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FORGET THE TIMES WE FOUGHT EACH OTHER // o, joiner - Printable Version

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FORGET THE TIMES WE FOUGHT EACH OTHER // o, joiner - tristitia - 05-25-2018

THEY COULD BECOME FALSE MEMORIES ✧ Dwarf Star — The Ascendants — tags
Xion, I’m sorry! I’ll find a way to save you! That voice played in her head as her crystalline blue eyes opened, though groggily. Who said that to her? Right, Jacinth. Jacinth said that. Where was she? She frowned, unable to find the pink coyote. This was absolutely great!  Forcing herself up on her four paws, the snow leopard shook out her fur. And the grass that was on her cloak. Well, if she couldn’t find her friend, she might as well start looking. Her gaze shifted to the Starpool and around it. Wait-- Where was she?! Nearly having an internal panic attack, she got up, attempting to run around in order to find her friend. The name stuck on the tip of her tongue.

Eventually, the snow leopard fell back and crashed into the shallow Starpool. An audible groan escaped her as she hit her head. She was knocked out for a few brief seconds, before coming back and nearly freaking as she was in water. However, she took a few moments. Good, her rationality came back. Seeing no point in chasing the Gem, she only went so far to stand up in the pool.

Xion stole a glance at the pool and saw how it showed the night sky, and fumbled, stumbling back. A gasp escaped her. She was in awe ast its beauty. It held a sense of nostalgia for her, and she was so caught up until she felt blood trickle down from the back of her head. Oh… yeah. That would be a good idea. She pulled her cloak over her head, in order to block out some of the light of the stars. While walking, she called,  "Hey, can I have some help? I hit my head."
© madi

Re: FORGET THE TIMES WE FOUGHT EACH OTHER // o, joiner - Margaery - 05-25-2018

[color=#b14767] ❁  ❁  ❁
After Starrynight's untimely demise, Margaery had taken to frequenting Starpool when she wasn't occupied by her gardens or her family. It was here that her last good memory of Starry was made -  him smiling and absolutely ecstatic as he instructed them to search for shards for a new tradition he had instated - and she... she didn't want to let that go. Not yet, not when it felt like just yesterday that he fell and everything changed. She didn't think that she would ever cease in missing him.

She was at the lake now actually, sitting silently within the water and permitting her mind to wander. She would have sat there for the rest of the day had the scent of blood not crossed her, lulling out the beast that lurked beneath her skin and causing her to abandon her post in an instant, gray eyes flashing copper. She calmed herself only after stumbling upon the source, transfixed now by the beautiful pelt the snow leopard bore as well as the young age she seemed to be. This was just a child - and a hurt one at that. Margaery's maternal instincts were already kicking into overdrive.

[color=#b14767]"I'm not any medic but I can help you find one," She extended softly, tenderly, [color=#b14767]"My name is Margaery Mikaelson-Folie. Are you lost?"

Re: FORGET THE TIMES WE FOUGHT EACH OTHER // o, joiner - tristitia - 05-25-2018

THEY COULD BECOME FALSE MEMORIES ✧ Dwarf Star — The Ascendants — tags
Having no clue about this Starrynight fellow, or what this Starpool was, or that there was a new tradition in these lands. No, she just knew she was lost. That she wouldn't be able to see her friends. Nor her family. Did she have a family? Right, of course not. Given her creation, she would not have been able to have a so-called family. Tucking the bitter thought away, she heard a voice. And a motherly-sound one at that. The snow leopard cub tilted her head at the fact that someone was worried about her. Why would they be? Wasn't she just expendable? Or was it just because she was likely already bigger than this domestic cat? Though distrusting, Xion knew she had to get helpe. So, she gave in to giving her name... well, her number. "Nice to meet you, Margaery. I am lost... and um... I'm Number XIV." She remarked awkwardly, biting the inside of her cheek.
© madi


[Image: jgC0ptA.png]
Looking at the Starpool simply made him sick these days. Granted, looking at much of anything that reminded him of Starry had that effect, so that wasn’t saying much. His leader’s pendant hung heavily around his neck, a constant reminder of his loss, and when he stopped beside Margy he had the vivid memory of Starry holding it up in delight to show everyone his new tradition. That was only last week. How the fuck had everything gone to hell so fast?

His gaze seemed to lack something — a sense of life, really — as it slid over the stranger, noting her pelt with a pang (Starry would love it), before he greeted flatly, ”Fourteen? If you want help, come back to camp with us. We can fix... that.” Even if they couldn’t save Starry, they could save this girl from her relatively minor wound. Ironic.
[align=center][Image: 4ySBjji.png]
the ascendants — astral seraph — tags
[div style="width:400px; margin: auto; text-align: right; font-size: 8px"]© MADI

Re: FORGET THE TIMES WE FOUGHT EACH OTHER // o, joiner - Margaery - 05-26-2018

[color=#b14767] ❁  ❁  ❁
The scent of blood was intoxicating and Margaery had to bite the inside of her cheek simply to ground herself. She would not entertain her monstrous side in the face of a child, not now and not ever. She had learned from holding too loose of reigns on it around children - her child - once before and had vowed to never let that happen again. She would admit that Bastillepaw's arrival aided in keeping her calm, though she couldn't help but notice the lifeless energy he emanated. Starry's death had been possibly the hardest on him and Margaery made a quick mental note to find him later to try to talk to him about it. Life. Everything.

