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Tanglewood Luminary Try-outs! - Printable Version

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Tanglewood Luminary Try-outs! - Lokisaurus - 05-04-2022

Hey guys, obligatory mobile posting because I'm at work, but I am opening up the Luminary position.  I just do not have the motivation for serious "extended" roleplay anymore and I do much better as a supporting character builder than anything.  I have tried staying active in the Discords because I love you all and your characters but it really isn't fair to anybody for me to stay in a leadership position with my limited time table and dwindling muse.

The story right now is that Firefly is stuck in her komodo dragon body and has septicemia which she has been battling for some time - it finally caught up to her.  I would like a Tangler to take over her position, ideally.  Firefly will not return to the Luminary position once I sort my life and muse out, but she will get better. 

Please post interest and ideas below if you'd like!  Also PM Orion and Rattlebone for more information on the upcoming plots between Tanglewood and it's neighbors.

Re: Tanglewood Luminary Try-outs! - Kiara Kokytos - 05-04-2022

Absolutely love you - loved seeing the character around! I hope everything goes well for you.

I'd like to push Kiara forward as a luminary.

information here
Simple info:
name — kiara kokytos
age — 2 years
gender — female
fallen sin of greed

Plot ideas:
- revenge on inferno and agrimony - she'll talk to romulus about it first, harbouring her hatred for the pair who murdered ximen. she might consider the coalition a threat, announce them as enemies, definitely give everyone permission to attack and kill inferno or agrimony on sight in their territory. ximen was someone she has feelings for but in her mind to become a leader she needs to put on a cold, ruthless persona.
- be slightly shaken at first because she'd be taking on such an important role with ximen's death fresh on her mind
- when she's alone, however, i plan on developing her psychopathic tendencies further, have her greed finally take the better of her. she's been eyeing the luminary position for quite a while and feels she's more than capable of handling the position.
- promote someone to shadow reaper potentially, perhaps ares because they were both at the scene of capture
- she's built quite a bond with firefly thus knows about her condition - not being one with much medical knowledge she's tried in any way to help but wasn't able to do anything, she doesn't know magic. all she could do was offer a comforting shoulder to lean on or someone to talk to. and through this, they had bonded quite well. truth be told she had been partially after the leader's position and the thought of killing firefly had crossed her mind more than once, but even with her brute force she doubted she could take down a komodo dragon.

Re: Tanglewood Luminary Try-outs! - CORRUPTTIMELINES - 05-04-2022

I am extending very serious interest hehe

here’s cory’s bio:

potential plots

• Cory will soon discover the trigger word that sends him into his murderous fits. As such, he will try to retain as much peace as possible so as to not have an incident like his distant past foretold. He will greatly struggle with this and it will reflect some of his decisions as leader of this wild group

• Cory will focus more on the buddy system and prank traditions, having remembered both of which from when he originally arrived. He’ll host a large prank war on the current target, meant to potentially improve inter clan relations.

• Potentially begin to push the trade system, and reach out to other clans to turn the trading into a more…lucrative business. He wants to push them even higher up the food chain, and show great success.

• In addition to the current traditions for honoring those who have died, he will want to implement a celebration of their life, as his beliefs lead him to feel death is never truly the end.

• Potentially may bring in his own religious beliefs intertwined with any current standing ones and teach it to them?

• will organize an area of the camp specifically to honor past leaders with offerings. perhaps alcohol or valuable items

• will hold monthly medical training seminars so everyone can learn very basic first aid. this could save a lot of lives whilst people wait for the lead in medicine for arrive

Re: Tanglewood Luminary Try-outs! - merlin - 05-04-2022

it's been a pleasure writing with you since my return, I'm happy to still write with you when you've the time ^^

I'll be offering Merlin as a candidate for Luminary [info here~]

Potential Ideas::
-- Merlin intends to have the members of Tanglewood learn how to handle and manipulate any powers or elements that they possess, as well as how to use typical weapons, so that her group mates are not without defense against an attacker. She wants to see Tanglewood grow stronger, to move away from the string of incidents of attacks and murders.

-- Merlin intends to further strengthen trade relationships with the other groups, moving past the basics of food and supplements of the territory, to possibly pushing forward a stronger trade in weaponry and perhaps in the case of war, the help of Tanglewood. A possible length of this could be to set up training regiments between the groups that Tangle would trade with, and to start bringing in materials that the group can use to build and repair portions of the territory.

-- Merlin intends to further implement the Mask Ritual and tradition and intends to add more Titles to be acquired by those within Tanglewood, alongside new traditions such as:
>>> Tournaments & Annual Festivals/Feasts - tournaments and competitions would be held at the time of an annual Festival held in the late summer to early fall. A week long event would occur, with several different general competitions and invitations extended to allied and neutral groups.
>>> Candlight Vigils - this would be added to the current Funeral traditions within the group, candles would be lit around the territory on the darkest of nights to symbolize a path for the dead and for the grieving. On top of this addition, funerals would be held at night-time, in an area encircled by lit candles where the candles will remain lit for a month every night as a way of remembering and honoring the life that has been extinguished.
>>> Request Board - a location within the Pub where group members can find available "quests" or tasks, where they would take the wooden tag the task is written upon and return to those responsible for the Board, known as "Keepers". There is potential with this to create an inner group point or reward system based on posts (as we've seen in site wide plots in the past).
>>> Treasure Hunt - an annual event where members of the group are tasked with uncovering and finding any mineral or gemstone and creating an item, belonging or accessory for their own personal use. These may be added to their masks, used in inner group trading, in trading with other groups, and for other things as designated by the individual. (Potential for the theoretical points system to also affect this?)
>>> Fireworks - fireworks would be lit and cast to the sky in accordance of any major celebration within the group, such as perhaps a wedding, a birth of a litter, a grand promotion of an individual, the celebration of an individual's life and their accomplishments.

Re: Tanglewood Luminary Try-outs! - psy - 05-04-2022

Retracting my application for personal reasons; however, I'd still be glad to lend Zjarr for any plots revolving around trade.
