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euphoria and misery - Printable Version

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euphoria and misery - VALE - 05-07-2022

graphic gore ★ genderfluid ★ carnivore leopard appaloosa
Two nights after xyr breakdown, Vale strolled into the plaza. The horse’s hooves rapped against the stones. Vale’s lips pulled back as vis grey tongue swiped across rows of sharp incisors.

Ve tossed vis head, enjoying the feeling of glossy black hair in the midnight wind. The ardent considered a flashy display to announce vis return from the desert wastes, but thought better. Without clear memory of how ve left the Pitt’s heartland, ve hoped vis two day absence would’ve been largely unnoticed.

Regardless, the break had done Vale good. Vis hold over this flesh and bone was stronger, easier to envision and execute in shapeshifting; the rot upon vis flesh had diminished from deep oozing wounds to pocketmarks. And those were disguised by the spots on vis psuedo-leopard coloration.

“Hehe, no gender only gore,” Vale chuckled. Vis voice rang out with a giggle, but much lower in pitch than when ve wore the hyena skin. “And violence.”

Exhaling a satisfied sigh, Vale trotted across the plaza. Each hoof clacked with a satisfying sharpness. And the scorpion tail trailing behind, blanketed by the midnight darkness? Felt more natural than the bullshit horses usually settled for as a tail.

“Now, goddammit, could I forget how to make unretractable cheetah claws in exchange for remembering where my room is…?” Sparks rained from vis sharp teeth. “I swear I’m losing one braincell per breakdown, and I already had just the two.”

Re: euphoria and misery - JORMUNGAND Di ANGELO - 05-08-2022

[Image: 800fde61ce608e37c9c2bf58571312bb.jpg]
male — the Pitt — biopinterest board
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IC TEXT | IC opinions only

his.. partner? had been gone for two days and he had nearly lost it. loss of sleep, lack of appetite were evident on the panther, and more than once he had snapped at a random npc passing by. it was midnight, the moon bright, and he heard hooves and a cackling that sounded like... vale.
his ears pricked up and he burst out his house, standing in the moonlight and watching ver enjoy verself.
"vale?" he murmured, sure ve could hear him. ve looked different, stronger, more confident than before. less gore and something heavy dragging behind ver in the sand. slowly he made his way towards the ardent, head tilted. ve wondered where vis house was and with a soft, glad smile offered, "you can stay in my home for tonight, if you don't mind arfur being there?" he didn't intend on doing anything, he had just missed ver.

Re: euphoria and misery - VALE - 05-10-2022

graphic gore ★ genderfluid ★ carnivore leopard appaloosa
Vale’s right eye followed Jor. The lack of depth perception was annoying; two smaller eyes sprouted underneath the eye socket, dripping black sludge like tears. But there was no such emotion in Vale’s red eyes.

“Vale, yes, that is my name.” It was easier to remember, with the drugs cleared out of vis flesh. Ironic how the thing Vale ran away from closed in. It was a mistake ve continued to repeat, over and over, and Vale tired of this cycle.

The scorpion tail curled, the stinger glinting. Jor was part of that cycle. After all, hadn’t they begun ‘dating’ after an intoxicated night?

“Hmmm,” Vale snorted. Sparks swirled from vis nostrils, casting deep shadows and an orange glare against vis white fangs. “I do not think I will.”

Vis hoof scraped stones. “Go back to babysitting. I’ll remember soon enough. Or I won’t. Doesn’t matter either way.”