Beasts of Beyond
OUTSIDER [ SOJOURN ] - Printable Version

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OUTSIDER [ SOJOURN ] - SOJOURN X. - 05-10-2022


FULL NAME: sojourn xerxes
ALIASES:  alastair xerxes
ORIGIN: african american
PHYSICAL AGE: six years
ACTUAL AGE: six years
GENDER: cisgender male
PRONOUNS: he / him
SEXUALITY: bisexual
CURRENT: no partners
FORMER: no partners

[align=center][div style="width: 400px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]ALLIANCE & LOYALTY DETAILS:
clans the tanglewood
friends ( easy ) none
enemies ( moderate ) none

— [url=http://]main reference / voice reference
faceclaims no set faceclaim.
basics small, extremely fluffy feathered dragon with violet eyes
— sojourn is a small, feline-sized dragonoid of pale unimposing off-white coloring, generally non-intimidating in both stature and appearance. he stands shorter than many stocky felines of his age and younger, and often has to peer up to address other individuals. he is almost wholly feathered as opposed to the scales most dragons adorn, with extremely thick and fluffy off-white fur around his chest, neck, back and tail. He has two pairs of feathered wings, the larger pair settled firmly upon his shoulders while the smaller pair is attached to the base of his tail. the most striking part of his appearance is his violet, glazed over pupil-less eyes, both gorgeous and a clear indication of the non-cancerous tumor in them that causes his blindness.

POSITIVE TRAITS: calm. analytical. determined. graceful. kind. selfless.
NEGATIVE TRAITS: aloof. socially inept. selfless to a fault. stubborn.
personality type
neutral good
— it is easy to misinterpret sojourn at first glance, a fact led both by stereotypes surrounding most medics and his own often times open and inviting kindness. his soft, unintimidating presence makes it easy to assume he is as angelic in personality as he is in looks, and while this is not wholly untrue he is also much more than most give him credit for. to begin with, an overarching theme that leaks into much of sojourn's personality is his determination. there is a one minded, undivided focus that he puts into a lot of his life and philosophy, and he strives to never leave things unfinished, places unmapped, or people unexplored. he is a man who believes intimately in forming unbreakable bonds with both people and places, and spends more than enough time getting to know the bare bones of those around him not to manipulate them but to give them a hand and a friend. he is selfless to a fault, but despite that is not easy to use or manipulate, knowing his own worth and asserting his rights whenever applicable. it takes only someone suffering for him to give up everything for them, however, even to the point of putting his own well being in danger. he is not reckless because he does not care for his own life, however. he knows that he holds a power that others do not which can help others both physically and mentally, and finds it a waste to let such powers die with him without trying to use them to save those around him. sojourn is not afraid of death, and as a follower of the patron of both life and death he understands the very thin line dividing them and is at peace with that which he used to feel sorrowful about. he knows he can't save everyone, and has long since accepted that he can't save those who did not have the strength to fight, but still fights tooth and nail to save those teetering dangerously at the edge even if it causes him injury. along with his steadfast determination, sojourn has a vast, often undying kindness and patience. he is not naive nor idealistic, and understands that the world is full of pain and suffering, but knows also that he can change some of it and strives to do so. he extends a hand to all those who will take it, and sometimes doesn't take no for an answer from those who don't want his help, and acts as a beacon of pragmatic hope. he is blunt at times and does not strive to sugar coat reality but instead help others understand and accept it as he has. while often times Sojourn is rather soft spoken and calm, there is a sharp, sarcastic side to the healer that often comes out in times of conflict between him and an opposing party, and while he never strives to make insulting jabs at anyone's expense, he still has an arsenal of snarky comments he can retaliate with and does so with deadly precision. because of how long he had spent analyzing and learning to understand human emotion, he has an eerie intuition into what people are like and, by extension, what makes them tick or fall apart. it is among his most powerful weapons alongside his sympathetic nature and empathetic capabilities, often times allowing him to deescalate situations that would have blown up otherwise. sojourn is also a very smart individual, and among his favorite pastimes is philosophically musing over vast and often times convoluted subjects. he strives to listen to the stories of both the living and the dead and share them with the world as both lessons in morality and in human nature, and to show that there was only a small difference between those alive and their dead brethren. he is an individual who values taking his time exploring different sides to situations, and pities those who rush through life without stopping to ponder over the small, unseen details before they die. he finds beauty in the smallest of things, and as a result finds it easier to speak to the ghosts he sees than people, for many of the people he meets don't share his sentiments.

purchased aesthetic elementals. clairvoyance. conjuration. enhanced senses. health transfer. intangibility. invisibility. mental manipulation and communication. small mythical or extinct creature. telekinesis.

[div style="width: 400px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]AESTHETICS:

— fully blind from a non cancerous tumor; 'sees' others in the form of song.
— can phase in and out of the afterlife partially at will. sees the dead.
— thrall to lirim break, the void. holds a shard of the void within him.