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Counting crows ;; Intro - Printable Version

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Counting crows ;; Intro - Stormsnap - 05-08-2022

NEW TAB: Stormsnap - male - liliac tabby point - tags

Stormsnap wasn't out for any real reason really. Usually, he was happy to stay in camp. Camp was the perfect place to over hear a lot of things, lots of gossip from the elders, lots of imaginative worlds from the kits, lots of memories from everyone in between. The words and the constant bustling calmed the tom. He rode the waves of movement like a boat on the waves. Ever changing, but always a float. Sometimes though, the waters become a bit to much. The sky a bit too full, and the boat has to make land fall. Thats what he was doing. Grounding, he supposed. Relaxing, he supposed.
Sometimes, when he was in the open, he could hear the ones he failed behind him. Like dust, kicked up in every paw step.
He never liked being alone, perhaps they knew that. A comfort he couldn't provide them. Something they needed.
Or perhaps he was just in his head again. Probably.
The tom padded along, stopping every now and then to watch the flowers dance. He was unaccompanied today - at least by warriors.
The tom sat down at the base of a large tree. It over looked a large clearing that held mainly rocks perfect for sun bathing- but thats not what he planned to do. No, no, sun bathing? That sounded normal. Which was a slightly nice way to say 'you can do that at camp, Storm,' which was true. The tom smiled to himself as he dropped a small mouse into the clearing and hurried back into the shadows of the tree.
It didn't take long for the black birds to come. The birds came slowly, a bit cautious of the mouse, for no reason though. Storm didn't plan to hunt them, in fact quite the opposite. The tom sleeply watched the birds from the cool shade, smiling to himself as they chattered and hopped. He studied their shapes, wondering how it felt to fly.
"Prolly find out when I'm in Star Clan, I suppose."

Re: Counting crows ;; Intro - mossberry - 05-09-2022

[align=center][div style="width: 50%;text-align: justify;text-transform: lowercase; color: #a6a7aa; font-size: 12px; font-family: verdana"]muted green eyes focused on the black birds as soon as she approached. mossberry did her best to slink into the shadows to observe, though the vibrancy of the orange and splash of white on her chest gave her away. she noticed the birds paused in their feast, drawing silent as she had appeared. it seemed she wasn't as stealthy as she thought she was, or perhaps the birds were just far too observant and intelligent for her liking. either way, the molly held her breath and froze in her tracks, eyes staring directly at the feathered friends. she was oblivious to being in the presence of another of another feline, and if she were aware of that fact she would probably be quite embarrassed.

Re: Counting crows ;; Intro - canarysong - 05-10-2022

"I DONT EVER WANNA FALL" tags ── Brilliant green eyes fixated upon the swarming birds as she drew close as well, ensuring to keep herself aware of her surroundings. Her remaining ear swiveled to keep attention on noises around her, and once she realized she was not alone, a snide smirk grew on her face. The tortieshell shifted her attention to Mossberry once she could see them, and she nodded her head to show her attention. Moving swiftly, she grew closer to Stormsnap.

What’re you doin?

Re: Counting crows ;; Intro - Stormsnap - 05-11-2022

NEW TAB: Stormsnap - male - liliac tabby point - tags

"HHHHHHhoh my Star Clan, Hi," The tom blinked, stifling an embarrassed smile. He'd almost fallen asleep under the tree. Well almost was a nice word, he'd been precisely 0.0001 seconds away from rest, but he had no idea what numbers were and no way or want to communicate any of that to Canary, so instead he went with something a bit more normal.
"Hi, Canarysong." He mewed, tipping his head in greeting to the molly. He'd seen her around camp now and then, heard small rumors about the scars that decorated her pelt like badges. He'd heard that she won them by defeating a large group of rats that had found their way into the nursery. That she'd lost one of her ears protecting an apprentice from a fox. He'd heard ruder rumors too. But as much entertainment as he got from gossip, he'd also gained a nose for hyperbole; and if you asked him all of the rumors smells a bit... off. Besides, he'd rather learn from the cat herself.
"Care to join?" He made no attempt to get up, he was quite comfy in the shade, however he did shuffle aside for the molly to have space to sit down without touching him if she wanted.
"Just listening to the birds, found out a while ago if you feed them-but don't hunt them-they'll bring you things. Every once and a while I'll get something shiny. I've gotten some food once." He mewed mainly to himself, the sleepiness still evident in his voice. "They are usually," he paused to sniff the air, "louder then this...Did you bring any-Hey, whoever's there don't hurt the birds!"
He called, a few birds leapt to the sky at his call. Hope someone was there, else I've scared the birds for nothing. He pouted. Hopefully they'll still bring me something shiny.

