had been a long, long time since he'd received a gift. Exhaling now, he pushed towards the door, pushing it open and stepping onto the patio to see Cory. Without his knowledge, a stupid little smile came across him again, ears perking forward as he walked across the wooden boards to him.

Crouching down with a tip of his head, sticking his head through the rails on the edge of the patio, sniffing at Cory. He smelt of dust among other things, likely in the same manner of cleaning as he was. It was a good day for it, there was a gentle breeze afoot, and it felt good after being indoors for so long. Pulling back to fall into a stretch and a mighty yawn, the ever present amaryllis returning to life upon his shoulders.

Eyes shutting at a strong gale that rattled through the budding branches of the trees and bushes, tossing about old leaves of the previous fall season, left whole by ignorant paws. A soft laugh would bubble in his chest, paw raised to his maw as he opened his eyes again, watching the leaves fluttering in the air. It wouldn't do for the other to become a blockade to the leaves, reaching out to harmlessly bat at any that came close to Cory, pulling his head back from the rails and cooking his tail at him to indicate he should come onto the patio. What need did he have of him?


A soft purr passed his lips as Aesior sweeps towards the door. As the figure pushed against the door and emerged onto the patio, his smile could not be contained. It spread across his face gingerly, and was thankfully met with a smile in return. This was a soft affirmation that Aesior really did enjoy his presence, which was of course a comfort to himself. After all, he would hate to believe that he annoyed the former.

As he was sniffed, Cory resisted the urge to move towards the mute clanmate and meet noses. He wasn’t sure why the impulse had been there, but he did know it was strong. As the leaves fluttered, Corruottimelines would giggle as well and swat at them harmlessly, just before being silently invited onto the patio. Of course, he followed.

Stepping onto the old wooden boards, he turned his head to Aesior and let out a gentle rumble. “I needed a break from cleaning, so I figured I would come see you,” he said with a smile.
code by spacexual

Re: DANCER SYNDROME • aesior - aesior - 05-11-2022

✯ — it just sucks to try and explain
the smile that stretched across his lips would widen, the other a very welcome sight to him, though he couldn't quite place why he felt a small twinge in his chest as his heart picked up pace. odd, he wasn't scared of cory, in fact, he truly enjoyed the other's presence, which made it all the more strange. very few people could ever truly bother the mute, but they were out there, he just hadn't come across them. those that knew him, would say that he was probably the most patient individual they had ever seen, it took a great manner of things to cause him to snap and lash out. such things were usually in the form of his charges should they encounter any form of endangerment, and the few that he could hear speaking horrible things when he just wished to ignore them. yet, it took a lot of prodding and poking before his calm self disappeared into a creature of irate rage, and cory was nowhere near close to that outcome.

had he known of the impulse the other had felt, maybe he wouldn't have held back on the own strong impulse to reach out to him and touch him. suddenly, being near him had him questioning each action he took, impulsive or not. smiling at cory as he came upon the patio, reaching out despite himself to the other feline and attempting to brush off leaves that were caught in his fur. turning after, sneezing lightly as if to try and brush off or ignore that he had made an attempt towards the other. settling himself on the boards after retreating indoors to gather his notebook and pencil, returning back outside. offering cory a warm smile, warmer than any other he'd shown in a long time, 'you caught me in the midst of cleaning, not that i mind.' he chuckled softly to himself as he scrawled his notes within.


When in his wyvern form, one could seldom debate Corrupttimelines’ patience. On most occasions, he was as cool as ice. Little got on his nerves, and he was tolerant of many. Though, he considered killing them all. Children were particularly joyous beings for him, after all he had always wished for a family. He was a child murderer.

As leaves were swept from his fur, the tom looked to Aesior. He felt his heart rate quicken, and his eyes fluttered. Should he not have fur, a thick blush probably would’ve peaked upon his face. A few throat-clearing coughs exited his maw, and then he blinked with a large smile. Rarely had anyone ever seen the former smile so wide, especially considering his past. He did not deserve to be happy, he was a monster.

As the male went after his notebook, Corrupttimelines waited patiently. His mind wandered slightly, but quickly returned to him as he smiled and read the note. “Great minds think alike,” he remarked with a purr, just before turning his attention inside. The sun was barely above the clouds, collapsing behind them gingerly. Delicate hues looked as if they were painted onto the sky, and thus Corrupttimelines would turn to Aesior once more.

Do you…want to go inside?
code by spacexual

Re: DANCER SYNDROME • aesior - aesior - 05-13-2022

✯ — it just sucks to try and explain
a family ... he missed his own, but even the small faces of his children were memories he could not forget, not even the faces of his adopted children. they were all important to him, reasons to keep going even through the worst of agony that he faced, even through the worst of the feelings he might encounter. in fact, the child that followed after cory often brought him concern, he was glad that cory had taken vintara in, otherwise he feared for the child. he had yet to recover from the emotional and mental blow that the disappearance of arlo and the golden eye had brought him, he had worried about being able to form bonds with anyone else in his time here, he worried about the children especially, for he had always wanted to grow close with those here. he wanted to find a family here once again.

at the action of clearing the leaves from cory's fur, he was all the ever more grateful that he was able to turn away quickly. hearing his coughs, he felt his face heat up under his fur and slightly shook his head, clearing away thoughts that he couldn't quite come to terms with, or begin to accept. gods help him, that smile ... 'no! stop it, aesior!', he would think to himself, gaze fixed on that large smile on cory's face. blinking rapidly a few times more as he retreated for the notebook. upon his return and the words spoken so warmly, he found that his face had not ceased to warm. was he coming down with a fever? raising his paw to his forehead as if he could tell so easily, looking to cory as his next words shook him out of the chaos within his mind.

offering him a smile as he cast his own gaze to the painted sky, looking back over his shoulder to the confines of his home. inside? he didn't mind, but the place was a mess. turning back to cory with a slightly wider smile than before, dipping his head, scrawling another quick sentence for the other to read, 'sure. it's quite messy though.' getting to his paws after he was sure cory had read it, he gathered the notebook and pencil he used, carrying it back inside and setting it down gently. overlooking the various planters and their lanterns, he flicked his tail softly. his cleaning had mostly consisted of trying to clean up his work desk and passion projects, sorting them into different areas. perhaps, if cory had ideas on where to locate things, then he could follow the advice. for the time being, the house itself was a mess, his bedding tossed about and untouched in several hours, perhaps days. flustering and smiling sheepishly, 'i've been busy with a lot of different small things. sorry.' he flicked his ears with his tail curling a bit anxiously. it was comfortable to him when he was tired enough to enjoy the mess as it was.