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Official Warriors RP Try-Outs [Thunderclan/Shadowclan] - Printable Version

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Official Warriors RP Try-Outs [Thunderclan/Shadowclan] - Orion - 05-05-2022

[Image: 8nSmONT.png]
Greeting BoBCats! Today marks the start of our first official Warriors RP on Beasts of Beyond! We are looking for leaders, deputies, and medicine cats to join our two starting clans: Thunderclan and Shadowclan. All users are welcome to apply and all positions they are interested in, but keep a few things in mind. Quality over quantity and any actions OOCly and IC activity/actions will influence our decisions also.

Positions needed:
— Leader
— Deputy
— Medicine Cat
— Medicine Cat Apprentice

Positions needed:
— Leader
— Deputy
— Medicine Cat
— Medicine Cat Apprentice

What does Beasts of Beyond look for?
- Activity: A HP must be active and comply with Beasts of Beyond's activity rules on-site to lead properly. Not only this, but an active HP attracts other characters and brings a welcoming environment. Review the activity requirements (leaders only) here within the guide tab for more information.
- Character: Characters with a compelling concept, rather than a bland Mary Sue, can give a clan a whole new vibe.
- Open-Minded: Having an open heart and mind is key to roleplay. With this, a user and their character can easily adapt through situations and embrace new ideas. Whether these ideas come from staff or many users, we want to see the community thrive due to the input and output of our members.
- Plotting: To keep things 'fresh' and 'new,' HPs should engage in a multitude of plotting. This includes plotting with other groups, attending monthly meetings, and discussing plots amongst your group. Group-wide plots, along with site-wide plots, also encourage activity and involvement that keeps a community going.
- Taking Charge: As a community HP, you should be able to effectively communicate and decipher your group's needs. This includes independently hosting events and recognizing the downfalls/how to improve the group as a whole.
- OOC Connection: Communicating out of roleplay is also a big factor. This not only allows the characters to get their IC opinion in, but also the true opinion of the OOC users themselves. Along with this, chatting can lead to interesting plots or opportunities for you and your group.
- Experience: While not required, HP or IC experience would be preferable. This allows staff to oversee past experience and analyze your capabilities. Nonetheless, new applicants are very much welcomed!

Application Form
Please remember to include these aspects: username, character name and bio, potential plots/ideas, and why your service as a HP would be beneficial. Here is a basic form to get you started. You may use post templates and images as you wish, but please stick to the basic format.

[b]Username:[/b] Not your display name. The one you login with.
[b]Character name:[/b]
[b]Character description/bio:[/b]
[b]Group you are interested in:[/b]
[b]Position(s) you are interested in:[/b]
[b]Potential plots/ideas:[/b]
[b]Why would your character's position be beneficial for their group and what do you offer to the group as a whole?:[/b]

As of right now, there is no closing date for these positions. They may be periodically picked as applications come through.

Re: Official Warriors RP Try-Outs [Thunderclan/Shadowclan] - teef - 05-05-2022

track/wip when i have a second to sit down and write

Re: Official Warriors RP Try-Outs [Thunderclan/Shadowclan] - wifewoof - 05-05-2022

/track for once I get my characters set up

Re: Official Warriors RP Try-Outs [Thunderclan/Shadowclan] - adomania - 05-05-2022

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family: calibri;"]
username: adomania
character name: whitedove
character description/bio: bio
group you are interested in: thunderclan
position(s) you are interested in: deputy
potential plots/ideas:
— one of dove's main characteristics is that he is very much a martyr when it comes to those he is loyal to, and so several plots can surround the idea that he is more than willing to sacrifice himself/put himself in somebody else's place in order to protect them. this can lead to everything from being wrongly framed for a possible coup to just taking over someone else's place when being kidnapped/attacked.
— dove used to be a rogue, and though it was ages ago and he has been with his clan for a long time, he has a much more kind outlook on loners and rogues like him which can lead to either thunderclan embracing more loners and rogues or a conflict within the group as his views start to misalign with everyone else's.
— he is likely very conflicted about the split, as he's a character who tries to get to know and listen to everyone's issues and problems and tries to, if not befriend everyone, then at least let it be known he's there to listen to them. perhaps he saw this coming and tried to prevent it, but it all fell apart in front of his eyes and there was nothing he could do to stop it and he wants to bring back some semblance of peace even if the two groups are now split.
why would your character's position be beneficial for their group and what do you offer to the group as a whole?:
— I think he's just a character that would fit the general vibe of someone who is a supporting position to a leader, somewhere in the background taking care of things without caring to take credit for it and just wanting to keep the clan smoothly going. but at the same time, given his past and his sometimes radical views, it can provide some fun not too high stakes conflict! having clans be homogenous views all over the board is boring sometimes :> also I'm planning to have him already be older because I like playing dilfs so he'd be in a good position to take over.
— as for me personally I can only offer my best vibes :pensive: admittedly I only recently rejoined, but it's because I have a reinvigorated want/need to roleplay so I'm here entirely full of energy and more than itching to roleplay somewhere active. dove is also based off of a 7 year old oc at this point whom I love dearly with my full heart so trust me if there's any character I would have muse for, its him.

