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the reality here || MEETING 5/5 - Printable Version

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the reality here || MEETING 5/5 - Romulus - 05-05-2022

[Image: 41450132_oCTyo4kdcSATJIk.gif]
Things were getting quite busy within the Coalition of the Condemned. With new members coming in, corpses rising from the dead, and the Spring Equinox event coming to a close, Romulus had neglected his duty to interact with the general population. Thankfully, he had good reasoning. There were a few things he had noticed while working around the Coalition of the Condemned and wanted to address those things. It was time to do so.

The leader chose to plan his meeting at a different place for today. The Hall of The Kings. He sat at the entrance with weary eyes looking out at the grass before him, imagining the crowd that would arrive soon. A sigh left him. For working hard behind the scenes and planning out the Coalition of the Condemned's future, he couldn't help but feel unfulfilled and tired. His head craned as he pondered a day on the beach, alone with a book and the sun shining down. Thankfully, the summer was coming soon. It will all be worth it then.

Future endeavors gave him enough courage to move on from his thoughts. Leaning forward and rising to his paws, he let out a roar. "COALITIONERS AND WANDERERS ALIKE, COME TO THE HALL OF THE KINGS FOR A MEETING!"

[ Hi everyone! First of all, I want to apologize for my inactivity. As some of you know, the last month has been pretty rough for me and it's been a trip. From spraining my ankle, putting my furbaby down, catching Covid, losing my ducks, finals/finalizing my thesis, and more, life has been a bit of a rough time. I want to thank all of you have been so patient with my activity, especially as a leader and admin of BoB. Everyone kept the site clean, active, and kind during my downtime and I truly appreciate that. So thank you. I cannot say that more.

I do want to give a big thank you to [member=1079]Quietly [woof][/member] and [member=47]rhosmari[/member] in specific for stepping in during my absence with their characters. Both of their characters are wonderful and provided some amazing context to The Typhoon/COTC in the meantime. I look forward to plotting with them more. <3

Once again, sorry, I will definitely be more active from now on. Just know that I'm still recovering (currently dealing w/ post-COVID symptoms) and trying to mentally clear myself. Thank you everyone for being patient, caring, and understanding during this time.

Now... let's proceed to the fun stuff! The meeting!]

Re: the reality here || MEETING 5/5 - Byriath - 05-05-2022

//no muse just pretend this is an actual post lmao -- good to have you back in almost workin order!//
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: the reality here || MEETING 5/5 - INFERNO CIPHER-VANTAS - 05-06-2022

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ —  ɪɴꜰᴇʀɴᴏ | ꜱᴄᴀʀᴇᴄʀᴏᴡ ᴇꜰꜰᴇᴄᴛᴇᴅ ʙᴀʙʏ | ᴄɪᴘʜᴇʀ-ᴠᴀɴᴛᴀꜱ | ʙɪᴏ

ɪᴄ ᴛᴇxᴛ | ɪᴄ ᴏᴘɪɴɪᴏɴꜱ

a meeting from their kingpin and one of her friends. she smiled softly, padding behind byriath. so much had happened yet here she was, keeping her composure and hoping nothing bad would be started because of her and agrimony's... shenanigans.

ᴏᴄ ᴛᴇxᴛ!

welcome back! hope covid didn't hit you too hard <3


Re: the reality here || MEETING 5/5 - Plexus - 05-06-2022

✯ — You're not a monster, just a human
//glad you're feeling better <3 I look forward to plotting more too :o

Plexus dragged his paws to the meeting area, his heart lifting in excitement to see Romulus. It felt like forever since they smaller feline had seen him. With a light frown, he sat down and started grooming, feeling his leg muscles violently tremble and twitch as he reached around groom his shoulders down to the base of his tail.

Re: the reality here || MEETING 5/5 - ninazu - 05-06-2022

Walking through the hall of kings, the Utahraptor tilted her head up to gaze upon the statues. Stryker's. But also Sojourn's and her own, for the paltry amount of time the two of them had reigned before succumbing to madness or assassination respectively. She didn't want Romulus's time cut so short.

She sighed. Her neon eyes flickered away from the statues to her son.

Re: the reality here || MEETING 5/5 - Agrimony - 05-08-2022

[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia; color: #9ADCFF;"]sickness be danged. the pup was not going to miss her first meeting ever. so, she slipped up and lay alone. watching with tired eyes and a few shivers.


Re: the reality here || MEETING 5/5 - Agrimony - 05-08-2022

[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia; color: #301014;"]his hooves guided him up beside inferno. there he would lower his massive frame to the ground and let his eyes close. simply waiting to see what would come of this.


Re: the reality here || MEETING 5/5 - Romulus - 05-20-2022

[Image: 41450132_oCTyo4kdcSATJIk.gif]
The crowd gathered quickly and sat down accordingly, only to drop silent moments later and await the leader's words. Romulus cleared his throat in succession. "Coalitioners," he started to rasp. "It has been awhile since our last meeting, as I have been busy prepping other things, and I would like to formally apologize for that." The lion dipped his head apologetically. Owning up to his mistakes as a Kingpin was necessary, especially if he wanted to remain peaceful in leadership. "I promise my absence was worth it and I hope you can enjoy what I bring to the table becase of that."

