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The Girl Who's Always Smiling (o, joining) - Printable Version

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The Girl Who's Always Smiling (o, joining) - Cutebunny50 - 05-24-2018

[Image: tumblr_p4vh6lKow41qll5dxo2_500.gif]
The Ascendants — Observer — HOVER FOR TAGS
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]There she was in the flower field, just lying there.
She wasn't even a member of this clan, nor had she ever been a member of one; Rosegarden just called herself Rosegarden because she thought it sounded cool.
She hadn't realized a clan lived here either. When she first saw this place-- full of lots and lots of flowers --her paws had moved on their own, and only after she'd stopped rolling in the grass did she realize she was on someone else's territory.
And that's what got her here.
I should probably leave... The thought did cross the russet feline's mind-- the idea that she should probably leave if she didn't want to get in trouble.
At the same time... The she-cat rolled to her side to look at the flowers surrounding her.
I don't wanna.
The loner lying on her side was literally lying in wait for clancats to discover her and do whatever with her. Rosegarden had heard about clans; of course she had, with a name like that.
They can't be that bad, she thought. Maybe it would be fun to join a clan-- especially one with a place like this.
Her method of joining was really bold, though, just like her personality. She was already intruding on their territory by being here, and she had come up with the idea of joining them on the spot.
In a way, this kind of joining was very fitting of her. It was a big example of what she would be like in the future, if they did end up accepting her.
Don't they have an open policy or something? That means they accept everyone. There's no way they'll turn me away, especially considering how young I am, right?
Well, no matter. The cat decided to switch her thoughts off right then and there and simply enjoy the field of flowers.
This is one reason Rosegarden always smells of wild flowers...
Right now, the flower-loving daredevil was content.

Re: The Girl Who's Always Smiling (o, joining) - Margaery - 05-24-2018

[color=#b14767] ❁  ❁  ❁
[color=#b14767]"You're trespassing."

Margaery's voice was soft and honeyed, though there was no denying the dangerous edge to it. She did not take well to intruders, no, they normally became the vampire's dinner. But ever the cordial fae, she would do nothing but halt before Rosegarden, roses blooming at her paws as they always did. She had been doing some maintenance within her gardens before this, hauling some stones around using her earth elementals in some attempt to make a rather cute path for visitors to wander upon. She had only come to the flower fields for a moments break and, had she not encountered the intruder, would have returned by now to finish her task for the day.

[color=#b14767]"This is the Ascendants' territory. What is your name and business here?" She inquired, voice still so soft, so low. Her joyous mood as of late had been disrupted by recent events and Starry's unfortunate... event (she would call it nothing else but that. It hurt too much to even think of what really had happened) had taken its toll on her good spirits. She wasn't in the right mindset to be doing her job, she knew that much, but would suck it up regardless. She had to. She had to.

Rearing gracefully upon chocolate-hued haunches, the starstruck guardian would raise a metaphorical brow and await a response. As much as she despised intruders of any sort, this one didn't seem to be causing any harm. Her expression softened slightly at that revelation. You're just tired, she thought to herself, You have every right to be a bit... rougher around the edges.

Re: The Girl Who's Always Smiling (o, joining) - Warringkingdoms - 05-24-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]After the incident with "Raven," Rin completely understood being wary of trespassers. It was a miracle that Roy had survived that particular attack, even as powerful as he was- especially since all of the medics had been missing for weeks now. She couldn't attribute his survival to her own efforts, not after failing to save Starrynight; it had to have been luck, and his sheer force of will, alone.

  This individual, however, was far enough from the camp that it was possible they had just gotten lost. The border was difficult to detect if you weren't sure what to look (or smell) for, and even then, perhaps this person was unfamiliar with the way that these clans worked. They did seem relatively young and inexperienced.

  Following Margaery over, Rin fixed her eyes on the newcomer, her expression blank. "Seconding her," she murmured, with a small nod. There wasn't much she could do here, but she felt it best to ensure none of her clanmates were out on their own. Even if she couldn't save their lives if it came to that, at least her presence there would hopefully ward off any attackers hoping for a lone target.

Re: The Girl Who's Always Smiling (o, joining) - Cutebunny50 - 05-24-2018

[Image: tumblr_p4vh6lKow41qll5dxo2_500.gif]
The Ascendants — Observer — HOVER FOR TAGS
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]Despite expecting this, she still wasn't prepared. Of course, it's not like she would have been able to prepare, but still-- just hearing the first clancat was enough to snap Rosegarden out of her little reverie and cause her to sit up to look at the speaker.
Bad idea; the owner of the first voice was tall and, well, dangerous-looking. That's the only way the girl knew how to describe her.
The second to come didn't look as terrifying, but the blank expression-- Rosegarden wondered if that was a normal look on her.
Pretty interesting characters, weren't they?
Gulping, the fem glanced from one to another before focusing on the first one, who had asked her a question. "Sorry; I didn't realize I was." (Technically not a lie because she didn't know at first. True, she knew now and a little before they arrived, but still-- she wasn't lying!) "I'm Rosegarden! I just saw a flower field and couldn't help myself..."
She trailed off, looking at the roses at Margaery's paws. She didn't remember those being there...
"I was thinking about joining! What do you think?" She thought she might as well get straight to it.
The young warrior-to-be wasn't the type to beat around the bush anyway.

