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[PU] The moon will sing a song for me // Coop building - Printable Version

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[PU] The moon will sing a song for me // Coop building - Olalla - 04-30-2022

Olalla G. Semenov
Male— Ardent— The Pitt— Bio.— Plot
Olalla enjoyed the little things and, of course, the bigger picture, but every picture wasn't a picture at all without small details. A single brushstroke, a single deed, was all it took. A single, little deed. For him, today was coop day and a large pen for roaming. He didn't bother building a dome over it, since the wings of the chickens, quail, and grouse would be clipped for safe measures, as much as he hated clipping. But he couldn't put them in the aviary; it'd be too chaotic and a lot more hazardous. 

Not only for anyone entering, but for birds trying to escape as well. Olalla gritted his teeth a bit as he plopped down the bundle of wet stripped branches, logs, and a large, dried gourd bowl filled with a paste made of sand, dirt, moss, and water. He sat down on his haunches, picking up a few logs and examining them for any sharp, jagged edges; he didn't need birds getting impaled; he already had to worry about that with the Pitt.

Satisfied, he began digging holes around the shaded edge of the jungle, figuring that it'd be easier for the birds than in the middle of a hot, sunny plaza. The beast then pushed the logs into the holes and poured a splash of paste into them, stirring the inside briskly with any sticks that were within his grasp while adding any small stones near him into the mix. After this was all said and done, he covered the holes with the dirt he dug and patted them down harshly.

The pen was a decent size, although if Olalla had running room, then the birds would have had more than enough room. And so, walking back over to the wet branches, the beast began pushing them between the logs and between each other as more of a wall like structure, adding the paste where it was needed to things like holes around the logs; he would need to make more to smear against the wall itself as he didn't have enough at the moment. Frustrated and with a few smacks to the face with slippery sticks, Olalla grumbled heavily, sitting down for a breather.

It was difficult; the slippery branches weren't the most cooperative, and with thumbs that were only half useful, it was almost twice as hard. A few long moments passed before the beast sighed and rubbed his eyes, looking at the only partially woven pen. Whatever, he'd do the rest after the actual coop was built. Olalla grabbed a few more logs and began digging out a pit within the pen; the foundation. He smeared paste down over top before beginning to build the bones of the coop. Using a tall, 2 floored, rectangular frame as his blueprint, he quickly set to work; propping up logs and pressing paste within the cracks, pressing and smearing, pressing, smearing, pressing, smearing.

The shaded sun was the only thing that broke Olalla out of his rhythm, realizing now that it was mid-day. He made a hell of a lot of progress, but was reluctant to finish weaving the wall. The coop was all but finished. A roof and bedding were needed to finish it, and maybe a few things inside, but other than that, it was pretty sturdy for a building made of wet branches and glorified mud. Humming lightly, he stood up and padded over to a pile of now dried branches and furrowed his brows, gathering them within his paws and ambling awkwardly on hind legs to the river. From there, he dipped them under the swirling waters and held them under, letting all the bubbles fade before pulling them from the warm river. He sauntered back to the chaparral, setting the wet branches down and beginning to weave again.

He used an over-under formation because it seemed to work best for wanting a stronger build; and knowing birds, he would need a strong build.

Re: [PU] The moon will sing a song for me // Coop building - Night of No Stars - 05-03-2022

[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia; color: #64F58D;"]the woman came upon the scene and stopped there. eyes locked on the male as he seemed to work on something. of course she hardly cared for this activity. she was not one to care for building things as it did not meet her goals in life. the woman looked at the craft work without much care.

emotionless eyes flicking to the other and a tail tip twitching. what are you making? that dead voice asked in typical fashion. simply wanting to understand, but not offering help. not yet, at least.


Re: [PU] The moon will sing a song for me // Coop building - Olalla - 05-25-2022

Olalla G. Semenov
Male— Ardent— The Pitt— Bio.— Plot
The Ardent rightened himself, shaking out his thin furred coat while bits of wooded debris fell from him as he stood; his usual suppressed, faded regal look slithering upon his snakish face. "I am building one of many Community Bird Coops, so the-" Olalla bit his tongue, assuming LivingDead's reaction if he had continued and used the word, Peasant. "Less fortunate... may eat with ease. Although, as the title suggest, everyone must maintain the coops," he coached as he slabbed another glob of pasty mud upon the side of the coop and smeared it around. "Including Vale and I."

The Ardent paused, brows knit and face lit with an expression one could not identify. "LivingDead may i ask you a question," he queried lightly, eyes meeting the feline's. Although, Olalla didn't bother to let her respond, and instead kept the conversation going. At least, on his part. "You of all beings here, or mostly all, would know what the people wish for. Vale and I are doing our best, but what is it you'd like to be worked on? What needs a new face to it?" Olalla used the term "you" as a reference to those below the two Ardents; his members, not just LivingDead.

Re: [PU] The moon will sing a song for me // Coop building - Night of No Stars - 06-05-2022

the emotionless monster let her eyes scan the ardent as he spoke to her. community bird coops were a thing she would likely never understand. perhaps i am old fashioned, but the less fortunate starve where i grew up. she responded in that dead voice as always. though, it is best to help them in a group like this, i guess. she added as if it was an after thought.

because it truly was one. the empty gaze shifted to study the coop. she knew she was not going to be much of a bird keeper. she was not much in the nurture department. then, she was asked a question and her eyes flicked back to the ardent. every word seemed to hang in the air for her.

she was not the right one to ask such a thing. she was, as one would expect, completely out of touch with what others felt or desired. perhaps you should ask another soul. i'm not really in touch with the masses. a good murder here, a corpse there. these things make me ah.. what is that feeling called.. happy?

a paw tapped the earth a moment. i could ask about, if you wish. i don't care for things, but surely others would have better answers for you that i can return with.

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