Beasts of Beyond
AND AFTER ALL THIS TIME, I'M STILL INTO YOU / open, cake - Printable Version

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AND AFTER ALL THIS TIME, I'M STILL INTO YOU / open, cake - Margaery - 05-24-2018

[color=#b14767] ❁  ❁  ❁
Today... Today was her birthday.

Not this body's of course, heavens knew when the form she currently occupied aged again. No, it was her spirit that had survived another rocky year and, unlike the previous birthday that she spent alone in isolation, she intended to celebrate. Her vampirism of coursed proved to be a bit tricky and after realizing that a cake was out of the equation for her to indulge in, she decided to simply make one for her clanmates. They deserved it as much as she did, if not more so. She'd be happy simply watching them.

Making it had been a challenge, but she succeeded nevertheless, thankful for the many utilities and such that the Observatory was so plentifully graced with. Now the cake rested upon the ground in the great circle, its sugary aroma taunting and teasing Marg who painstakingly remained still. As much as she wanted to, she couldn't give in. It'd kill her if she did.

[color=#b14767]"Um... It's my birthday, everyone. I made a cake for you all to share," She called out, a smile curving her lips. It was hard to believe that she had been brought onto the earth today. She had suffered through so much, lived through so much. Things had never been easy for the budding rose queen but she had persevered and she was so incredibly proud of herself for that. If she was given the opportunity to change anything, she wouldn't. She wouldn't.

[color=#b14767]"Come dig in! My treat."

Re: AND AFTER ALL THIS TIME, I'M STILL INTO YOU / open, cake - Suiteheart - 05-25-2018

[align=center][div style="width: ##px; height: ##px;"][Image: E8agfv5.png]
"Happy birthday, my love," came the soft and warm voice of Suiteheart. A smile decorated her snowy features as she took a seat beside her wife. This was one of her most favorite days of the year. She had not been able to spend Marg's last birthday with her, so being beside her now meant the world. She settled down, laying on her stomach as she looked from her wife to the cake and back again. It was stunning, really. Her wife had always been so talented, and Suite was glad to see Margaery hadn't lost her touch. She knew baking made the other happy, so she was overjoyed Margy could continue making herself feel nice.

She was radiating happiness. Hell, she had been ever since she woke up this morning. "I think you've outdone yourself. I just wish you could have some," she said, the tiniest of frowns finding her lips. Poor Margy could only consume blood. Anything else was a death sentence, and Suite certainly did not want to see that happen.

Re: AND AFTER ALL THIS TIME, I'M STILL INTO YOU / open, cake - Margaery - 05-25-2018

[color=#b14767] ❁  ❁  ❁
[color=#b14767]"Darling," Margaery began in greeting, the smile touching her lips only finding a way to widen, [color=#b14767]"Thank you." How strange it was to think of all she had done- of all that they had done. This was her third year of life and, though she presented herself as a younger fae simply because of circumstance, she couldn't believe she had survived thus far as brilliantly and terribly as she had. [color=#b14767]"It's okay, really. I don't like cake much anymore anyways," Confessed the chocolate point with a casual shrug of her shoulders. But there was no denying the distant look her expression adapted as she remembered her last attempt at consuming such sweet delicacy- an attempt that almost resulted in her untimely demise.

[color=#b14767]"Please," She said quietly, pushing the plate closer to her wife, [color=#b14767]"Have some for the both of us." Through their bond, she figured she could at least sense Suiteheart enjoying her cake. That'd be enough for her, really it would. [color=#b14767]"Three years of life and two years of marriage. Can you believe that you've been around for about two thirds of my entire existence? Isn't that... crazy?" She inquired, laughing. Life with Suiteheart, though riddled with challenges at times, had been the sweetest and most fulfilling existence Margaery could have ever led.

[color=#b14767]"But I want to celebrate! And I can't if nobody is eating my cake so dig in! I insist!"

Re: AND AFTER ALL THIS TIME, I'M STILL INTO YOU / open, cake - Cutebunny50 - 05-26-2018

[Image: tumblr_p4vh6lKow41qll5dxo2_500.gif]
The Ascendants — Observer — HOVER FOR TAGS
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]"Happy birthday!" She purred.
Birthdays were great! Birthdays were important! And sweet things-- Rosegarden enjoyed sweet things!
"This looks great!" she exclaimed, settling a short distance away but giving them space.
  Those two sure were tight, huh? Even though it was her first-- second --time witnessing it, it was still so heart-warming. She just hoped she wasn't interrupting them with her third wheel.
  Looking at the cake, she watched and waited to see if Suiteheart would get a piece first and pass it to her. If Margaery wanted them to eat her cake, then Rose certainly would!
  It was no fun celebrating alone, so the more the merrier in the fem's opinion!