"First things first. Let's close out Spring and May with a merger of the Spring Equinox feast and May Day." Mixing the two events due to an overlap only seemed appropriate. His eyes looked to the sky in thought. He hoped it rained, providing luck to the Coalition's children, but a good feast included some seared delicacies too. Whatever the day brought he would welcome... and he could always just build shelter over a fire. "I will be hosting that very soon, so please keep your eyes peeled and bring forth your loved ones."

"On the note of loved ones, I know it is common to have family in other group's nowadays." The Coalition of the Condemned used to be isolated and away from the mainland, but with Stryker's siege and bringing the island closer to the Elysium's former territory, many newer members had friends and family nearby. He would like to extend a paw to them. "With the new ambassador program running-" His purple gaze specifically looked for Ninazu, Inferno, and Byriath in the crowd. "I would like to invite all groups to attend." Romulus looked back out on the rest and offered a stern glare. "Consider it a peace offering for future alliances and showing how we have bettered ourselves as a clan." A low growl rumbled out from the Kingpin. "Be on your best behavior."

Onto the next subject. A much lighter note than a threat. "I have also finally decided on ambassadors. Our newest ambassadors are Ninazu with The Typhoon, Byriath with Tanglewood, and Inferno with The Pitt." He wondered how they would behave, considering they did not share the same moral philosophies with him, but was willing to let them try. The Coalition of the Condemned may be neutral nowadays, but they were still relatively intimate with violence. "Please visit your groups accordingly." Violet orbs moved to Ninazu. Her son offered a pointed look at her and contemplated saying something in regards to his father's head on the fence, but kept his jaw shut. She would find out soon.

Now onto the fun stuff. Being an ambassador held no authority, but a high position did. "As for promotions, Ninazu can step up to Warlord. Inferno and Zuriela, you may also choose to become a Thane. Byriath, if you wish, you may step up to Guru again." The Kingpin was also looking for trusted members to become espionages, but he hadn't interacted with many lately to get a scope on their attitudes. Only Romulus and Ninazu (as she was a previous leader) knew of their existence.

"Finally, I would like to focus on a key part of our territory that makes us unique." His body shifted to half-heartedly look back at the Hall of Kings. A soft smile graced his maw. The shambles of it's destruction from two years ago still remained. While the Coalition of the Condemned was thriving socially, they had yet to repair their inner workings decoratively. "After May Day and Spring Equinox's merger, I would like to rebuild the Hall of Kings once and for all." The kingpin shifted hesitantly. His eyes searched for Sojourn in the crowd, but found no sign of her and offered a sigh unheard by the rest. He readjusted, continuing to offer a content smile despite that. "I would like any elemental manipulators to step up and assist, along with any artistically inclined animals. Please step up after the meeting if you possess these qualities" Romulus, despite wielding two elements himself, could not do all the work himself. Stryker proved that during his charade with the island, capturing many to move land across the sea. Unlike his father though, his actions were honorable.

"I have nothing else to address, wanderers," he ended, voice growing hoarse. "This meeting is dismissed unless anyone has any other comments or concerns." The lion looked expectantly out at the crowd, hoping they would be content with the changes in the Coalition of the Condemned. For now, there wasn't a peep. He merely stayed put and awaited any feedback.

[ Thank you for the kind words! Glad to be back also. I hope everyone is feeling well also! You've been keeping things lively and I cannot thank you enough. ]

Re: the reality here || MEETING 5/5 - ninazu - 05-20-2022

Ninazu’s lips curled into a lopsided smirk, flashing her teeth. If her son thought her fit as a guru, she would’ve begrudgingly accepted her long-hated role, but the promotion to warlord suited her perfectly. She’d much rather train apprentices to fight or craft weapons than to clean up snot and vomit from sick faces.

But it was her assignment as ambassador to the Typhoon which glinted her green eyes. No matter how much Romulus talked of peace and friendship with the other groups, he surely couldn’t have forgotten who killed his father and staked Stryker’s head on their land. Ninazu hadn’t. She took her assignment as proof he didn’t mind a bit of intimidation to give her husband a proper burial.

“I accept my new responsibilities.” A sickle claw tapped the ground, betraying the thoughts and feelings surging through her nerves. [color=#b1fe4e]“And I also volunteer to help fix the statues.”
© [color=white]MADI

Re: the reality here || MEETING 5/5 - Romulus - 05-20-2022

At his mother's call, he turned. Romulus offered a nod of approval in her direction and shot a short, cheeky smirk at her direction. "I am proud to hear that, mother," he happily acknowledged. "I figured the days of being a guru are behind you, but I still cherish what you taught me about natural medicine after all these years." A warlord took a certain type of animal. With a good head on her shoulders, and a bit of family bias from her son, he thought she fit the position well due to her activity and willingness to serve. He could only hope she kept things light with The Typhoon... but he was open to intimidation.

Expression sloughing back to a dull one, he tapped an affirming paw on the ground. "I'll keep that in mind." More would have to step up eventually, right?