Beasts of Beyond

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+--- Thread: WARRIORS ROLEPLAY INTRODUCTION (/showthread.php?tid=15710)


The journey was long. Winding hills, dangerous wildlife, twoleg threats, and a heaping pile of other perilous warnings telling the group to go elsewhere, yet they continued on. With heads held high and claws unsheathed, cats wandered into the forest with the intent of settling down once and for all. Paws shivered in anticipation and slitted eyes widened as they stepped into the territory for the first time. Awestruck, the group stood still. A forest for the taking. A place to call home. Silence spread among them, almost as if they had made the quiet unanimous decision to stay... and so they did.

A decision was made and thus they begin to work. Standout warriors from the group chose to lead the initiative. They chose to mark the borders with their scent after deeming them safe, others not. Once done, the figureheads laid down a simple rule. "For our safety, stay within the boundaries of our home. We do not know what lies past them," they softly warned. Many agreed with the simple request and got to work. Felines began to explore the southern parts of the forest with the intent of survival. Herbs were picked and birds were plucked. Their so-called 'new beginning' did not seem so bad.

Others chose to stray. They did not want to leave their initial home in the first place, yet were forced to leave. Others wanted the freedom to explore, yet were held back by makeshift borders. Reasons for conflict were beginning to rise within their makeshift clan. Unfortunately, a beginning always leads to the end of another story. What they thought was the end, leaving their home for another, just happened to be misconstrued.

BoBCats, welcome to the beginning of Beasts of Beyond's official Warriors roleplay! We have thought about this for quite awhile, but had always pushed it aside for other things, such as improving general animal RP. Now it's time for something new though. After all, we all love a good story about animals. What about some Warriors?

Our story begins within the forest territory based on Erin Hunter's book series. All felines are currently within Thunderclan's territory, but tensions are beginning to rise. With connections beginning to establish and whispers across the group, the group is beginning to grow heated, eventually starting a battle in the middle of the night. The sharp divide between the groups causes lives to be lost and bonds to be broken, but not before divine intervention. The souls lost in battle have ascended into the night sky, forming what eventually would be known as 'Starclan.' Suddenly, the sky begins to turn and the moon rotates through the phases. The light of the full moon highlights a blood soaked battlefield and the fighting stops for a moment, only for voices of the dead to beckon them to stop. They push them to split and start their own adventure. Cats who wish to stay within their current territory would become 'Thunderclan,' while those banished to the dark swamps would be known as Shadowclan. During the end of the battle, members of Starclan will prompt the two groups to pick their new leaders. From there, leaders chosen would be guided across the forest to preform the leadership ceremony. Afterwards, the two newfound leaders head back home with nine lives and a new understanding of what it means to lead their clan. From there is up to BoB members to decide where to go.

This plot will last three weeks max, but staff would like to get through it fast so the actual establishment of the groups can occur. For now, roleplay in the board as your characters, form relationships, start conflict, and more! After this conflict is finished, this board will be turned into Loner Lands.

If you are interested in roleplaying a leader/deputy/medicine cat, please sign-up here.

The roleplay is starting with a few very simple rules:
— Genetics must be realistic based on domestic felines. If you are unsure on whether a combination is possible, you can post in the Helpful Hub, post in the questions channel on Discord, or ask a staff member.
— At the moment, powers do not exist. Future staff events will hand out canon powers.
— Other species are not allowed to be roleplay, including savannah cats.
— Naming should be appropriate to what domestic felines would know... and yes, before anyone makes that joke, 'Mountaindew' technically works but we don't recommend it.
— Clan names will follow the -kit, -paw, -chosen, -star pattern.
— Loner names can be anything as long as it's realistic and not purposefully offensive.
— Non-canon or canon groups w/o a board groups are currently not able to be made. They will possibly be added as time goes on. Beasts of Beyond only has so much activity and we do not want to detriment any other group's activity before adding another.
— Battling/attacks is the same as extended. Use caution to avoid powerplay, godmodding, and metagaming.
— All other BoB rules apply.
— Think we're missing something? Let us know! We're always open to hearing feedback, especially with a new roleplay game in mind.

Finally, a big thank you to those that helped out with establishing this new category of BoB. To my fellow staff, members, and more, I couldn't have done it without you! Thank you so much. Hope you enjoy. <3