Beasts of Beyond
INFINITE QUICKNESS :: intro - Printable Version

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INFINITE QUICKNESS :: intro - The Tombs - 05-05-2022

[div style="width: 50%; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 13px;"]Things were moving unbearably quickly.

It had felt like just moments ago Rainstep had shut his eyelids, his eyes burning from long awake days in their old, now-forgotten home. Life in the clan, if one could call such a rag-tag band of felines a clan, was once much simpler, with fewer bellies to fill, fewer souls to protect, fewer corners and shadows to anxiously watch. It was not as though they were burden-free beasts before, but at the very least they were among familiar surroundings and faces. But expansion happened in the blink of an eye — new warriors, queens, kits, elders, may they be a product of the miracle of life or simply found upon their territory and taken into their ranks. As their numbers grew, so did the workload — at least, that's how it felt to him. The tom had never been one to complain about keeping busy, but in recent times, he hardly felt as though he could sleep for a mere second.

And now here they were, in this alien environment with no one but themselves (and StarClan, if anyone had even received any counsel from them since their arrival here) for guidance. Rainstep was more than capable of comprehending the logic behind their great journey. Their old territory, as familiar as it was, could not possibly house the surplus of cats that crowded their camp, creating a housing situation that was far from livable for anyone. Aside from the painfully evident issue of space, there was also the matter of food. With their near-exponential growth, they needed a land with proper resources to accommodate it, lest they face mutiny, perhaps even death if not dealt with quicker. On the other hand, these new woodlands that they had decided to settle in would do just that, with its flowing waters, bountiful fields, and rich forests. Plenty of ways to sustain oneself, and plenty of space to house everyone.

Naturally, Rainstep had anticipated this move for a while. He just didn't anticipate how much it would tire him out.

The dark-furred tom abandoned his racing thoughts as the metallic taste of blood combined with thin, short fur coated his tongue, filling his mouth with crimson liquid and returning him to his forest surroundings. His fangs were connected to his prey: a decently plump squirrel that he had found upon his independent hunt. He had taken the initiative to contribute to their new fresh-kill pile in order to get a head start on combating the clan's hunger. Starvation would have to be the least of their worries when they had a new, unfamiliar realm to conquest. He had primarily stuck to his own private hunts in order to explore their new territory, confining himself to their scent borders as the cats had agreed upon while still taking the opportunity to take note of unique landmarks and locations that would better assist his navigating around the land in the future. He had to admit, though, that he wouldn't have particularly minded bringing others on a hunting patrol to do the same. Perhaps soon he would organize one.

Somewhat triumphant paws led him back to their camp, his fat squirrel hanging from his jaws until he deposited it unceremoniously in their fresh-kill pile, which, thanks to his contributions among others, had been notably growing. Vivid blue hues scanned the camp, watching his fellow warriors mingle about and pass through the camp's entrances. He hoped that the dullness coating his tired eyes was far from noticeable.
[glow=#3370be,2,300]it is happening again[/glow] — ?

Re: INFINITE QUICKNESS :: intro - canarysong - 05-05-2022

"I DONT EVER WANNA FALL" tags ── Canarysong wasn’t one to enjoy hunting. She much preferred to be alone, to relax in the solace of only herself. Nevertheless, she was intrigued by those who did partake in such things. An inquisitive mind would pour forth, cocking a metaphorical brow in their direction as they flung the prey into the pile.

That’s it?” she remarks bluntly, a soft scoff passing her lips.

Re: INFINITE QUICKNESS :: intro - WHITEDOVE - 05-06-2022

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family: calibri;"] — there had been moments, perhaps more frequent than he'd like to admit (especially to birdsong) that he had thought about abandoning the life he had created for himself among this group once it started to grow, paws itching to run away - not from the responsibility so much as from the nagging feeling of guilt that clung to him like a stubborn bur. there was no denying that the group didn't have to let him in - there were many who protested it even when they were smaller, and yet by some mercy they allowed it. now, their problem lay in numbers... and the only thing he could think to do was put himself to work just shy of burnout.

still, it was hard to hide the exhaustion from his eyes, even as they remained warm and hopeful, patient towards those who had far thinner skin. the tension was so thick on the air he could taste it, and ever the mediator, he felt drawn to the duty of ironing it out as best he could. it was hard, though, when some cats seemed to take it upon themselves to make everyone's lives difficult. not even he was free from a sharp tongue.

"if you have issues with it, you're free to contribute something worthwhile yourself," his voice was tired yet firm as he approached, though his gaze betrayed the exasperated bitterness he couldn't quite hide from his tone. he spared her only a glance before moving past her, though, tail tip twitching in greeting towards rainstep instead, golden gaze softening. "good hunting?"

