Beasts of Beyond
A Daylight Breeze ~Introducation~ - Printable Version

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A Daylight Breeze ~Introducation~ - Ember. - 05-05-2022

[td][div style="background:url(; font-family: arial; min-width: 200px; min-height: 450px;"]
Spadepaw | 6 moons |

Spadepaw had been aware of tension that have going on, but he had ignored it. As long as his family wasn't affected by it, it didn't bother him too much. He laid around lazy enjoy the nice breeze, plus the sun that was shining down on him. He enjoyed peaceful times, but by the sound of things, that wasn't going to last much longer.

As Spadepaw laid there, he started to think of his family and how he would do anything to protect them. He wanted to harm to come to his family and he would do anything to ensure that. Even if it meant obeying someone else. Spadepaw stretched as he sat up before letting out a yawn. He then stood up and stretched more. His green eyes shining against his black coat.

Funny thing, Spadepaw was the odd one in the litter that his mother. Mellowsprite had. With his mom being an brown tabby and his father Nightstorm being a grey stripe cat. Spadepaw always wonder where his coloring came from, but he never questioned his parents. He just figured that somewhere down one side of the family there must had been a black cat. And as the word goes, black cats were bad luck and bad luck seemed to followed Spadepaw.


Re: A Daylight Breeze ~Introducation~ - canarysong - 05-05-2022

"I DONT EVER WANNA FALL" tags ── The molly had definitely felt her fair string of bad luck. She had gotten into a debacle with her ex-mate, ended up killing him, and pregnant but alone. It was torturous existence for the femme, not to mention the unfortunate dog attack that stole her ear. Now, her only home was in a band of rogues. Swines.


As Canary came into view of Spadepaw, she simply snorted. A random cat laying around and taking up space was the last thing they needed if they wanted to be successful. He might as well of been a thorn tossed right into the middle of camp! Rolling her eyes, she sat down and looked at him.

Are you just goin’ to lay there all day?” she remarked bitterly.

Re: A Daylight Breeze ~Introducation~ - rhosmari - 05-06-2022

[align=center][div style="0px; width:400px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:grey;"]There was nothing much that he figured needed his attention right now. He wanted to start off easy with the day anyway. Normally the morning sun caused his eyes to have a fit and he was in no mood to deal with anything and anyone. Still he was openly laying in the middle of camp, bathing in the warm light of the early sun. Eyes closed he arched his paws against his chest before he let out a don't breath. A gentle sigh of reprieve as he thought about the days he needed to get his stuff together. He had plans just like any cat and plans he would try and put to use when the time arose. But for now it was peaceful.

Well it was till he heard a bitter tone sparking up. Opening one of his eyes he winced slightly before he lifted his head with a frown on his muzzle. Annoyance shown but for a brief moment before he laid his head back down. "Hopefully you can be a bit more quiet with your complaints." He spoke with a lack of care as he shifted his short tail against the ground. Spadepaw seemed to be enjoying himself so he didn't see the issue with bothering them.

Re: A Daylight Breeze ~Introducation~ - canarysong - 05-06-2022

"I DONT EVER WANNA FALL" tags ── As Swan spoke, a sharp glare was directed at them. Then, a snort followed in suit just before her stubby tail shot up and her whole body spun to face them. “Did I ask if my volume bothered you sweetheart?” she drawled, a soft hiss passing her lips. How dare they speak to her like that!

Re: A Daylight Breeze ~Introducation~ - rhosmari - 05-06-2022

[align=center][div style="0px; width:400px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:grey;"]Furrowed brow twitched as he gave an annoyed sigh, jaws parting on an exasperated sigh before he opened his gaze again. Shifting to sit up he just stared at the molly with lackluster but there was vague emotion there. Just that of annoyance and something else. But for the moment he merely rolled his pink toned gaze before shaking his head. "And I didn't ask if you had. Just keep it down. You waste too much air as it is complaining all the time." A sudden amusement pulled across his face before he laid himself back down. He was normally unphased by others and this was no different. He got along with the best of them and the most rotten, if he felt like it.

Re: A Daylight Breeze ~Introducation~ - Ember. - 05-15-2022

[td][div style="background:url(; font-family: arial; min-width: 200px; min-height: 450px;"]
Spadepaw | 6 moons |

Spadepaw frowned hearing the two. "How about both of you stop it." He said annoyed with them. He didn't like fighting, and didn't like others complaining either. The way the other two sounded was just like kits. "You know you two sound like a bunch of kits fighting over anything." Spadepaw added getting up not wanting to listen to them