But back to the snow leopard.

[color=#b14767]"Fourteen," She echoed quietly, contemplating the name for a brief moment before nodding, [color=#b14767]"Yes, come with us. We'll get you fixed up in an instant and then, if you'd like to stay, I can help you pick out a room."

Re: FORGET THE TIMES WE FOUGHT EACH OTHER // o, joiner - tristitia - 05-26-2018

THEY COULD BECOME FALSE MEMORIES ✧ Dwarf Star — The Ascendants — tags
It appeared though the two had been flooded and clouded by a darkness of some sort. Xion gazed at Bastille, blinking and somewhat taken aback by his lifeless eyes. What had caused that? She stared briefly at Starry's pendant before her gaze flickered up to his face. Though likely shielded by her cloak, Xion offered a frown and a look of sympathy. Perhaps it was a loss that caused that. Well, she wasn't supposed to feel anything, any sort of pity for this young creature. So, her voice held monotonous, shielding her feeling of pity for the one who lost so much. "Yeah, it's Fourteen. And thank you for the offer on taking me back to camp, I'll take you up on that."

Her gaze turned towards the vampire, who looked a bit awkward. What was up with her? Was she hiding something? She watched as Margaery turned her attention back to herself. Feeling awkwardly herself, Xion gently tapped her paws against the ground. After all, she was not one to make conversation. What was the point of it, doing missions and whatnot? As such, she did not develop those crucial skills. "Ah, very well. I think I'll stay here, then! And thanks for offering to help me pick out a room." She told the motherly vampire.
© madi


[Image: jgC0ptA.png]
The weight of Margy’s stare was heavy on him, fleeting as it was, and Bastille made a conscious effort not to meet her gaze. He didn’t want anyone to pay too close attention to him, to pick out the ways in which his control was fraying around the edges; Bastille spent so much of his life just not caring, that it felt uncomfortable and suffocating to be dragging around this loss like a physical cloud. Clearly he didn’t handle emotion too well, and he felt his fur prickle slightly as this stranger turned her gaze to him, too. He caught the brief glance towards Starry’s pendant and felt an irrational flare of protectiveness, but he bit it back.

”Right. Well, let’s get you back, then — don’t want you bleeding out,” he said dryly, with a flash of a sharp smile (a bitter one). He’d had enough of his Clan bleeding out for one week, or one lifetime, thank you. He nodded back towards the Observatory and then turned to start walking in its direction. No point in wasting time.
[align=center][Image: 4ySBjji.png]
the ascendants — astral seraph — tags
[div style="width:400px; margin: auto; text-align: right; font-size: 8px"]© MADI

Re: FORGET THE TIMES WE FOUGHT EACH OTHER // o, joiner - Suiteheart - 05-27-2018

[align=center][div style="width: ##px; height: ##px;"][Image: E8agfv5.png]
With Radeken's sudden disappearance, Suiteheart had been running on almost empty trying to help tend to everyone's wounds. Warringkingdoms had been a huge help with this as she seemed to know a good deal about healing (she had even made a valiant attempt at trying to keep Starrynight alive). As she rushed toward the scent of blood, she vaguely wondered if the other had a true interest in heeling. Suite was positive Rin would be wonderful at it; she had a great bedside manner too.

Coming to a halt beside the trio, Suite didn't even notice Xion at first. "I could smell blood, and I - oh!" Her baby blue eyes fell upon the cloaked girl, and Suite then noted the scent of blood was not from either Bast nor Margy but this newcomer. Adjusting the small satchel of healing items she had grown accustomed to toting around the last week or so, she said, "It might be a good idea to cover that up before we move 'er, Basty. And she'll need to remove her hood so it doesn't make the wound worse," she explained, eyes moving from her new leader to Xion.

[color=#73B1B7][b]"Hey there, kiddo, I'm Suiteheart. I'm not the best at healing, but I can make sure your wound gets fixed up. Want me to take a look at it?"

Re: FORGET THE TIMES WE FOUGHT EACH OTHER // o, joiner - Luciferr - 05-27-2018

Re: FORGET THE TIMES WE FOUGHT EACH OTHER // o, joiner - tristitia - 05-28-2018

THEY COULD BECOME FALSE MEMORIES ✧ Dwarf Star — The Ascendants — tags
The child could not blame her new leader's dry tone. After all, the former leader must have died or stepped down in order to become their position, and she assumed that it was the former. He acted as if he had lost someone. Quietly, the cub started following the tabby.

That's when she heard the voice, of someone who had apparently just barged in. Her icy gaze flickered to this new person who had arrived.  Who was she? She seemed like... overly happy. The cub nearly fumbled back, her maw and eyes widening in surprise. Why was someone so nice to her? Upon hearing the offer, Xion gently took her hood off. Her crystalline gaze fell to Suiteheart. Well, the name fit. "Yes, please, Miss.. Uhm, Suiteheart. Anyway, nice to meet you. I'm Fourteen." Ugh. It felt weird introducing herself by number, but well, who would remember her in the end, anyway?

Upon hearing Eternalwar, the cub's gaze went towards her. What an odd voice... This peaked her interest. "Ah... Thank you, Eternalwar. I, just hit my head over here."
© madi