Beasts of Beyond
when destructive creativity isn't enough // building outpost - Printable Version

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when destructive creativity isn't enough // building outpost - VALE - 04-27-2022

graphic gore ★ genderfluid ★ bonehead hyena
Vale’s three eyes squinted as ve looked at the stacks of supplies arranged haphazardly on the jungle floor. Piles of wood planks. Metal tins and supports. A long ladder that could be broken up into two, depending on how many levels they could build for the outpost up in the tree. A large horn to mount at the top for signaling. And, of course, a beautiful bone chime.

For now, the jungle’s treeline extended only so far from the river, and this was the tallest tree on the outskirts, making it an excellent spot to build a defensive outpost. Even once Olalla’s reforestation efforts began paying off, this would be a useful resupply point and internal defensive position.

However, while Vale understood the military utility of such an outpost and had been able to drag everything here (shapeshifting into a rhino had its perks), structural engineering was beyond ver. The hyena frowned as ve began to pace, pausing every so often to tap a paw against vis jawbone. “It’s so easy to burn these damned things, why can’t it be as easy to build them?” Vale huffed and drummed vis claws against a wooden plank.

Sighing, Vale rolled vis red eyes. Time to ask for help. Throwing vis head back, ve cupped vis paws and yelled to the sky.


Re: when destructive creativity isn't enough // building outpost - Olalla - 04-29-2022

Olalla G. Semenov
Male— Ardent— The Pitt— Bio.— Plot
Right on time.
It was about mid-day when Vale screamed coarsely, and of course Olalla made his way to the sound; a folded, tannish paper like, thinned hide in his hands as he sort of shambled on his back legs toward the screaming child.

Olalla new Vale was a capable being, however dead and undead vey were, but he also knew of Vale's limits; vey were smart sure, but certain topics eluded them. Like building, hence the blueprints. And maybe it was because Vale, being the war criminal vey were, was more used to tearing things down rather than building, but he supposed with practice the goopy mess of a creature would be pretty okay with construction. At least in later days.

Huffing lightly, the beast made his way through dappled jungle and scorched ground, dipping and weaving through young vines and sprouting plants. While the jungle had been regrowing a bit, thanks to some rain and replanting, he knew he needed help. Olalla knew that while his efforts had been made, he wasn't going to be able to do this alone, even with The Pitt's help, even with Vale's help, the jungle wasn't going to regrow itself in time for use. The Pitt needed this jungle, and perhaps the jungle needed The Pitt, and without it his people would go hungry. Homeless. Hopeless. And without hope, breeds desperation; and desperation is a dangerous thing.

Finally meeting Vale with a frustrated gaze, spiderwebs streaking his face, Olalla settled down beside the 3 eyed mess and removed the thinned hide from his mouth and spread it across a flat-ish rock that jutted out from the chaparral. "Right," he began, gesturing toward the large tree that would hold as almost a sort of support beam and base for the post. "This thing needs to be invisible to the untrained eye, Vale." The beast would go on to explain the structure of the post, supplies needed, items within it, the usual sort.

Re: when destructive creativity isn't enough // building outpost - Kold - 04-29-2022

The feline let out a low caterwaul in response to Vale's scream, "COMING, YOU LOUD ASS FUCK!" Granted, she could have been equally as loud, but the Lykoi cat cared little. Paws covered in thin fur started from her own little resting place in the trees toward the duo, wiry tail flicking.

Her cat form was rarely used, and now she remembered why. Extending her neck like a giraffe she tried to look at the blueprint, physically straining to see. As a last resort, she reared onto her hind legs and balanced to get a good view as Olalla explained everything.
Kold Darcia Ní Broin - Pitt - Marauder
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: when destructive creativity isn't enough // building outpost - Night of No Stars - 05-03-2022

[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia; color: #BF6900;"]was he useful? not likely. so, the male would scamper over and stop near kold. eyes flicking over the gathered as he watched them. wondering how he could help them. i can help with smaller things. he offered with a tilt of his head as his tiny staff poked the sand.

his right paw gripping the handle as he looked to vale and the others. waiting for instructions.


Re: when destructive creativity isn't enough // building outpost - blackjack - 05-09-2022

For fuck's sake, the Ardent was one noisy bitch. Time and time again Blackjack was left astonished by how well Vale could project vis voice across the Pitt's vast domain — it was a truly marvelous feat. The jaguar had appeared behind Kold and Mr. Snuggles as a gesture of offering his hand in assistance for the task at hand. "I can build shit," he said with a twitch of his ear. Barely, sure, but it was possible. He did repair his entire current treehouse, after all. Not that it was particularly fun.
[glow=#f4c430,2,300]how to rob men blind[/glow] —

Re: when destructive creativity isn't enough // building outpost - VALE - 05-10-2022

graphic gore ★ genderfluid ★ only teeth
Vale’s flesh melted right off vis skeleton as Olalla droned on and on. The blight had a difficult enough time holding onto a cohesive form without being bored to near death, and Olalla’s instructions tested the limits of vis willpower. Vis grey tongue lolled out from the gaps between vis molars.

An eyeball popped out of the socket and bounced across the dirt.

Kold’s dramatic appearance, along with the more polite entrances by Mr Snuggles and Blackjack, were enough to keep Vale from disintegrating into a disinterested decaying blob.

But not enough to prevent vis body from crumpling into a pile of bones, leaving only a floating pair of teeth where ve’d been.

“Hmm, I think the three of you heard enough to get started?” The sentient hyena teeth said. “Get the foundation up. I shouuuuuuuld be reformed by then to assist after.”

Vale totally wasn’t tricking Olalla and the rest to doing the job ve said ve would do. Totally not. Becoming nothing but teeth out of boredom was such a common problem for shapeshifting gore monsters, after all, so they would surely understand.