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bone deep exhaustion | open | still alive - Printable Version

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bone deep exhaustion | open | still alive - Plexus - 05-01-2022

✯ — You're not a monster, just a human
plexus looked deeply exhausted, his ears drooped, his eyes baggy, his tail low, and mask on at all times when he left. His muscles jerked and pulled and moved without permission more often. His fur was oily, matted, and thin in places he kept scratching. Plexus looked like hell.

With a bubbling yawn, the guru staggered out of the den, mask forgotten by his nest. His green eyes glossy as the took in the main camp. He didn't even realize he'd been shut away worrying and dealing with his demons for so long. A reminder was tucked into the back of his mind to catch back up with everyone he knew, and maybe even check out the new joins.

Laying down in some shade, the tired feline began to slowly groom his untidy pelt, his muscles lightly jumping from the rough stimulation.

Re: bone deep exhaustion | open | still alive - Agrimony - 05-03-2022

[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia; color: #B8DBD9;"]plexus.

the word was soft as it left the regal beauty. each step careful to avoid harming the creations of vita themselves. she would slow to a stop before lowering her head slightly in a greeting. taking his appearance in and feeling a pang of concern. she wondered what was wrong with the feline.

alas, she was not one to pry to deep into the life of another. not from lack of care, but for respect of privacy. i hope all is well with you. she spoke in that voice like tingling bells. eyes soft as she slowly lowered her form to the earth. laying a few feet away to give the other space.

i was beginning to worry when i did not see you again. she openly admits her concern for the other. after all, he welcomed her here only to not be seen for some time. she did hope he was okay in all the ways that mattered. she hated seeing anything vita created in any sort of pain.

the woman offered a relaxed sigh as she looked up to a bird flying over them. to her, vita was always watching and always good. like this necklace that she believed gave her reincarnation abilities. she chalked it up to earning the favor of vita.


Re: bone deep exhaustion | open | still alive - Plexus - 05-05-2022

✯ — You're not a monster, just a human
Startlingly slightly, his paw jerking as he reached to smooth his fur down at the base of his tail, "bellaluna?" he cautiously started, and then relaxed once he realized it was her, "All will be well soon."

Plexus' voice was raspy even more so than usual from disuse. He almost didn't sound like himself. With the admitted worry, his ears burned with shame and embarrassment, "I'm deeply sorry to worry you, and everyone else." He quietly began, his maw opened a few times as he tried to speak before sighing in frustration. His tongue felt stuck to his throat as he forced out, "Things from the past are not easily forgotten." was all he offered neutrally.

Turning an ear towards the Okapi, Plexus carefully asked, "How are you adjusting to being in the Coalition?" The male had seen the former when they joined, and was wondering how the female was settling in, especially considering her open worry (not many ever worried about him outside maybe a pawful).

Re: bone deep exhaustion | open | still alive - Agrimony - 05-08-2022

[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia; color: #B8DBD9;"]now, the woman took in his surprise with calm eyes. the woman would bob that graceful head towards the earth and raised it up. a simple acknowledgement of her name. i am glad to hear that. i do not like to see others suffer. head tilting to the left a fraction of an inch. studying him calmly as he spoke again.

do not apologize to me, dear. she paused and let a soft smile grace her elegant face. sometimes we need to take time for ourselves. it is good for the soul. she adds with understanding in her eyes. that gentle tone in her voice.

at his next comment, she perked up a bit and then nodded sharply. i understand. yet, the past is not meant to be forgotten, but learned from. though, the past hurts us sometimes. she mused sounding distant in her tone. it was his question that snapped her back from her distant state.

the woman would take a moment to think on that question. it is much different when compared to my loner life. though, with bul'gars here it has been easy. she hoped her answer was decent enough as she was still trying to get used to this new life style.
