Beasts of Beyond
between wet & dry paws | intro - Printable Version

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between wet & dry paws | intro - wifewoof - 05-06-2022

NEW TAB: mistystream - female - chartreux - tags - profile
Mistystream didn't, for a lack of better terms, hate their old home. It had been where she was adopted, where her family lived. But, she had always yearned to be out doing something, and she still doesn't exactly know. She never cared much for her parents, and brother's, mentality of working too death. She never...really understood it. She simply did what made her happy in her downtime. She never shirked duties, or did anything by half.

The blue-gray female shivered as she sighed, tossing away family disappointment. The molly's mind then wandered to the tensions that have been rising after everyone had settled in the forest. Mistystream had to admit, her own muscles and temper were wound tight being underneath so many trees, and not even being able to breath from how many cats are piled around her. She sourly wondered if she could sneak away for a swim to clear her mind, but she didn't exactly feel comfortable traipsing around in unfamiliar territory. New home or not.

Her copper eyes half-lidded as the female decided to groom herself, 'Maybe I'll go hunting or explore some more afterwards.'[br]

Re: between wet & dry paws | intro - canarysong - 05-06-2022

"I DONT EVER WANNA FALL" tags ── Canary had definitely felt on edge lately. People kept piling up beside her, tossing nests into the mix haphazardly. They took up space, perhaps an agitating amount even. Everywhere she stepped, a nest of a new cat she didn’t know sat. Her eyes rolled in exasperation, and she began to step forward with barred teeth. Barely resisting the urge to snarl, she finally shoved her way through the trapeze of other cats, only for her eyes to land on Mistystream, who was cleaning herself. Fox-dung.

Stepping closer, she tried to tap the femme. “Might want to move before you get stomped on!” she remarked, cocking a metaphorical brow.

Re: between wet & dry paws | intro - wifewoof - 05-06-2022

NEW TAB: mistystream - female - chartreux - tags - profile
The blue-gray chartreux just continued grooming, dragging her paw slowly over her face as she loftily mewed, "Maybe I like being stomped on." With that, Misty stood and settled further away. She might not personally like Canarysong, but the tortie was still correct that she was in the way. She still hadn't gotten used to how close and camped the camp is yet.

"Camp feels too small," Mistystream suddenly scowled, quietly as she returned to her cleaning, "No room for any cat to just sit and eat, or groom. There's so many you're always stepping on someone's tail."[br]

Re: between wet & dry paws | intro - canarysong - 05-06-2022

Oddly enough, the snarky reply caught Canary by surprise. Her eyes formed into slits as she spoke, almost giving quite the verbal lashing. However, she moved just in time not to feel her wrath. Stepping further out, she huffed a loud sigh and seated herself. The following remark was replied to with a simple scoff and a nod. “You’re tellin me. About ready to start throwing claws with some of these dung-brains,” she said aloud, motioning towards the bustling camp.

Re: between wet & dry paws | intro - WHITEDOVE - 05-06-2022

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family: calibri;"] — he was passing through when he overheard the conversation, ears perking up, then flattening back, before settling into a neutral position as he padded over, offering them both a nod of greeting. "I'd advise against it," he visibly winces as his imagination lets that train of thought run it's course, before shaking his head, tail lashing once before he wills it back under control. "once we can safely expand I'm sure it'll give us more space to breathe."

still, he certainly shared similar sentiments as they did, though he tried not to show it outwardly. crowds did not sit well with him, and it was getting under his skin, transforming into bone deep exhaustion as he tried simultaneously to keep everything in order and not let it grate too much at his nerves. it was certainly difficult... but he could only try to believe in his own words, as empty as they felt to him. "I won't crowd your space, but if you need somewhere quiet to retreat to for a few moments away from camp... the secret is safe with me," he offers them both a cheeky, warm smile, before flicking his tail and moving onward towards the multitude of other tasks he had yet to get done that day. who knew moving was so labor intensive.