Re: INFINITE QUICKNESS :: intro - The Tombs - 05-11-2022

[div style="width: 50%; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 13px;"]Already his arrival back to the clan's camp had summoned two more cats towards him, the former evidently more prickly than the latter. Rainstep was far from immune to the remarks of Canarysong, whose words cut sharply as though they were daggers, but in time he began to sympathize with her plight, perhaps even pity her a little. Her physical being was littered with scars and memories of an unkind, painful past, not to mention her pregnancy, which was far from an easy state to be in. She was a bitter she-cat, yes, and often a thorn in many's side, but there really was no point arguing with her. These were punches the tom learned to take and shrug off. "I hope you're faring well today, Canarysong," he replied, nodding his head to her in acknowledgment. "You can look through the fresh-kill pile for my other contributions if you find this unsatisfying." He could kill her with kindness, sure, but a part of him still wished to put her in her place. He said nothing more on the matter.

Exhausted blue eyes fell upon Whitedove now, who also addressed the molly before speaking to his fellow warrior. The bicolor tom's voice was akin to his, and he knew that they both could use a moment of rest for once. When they would be able to shut their tired eyes, though, was entirely unknown. Until then they could only march onward and keep their heads up with a sense of dignity, even if it felt as though it would fall down at any moment. "Good enough," Rainstep replied with a soft huff. "Though hunting alone isn't nearly as fruitful as working with several eyes and ears. I'd love to organize a patrol soon." He was fine with his independent ventures, but it wouldn't be long before they needed more than individuals hunts could offer.
[glow=#3370be,2,300]it is happening again[/glow] — ?

Re: INFINITE QUICKNESS :: intro - Stormsnap - 05-12-2022

NEW TAB: Stormsnap - male - liliac tabby point - tags

Stormsnap didn't like hunting. Call him lazy, squamish or even afraid of killing and you'd be right about one of those things, but he often played it off as the former. At least he tried to.

Storm had been sitting in camp, eating a small vole when he noticed the group. At Whitedove's soft reprimand of Canarysong, the tom had decided to move to a better spot to, in nice terms, better observe the situation. In all honesty, though, he was drawn to the group much the same way Whitedove was, though Storm was less a mediator and more mildly interested in any gossip or drama. He munched on his vole, eavesdropping.

He considered Rainstep's words and, at the mention of a patrol, the tom's tail would flick. Tensions in the camp had felt a bit more... tense then usual, with all the travel and large influx of cats and all and Storm wasn't immune. The tom's pelt was slightly more disheveled then normal, and recently he'd started to notice it hanging off him in some places while being stretched thinner in others. He'd seen it in other cats too. Most importantly, though, cats seemed more down. More willing to claw each other's ears off and snap. And well, Storm decided it wasn't his vibe.

"I'd be willing to join," He offered, mentally grimacing. Not sure what help I'd be. He stood up, the vole finished, and padded over to the group. His tail raised in greeting the tom opened his mouth, but quickly closed it again. The idea of inviting Canarysong along as a way to tease her tucked away in his checks. As much as he'd like to tease her for her bad mood, it wouldn't be productive to hunting and honestly he didn't blame her. Whitedove and Rainstep seemed cool, and he did not want his first interaction with them to be, well, him egging on Canary song, for a lack of better terms. So he just added a "Love to help out," in place of it.


Re: INFINITE QUICKNESS :: intro - canarysong - 05-12-2022

"I DONT EVER WANNA FALL" tags ── Her eyes darted to Whitedove rather quickly. He was a tom that Canarysong absolutely could not stand. A bitter taste lingered in her mouth at just the sight of him. Many others didn’t seem to understand her true disdain for the fellow warrior, but she had her reasons. Although, no one said her reasons were good. “I could catch more with my eyes closed. I’m not allowed to hunt right now or I’d catch a feast,” she bragged, a low hiss passing her lips in response. She was tired of him being a thorn in her side, a shadow overstepping her at every turn. It was obnoxious.

As Rainstep spoke, she let out a low grumble. Now she had to dig through the pile to prove this cat was actually worth something? Starclan above, she was agitated beyond belief. Her eyes pierced like daggers into them, but considering their tone hadn’t been nearly as annoying to her as Whitedove’s, she silently began to root through the pile.

Re: INFINITE QUICKNESS :: intro - WHITEDOVE - 05-12-2022

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family: calibri;"] — his gaze softened as rainstep spoke, form relaxing incrementally as the conversation turned lighter, nodding his agreement. "a patrol would do us good, but know that your efforts alone haven't gone unnoticed," his deep voice was warm, and he hoped it was enough of a juxtaposition from canarysong's dismissiveness that it would stick with him more than the hostility. when stormsnap approached, offering himself as a willing participant, he opened his mouth, moments from speaking, before the she-cat in mention spoke up once more, crass as always.

the only sign that he was listening to the outburst was a flick of his ear, and he tried to feign disinterest as best he could as the words he was about to speak were replaced with ones directed towards her instead. "wonderful. then you are welcome to do that once you're able to, but it helps no one for you to criticize those who are actually willing to hunt," his tone remained the same even, firm lilt as before when he addressed her, and he spared her no glance despite her words, ignoring her presence one his statement was done, gaze still on the lilac tabby. "the more the merrier. perhaps I'll come in the future, but there are... an unfortunate amount of things to do around here at the moment. I'm certain you can find someone else to join the patrol instead."