Re: Official Warriors RP Try-Outs [Thunderclan/Shadowclan] - canarysong - 05-05-2022

Username: charliemoo or bri
Character name: canarysong
Character description/bio:
Group you are interested in: Shadowclan
Position(s) you are interested in: Leader/Deputy
Potential plots/ideas:
• canarysong sets up the true definition of what an antagonistic leader truly may be. she is scorned from the incident she had not long before she found the other cats, which resulted in her being pregnant and alone, and her killing her former mate. as such, she has developed a sort of ruthlessness and anger that could rub off on her clan, making them make less than stellar in view. she would not hinder, perhaps even encourage, those who act violently. she will insist it’s to “make a name for them”, and while she will refuse to refer to shadowclan as an anticlan, she definitely will be in moral limbo for awhile.
• potentially adding a special ceremony for the fallen to celebrate their life and commemorate them in some way
• a clanwide training event to help better develop character’s unique strengths and abilities as a group
Why would your character's position be beneficial for their group and what do you offer to the group as a whole?:
• Canarysong would be beneficial to the group because she would be fiercely, unwaveringly loyal to those in her clan for accepting her and taking her in when others turned their nose up at her presence. Perhaps even when they’re in the wrong, which could be interesting for plot purposes. She’s had to fend for herself for a long while before, and has learned plenty about combat and defense thanks to her former mate.
• Although my IC posts haven’t been super extravagant lately, I am an active member who follows the OOC community closely. I’ve been roleplaying for about ten years, most of that in a mix between traditional and extended. In that time, I have played leaders and high positions and was able to ramp up activity in clans along with forming meaningful plots and traditions that stuck long after my reign. Lately, I’ve had an extensive interest in traditional roleplay and feel like this is something I would heavily stick around for. I’d love to help my old community and new community feel better about this addition to the site.

Re: Official Warriors RP Try-Outs [Thunderclan/Shadowclan] - rhosmari - 05-06-2022

[align=center][div style="0px; width:400px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:grey;"]tracking and will update with potential interest

Re: Official Warriors RP Try-Outs [Thunderclan/Shadowclan] - milks0da - 05-08-2022

/track for when I get my guy set up

Re: Official Warriors RP Try-Outs [Thunderclan/Shadowclan] - Orion - 05-10-2022

Loving what I see so far and looking forward to more applications!

Re: Official Warriors RP Try-Outs [Thunderclan/Shadowclan] - milks0da - 05-11-2022

Username: milks0da

Character name: Stormsnap

Character description/bio: his bio

Group you are interested in: Thunder clan

Position(s) you are interested in: Medicine cat

Potential plots/ideas:
✧ Storm is one of those people that is friendly but doesn't have a lot of friends. Once you're friends with him though, he'd help you commit murder. Maybe even plan it. Clan be damned, if you're hurt and he can help, he will. This would mean that he would help hurt Shadow Clan cats if they were friends with him before the rift/ meet at gatherings. This could lead to some really interesting character dynamics between and inside the clans.
✧ Storm is also really interested in gossip, so he could know bits and pieces of what is happening in Shadow clan; likewise, the cats he gossips within Shadow clan could also know bits and pieces of what's happening in Thunder Clan. This could lead to that sweet sweet tension and could be a cool way to bring individual character moments into a larger plot.
✧ Another plot-heavy idea is one revolving around Storm mixing herbs together in an attempt to make a better cure for Green Cough or another sickness. He could accidentally make other cats sick, or accidentally make a worse kind of sickness. I'm not really sure about this one, but we could def workshop it!
✧ Along with those plot ideas; Storm genuinely just wants to help others. So softer, less intense plots could revolve around him just coming back with a stray rogue/kittypet, maybe even a Shadow clan warrior he doesn't know if they're hurt enough. He's the type to stand up to his leader and insist that the clans must help other cats, no matter their creed. He is also the type to call out Shadow clan cats during the gatherings if they hurt his clanmates, so that could be a good way to introduce new characters/ encourage cats outside the clans to interact with the clans as well as create tension if needed, and generally encourage activity.
✧ He could also lead herb-finding threads, maybe threads teaching other cats the basics about herbs. In general, we could also create weekly/monthly events such as scavenger hunts, races, and tournaments maybe to create some fun, non-plot-heavy threads!

Why would your character's position be beneficial for their group and what do you offer to the group as a whole?:
✧ Stormsnap would be beneficial to the group because he believes in doing what is right for the induvial and wants to see them grow. He would encourage his clanmates to be the best that they can be and embrace any crazy or drama that goes with it. He is a sort of morally gray character with a good heart, and genuinely just wants to do good as he sees it; which I feel is good for plots or dramas that involve the whole clan and give other characters' backstories a place to shine.
I see him as being a sort of aggressive secondary character that shoves other people's characters into the spotlight (if they want to). I want to give other characters a fun way to get introduced to a clan-wide plot or show off their individual plots since that's something I always wanted to be a part of when I first joined other RP sites but never got to do.
✧ As for me, the best I can offer is vibes, energy, a little bit of experience, and plot ideas! I only recently rejoined, but it's because I have a need/ mad want to roleplay again. I have been roleplaying for over 9 years, and I've roleplayed a leader before and was able to create some cool plots and encourage activity. I love Storm with all my heart and I've got lots of muse and Ideas ™ for him, and I'm excited to work on clan-wide plots as well, even if I'm not chosen!

Re: Official Warriors RP Try-Outs [Thunderclan/Shadowclan] - singingmousai - 05-19-2022

tracking for when i eventually get linnet more set up!