Re: The Girl Who's Always Smiling (o, joining) - Margaery - 05-24-2018

[color=#b14767] ❁  ❁  ❁
As she apologized, Margaery's expression only softened further. Accidents happened all the time and she was just on edge due to everything that was transpiring in her life as of late. She couldn't be angry for very long at this Rosegarden individual who seemed keen on joining, it was wrong of her. [color=#b14767]"You're free to," She extended with a slight dip of her head, [color=#b14767]"My name is Margaery Mikaelson-Folie. Would you like a tour?" She inquired.

Her gardens still needed attention but she hadn't done anything too serious to them yet. If she postponed her "construction" for a little while, she was sure that nothing bad would come of it. Besides, she was alone with her thoughts when she was surrounded by her roses, interacting with a new clanamate would be the best way for her to distract her troubled mind- even for an hour or so.

Re: The Girl Who's Always Smiling (o, joining) - Suiteheart - 05-25-2018

[align=center][div style="width: ##px; height: ##px;"][Image: E8agfv5.png]
The death of Starrynight also weighed heavily upon her heart. He had been a good friend and a great leader. Her heart ached for the other, but she knew there was nothing anyone could do to bring him back. She let a sigh fall from her lips as she headed towards the flower fields, knowing she needed to get back to her tasks. Starry would've wanted it that way, she thought.

Rounded ears twitched as she heard a new voice, mingled with Warringkingdom's and Margaery's voices. Curious, the polar bear stepped forward. The look she wore on her face was a suspicious one. From what she had picked up, Rosegarden was tresspassing. But she did want to join. The girl's words sounded sincere, but Suiteheart was skeptical. She tried not to be, for Margy didn't seem all too alarmed. Taking a stand beside Rin, she allowed these feelings to disappear. Instead, she put on the welcoming face she gave most newcomers.

"Suiteheart," she greeted. [color=#73B1B7][b]"I'm a Cosmic General here. If you ever have any questions about the Ascendants, don't be afraid to ask 'em."

Re: The Girl Who's Always Smiling (o, joining) - BASTILLEPAW - 05-25-2018

[Image: jgC0ptA.png]
To say that Bastille was faring poorly was an understatement.

Everything had been so fucking good lately, and now there was writhing pit of darkness in his chest that he hadn't experienced the likes of for months. Oh sure, he was all too familiar with the frothing angry and despair, the helplessness, the inevitable doom of his failure. His first few months of life had been hell, a dark period of nothing but anger and turmoil as his souls shifted restlessly. He didn't even know when the anger had stopped, not really -- it seemed to dissolve slowly, quietly, until there was nothing but apathy. He didn't know why he had gone. He didn't know how his souls had finally settled and aligned. He didn't know how to do that, and all he had now was the turmoil and the vicious knowledge that Starry was just gone and somehow he was meant to be able to function in the face of the loss, meant to hold himself together and take care of his people.

It was literally his worst fucking nightmare, and Bastille was so firmly rooted in despair and denial that it was a miracle that he'd actually left his room that afternoon. Everywhere he went, cracks splintered violently under his paws, jagged lines running through the dirt as he walked steadily towards the group. For a solid 24 hours after Starry's death, storms had raged and his powers had melted down so completely that he was certain for some time that they would burn themselves out completely. And then they had just... dimmed. Retreated back inside of him to recharge, emerging in flares and bursts at random. Now, the only physical representations of his internal chaos were the cracks and the dead look in his eyes as he regarded this stranger.

"Bast," he offered, and left it at that. It would be a cold, cold day in hell before he ever uttered his title -- god, his fucking title -- willingly to a newcomer, and this was not that day. After a beat, he added vaguely, "We have maps and shit, too, to help you learn the territory. Or explore. Or whatever."
[align=center][Image: 4ySBjji.png]
the ascendants — astral seraph — tags
[div style="width:400px; margin: auto; text-align: right; font-size: 8px"]© MADI

Re: The Girl Who's Always Smiling (o, joining) - Cutebunny50 - 05-26-2018

[Image: tumblr_p4vh6lKow41qll5dxo2_500.gif]
The Ascendants — Observer — HOVER FOR TAGS
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]The girl visibly relaxed at Margaery's acceptance and display of friendliness.
Sweet! She was in!
She even began to form a smile before it froze at the sight of a-- p-p-polar bear?!
Despite herself, the red-brown feline felt her hackles rising. Weren't clans supposed to be, well, filled with cats?! She may have heard about powers or something along those lines, but she had always assumed that was just non-clan members going overboard.
She couldn't even figure out if this was a transformed cat or just a plain bear. True, Rosegarden was startled at the sight, but when the polar bear introduced itself and wasn't unfriendly, she again felt herself calming down.
Yeah, clans really were interesting!
"I'd love a tour!" Not one to turn kind gestures down, the she-cat accepted cheerfully.
She watched as the last arrival (so far) came over and introduced himself.
Bast, huh? That was a rather short name, wasn't it?
Well, that was everyone so far!
"Nice to meet you all!" She beamed at them, glad they weren't attacking her. It wasn't her fault she had come at a tense and stressful time-- and the fact didn't elude her attention --but if everyone was in a rough place, maybe she could help them!
For the time being, she still really liked this flower field. With how it looked, surely the clan took care of it, so maybe they could all play in it together!
An idea popped up in her head: she could make flower crowns and teach others how to make one and distribute them to spread the good cheer! Or something!
Rosegarden had never experienced hardship-- not like these guys had --but now they were clanmates! If she couldn't understand them, she could at least try to take their minds off of things for a little bit!
"For those who didn't hear me introduce myself earlier, I'm Rosegarden! It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance!"
Yeah, surely this was going to be fun.