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if i do not find somebody soon // Kittypet - Printable Version

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if i do not find somebody soon // Kittypet - SirDio - 05-06-2022

just like a ghost
you're haunting me
Leaping over his home's fence, the orange tabby stared into the forest. A gentle breeze buffeted his fur as he leaped to the wild grass below, ignoring the cooing from his human, though his steps did halt as he scented the food they had set out for him. Time and time before, when he was still mostly dependent on his human for shelter and food, he would have leaped back over the fence. But today, strong and proud of his size and stature, sure he could fend off anything that dared to attack him, he continued into the forest. His tag that was attached to his collar was golden and had the name "King" engraved on it.

Again his steps halted. The scent of new cats flooded his senses, and he let his tail flick around in the air. King's whiskers twitched, and he lowered his body, slinking toward a bush. He was particularly thankful that his collar had no bell, which would have immediately alerted anyone toward him. But King was a massive orange tabby with a blue collar. He was like a signal fire.

Re: if i do not find somebody soon // Kittypet - WHITEDOVE - 05-06-2022

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family: calibri;"] — he had gotten used to the smell of his clanmates now, several long years making it hard not to. there was something warm about it, comforting in a way that isolation could never be, what used to be a warning now transformed into a symbol of safety and community. a symbol of hope. even here, among the new trees, far away from the lands they had to abandon in order to find a new, safer home, their scent prevailed, and frequent patrols were already being sent out to spread it across these new lands. there was without a doubt other cats living here already, though no large groups had been spotted, but it was there to keep both sides safe.

this particular patrol was being led by him, exploring the fringe borders of their new territory and making sure frequent expeditions would allow the scent to eventually stay, a permanent mark upon the land. for now the wind still carried it off far to frequently, but even then their presence was surely made known. dove wasn’t surprised to see curious faces around… though he couldn’t claim that the felines who dared to come this close and investigate were not the smartest.

”I would advise against stepping any closer to the scent marker,” his voice rung out clearly from the undergrowth, the scent of a new feline not a part of their group sticking out like a sore thumb, though not half as much as the bright, firey fur against the foliage. not that his own was any better, lending itself much better to the winter, but at least he wasn’t alone, encroaching on the property of someone else. ”we will not take kindly to trespassers at the moment,” though his voice was firm as he stepped forward, tail flicking as a signal for the others to wait behind. perhaps it was for the best that he was here; his voice was far harsher than his gaze, far softer than most likely would be towards a rogue feline, especially in their current state.

Re: if i do not find somebody soon // Kittypet - canarysong - 05-06-2022

One thing many knew was that Canary detested kittypets.

She had only ever cared for one, who showed her the twolegplace in a last-ditch effort to save her from the wild. However, she refused to stay. Being a kittypet was the lowest of the low aside from being a traitor. In her mind, a kittypet was a traitor by birthright. They already held some form of loyalty to someone else. Loyalty should never be divided. If you cared for someone or something, you should be loyal to that and only that.

It was the right way.

Coming up beside Whitedove, clearly not listening to their regard of the patrol, Canary gave the kittypet a scowl. Her maw pulled back tightly into a frown. They were really trying to show up here…with that disgusting collar around their neck? She was, frankly, offended. Her mouth opened to offer a verbal lashing, however Whitedove spoke first and she fell into silence. With all the commotion, she felt very agitated and didn’t think she’d be able to control the words to follow.

Re: if i do not find somebody soon // Kittypet - rhosmari - 05-06-2022

[align=center][div style="0px; width:400px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:grey;"]Agitation was like a flame that licked at his emotions. Claws pressed against the ground as he moved about the undergrowth, wanting to do something other than be here. Just to stop. Was not this place their destiny or something. It was clear that he was not pleased but he kept much of his thoughts to himself. His cutting sharp pinkish eyes narrowed as he lingered at the back of the grouping he had unfortunately decided to come along with. Maybe he thought that there would be something to come out of it. Rather that was true or not was to be seen as he looked along the thick overgrowth. Yet it seemed he would be getting something out of this after all. Flicking his short tail the tom would focus his eyes on the sudden stranger in their midst.

Someone who did not belong and they were pausing to see what they wanted. After all they had claimed this territory. This forest even though he thought particularly differently on that subject. With measured steps he pushed his way through the other cats, shifting to stand with his head held up as he narrowed his gaze on the cat. His nose twitched and he couldn't say for certain if he had met one with such a weird...thing on his neck. Whatever it was he didn't think he was a threat. Afterall there was more of them than him anyway. "Speak up. We don't have time to waste over here. You need something from us? Or are you just trying to be nosy?"