Re: Counting crows ;; Intro - canarysong - 05-12-2022

"I DONT EVER WANNA FALL" tags ── The rumors absorbed by Stormsnap had been the farthest from true. It was true that the scars that cling to her body like honey to fur were from a fight, however it was not a fight she had initially won. It was a dog fight, a vicious and agonizingly painful one at that. Canary could still recall the sticky crimson substance sliding down her head and dripping along the grass. She could remember the smell of the dog’s slobber, and the fiendishly hungry look in its eyes. The feeling of large teeth sinking into her flesh as she kicked and screamed haunted her dreams. She could practically relive the scene at any given moment.

Care to join?

She wrinkled her nose at such a request, and shook her head dismissively. “Got to time to be laying around! I have stuff to do!” she remarked bitterly, then glanced as they hollered at Mossberry to not pester the birds. Agitation displayed on her face, mostly because they had scared away a potential meal.

Re: Counting crows ;; Intro - Stormsnap - 05-12-2022

NEW TAB: Stormsnap - male - liliac tabby point - tags

Storm raised an disbelieving brow. What stuff? Wasn't Canarysong not allowed to hunt? Being pregnant and all. What did she do to pass the time? The tom considered for a moment. Well he didn't like to hunt, but he could hardly see the molly talking with elders, watching the kits or studying plants. Well maybe she played with kits at camp? She was going to be a mother, after all. Maybe she practiced battle moves with the apprentices? Storm did that every now and then, but still.
"What have you got to do?" He playfully asked, chuckling a bit at her agitation. "Go find a better spot of sun to lay in?"
His eyes traced the crows as the few brave ones hopped about, still looking for food. Who else was out there? He scanned the area, recognizing a feline scent, but it was too thunder clan to really pick out who it was.

Re: Counting crows ;; Intro - mossberry - 05-18-2022

[align=center][div style="width: 50%;text-align: justify;text-transform: lowercase; color: #a6a7aa; font-size: 12px; font-family: verdana"]she seemed to be distracted by the birds, enchanted by the way their feathers phased to a deep green in certian angles. she was so absorbed by them that she failed to hear the conversation between the two other felines that were a distance across from her. don't hurt the birds finally broke her ears and snapped her back into her surroundings. mossberry's orange ear flicked towards the voice before she carefully scurried into the nearby bushes to make her way to stormsnap and canarysong. "hopefully I didn't scare too many away..." she muttered embarrassingly, her mismatched ears folding carefully against her skull as her eyes drifted downwards towards her own paws. "I'm sorry," mossberry added, her actions similar to one of a child who had just been scolded.

Re: Counting crows ;; Intro - Stormsnap - 05-20-2022

NEW TAB: Stormsnap - male - liliac tabby point - tags

Storm blinked turning his head to see Mossberry. His soft smirk broke into a warm smile. He didn't know much about the molly, which was a rarity for the gossiper, but she seemed nice, if not very shy. His gaze slipped over her posture, had she just made warrior? She seemed very scared. Maybe of Canarysong He thought with a small laugh.
"No worries." He mewed, attempting to catch her eye. "Theres still a good few of them," He nodded towards the few crows that continued to pick that the ground not to far from them. "I used to hunt them too, until an old friend showed me what they could bring you if you just gave 'em small bits of food. Like, well, like that."
One of the crows let out a sharp call that admittedly made Storm jump for a second. It blinked, setting one of it's deep black eyes on Storm before flying off. He had nodded towards the bundle of flowers the crow left. They waved gently in the wind, and without going over there Storm could tell that they weren't from near by.
He smiled, looking back at Mossberry. "cool, huh?"


Re: Counting crows ;; Intro - mossberry - 05-20-2022

[align=center][div style="width: 50%;text-align: justify;text-transform: lowercase; color: #a6a7aa; font-size: 12px; font-family: verdana"]after stormsnap began to speak would the Molly nervously look at him at him with clear green eyes. her ears were still folded back, though they occasionally would loosen up a bit and not lay so flat to her skull as words continued to leave his lips. Mossberry awkwardly shifted weight on her paws before looking over to the birds and back to him. "I didn't know they would bring gifts..." the femme would note, her ears finally settle in a nautral position until the caw put her back on edge. Her legs trembled beneath her and she attempted to hide behind stormsnap until she regathered herself. "I've never hunted birds before-- they're too pretty. I prefer squirrels." the calico simply said, her gaze focused on the lovely flowers in awe, maw parted slightly. "they're gorgeous..."