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SID AND NANCY • settling in - Printable Version

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SID AND NANCY • settling in - canarysong - 05-05-2022

Within the confines of their newly made home, Canary found herself preoccupied mentally. Her past mate was still in her mind, driving her quite mad. He had been awful to her, and scorned she would drift away and find a place with all these other cats. However, she was begrudging in all truthfulness of the matter. Deep inside her heart, her home had been back in the cave she once inhabited. Now? Well, now she was stuck with a band of felines she knew absolute nothing about. Bitterness seeped into every inch of her being at any given moment, and in a desperate attempt to drive the wretched thoughts from her brain, she decided to make herself at home.

So, she began to build a nest.

Bringing together bunches of sticks and other assorted things, anything she could find truly, she began to stick as much together as she could to form a comfortable resting place. By the time she was done, it was a mossy mess, but it was a nest. Something to be proud of, she supposed.

Re: SID AND NANCY • settling in - WHITEDOVE - 05-05-2022

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family: calibri;"] — settling in a new location wasn't easy. he knew it intimately, a long history of it behind him, home an ephemeral concept that changed as often as the sun set and rose. now it was more permanent, but he hadn't been here always, and home was wherever his paws took him, whatever place he found that piqued his interest and wanderlust. in a way, it made this easier for him, but in another... he had a responsibility to more than just himself, now. changing homes was easy when you were the only one - there were others here who had to be taken care of, she-cats and kits and elders for whom the travel and subsequent chaos of a new start would be the most testing for.

it's why he was more busy than usual that evening, not that he took particularly frequent breaks even in their old home. now, though, there was an intense purpose in his eyes, even as his tone was warm and his presence was still comforting instead of overbearing. there was so much to do that he couldn't, to his regret, be everywhere at once... and though he seemed to arrive here a tad too late to help canary begin the process of nest building, he was at least here now to help continue it.

"how's the building going?" there was a soft lilt to his voice, maw set to a subtle smile as he approached, carrying moss mostly as a request instead of an offering. he knew some cats were far more independent, and she certainly struck him as such. "not too much trouble, I hope?"