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a fallen god's plea - Printable Version

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a fallen god's plea - Nickodemus Mistletoe - 04-27-2022

[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia; color: #aaaaaa;"]he took the day to sulk, really. his grumpy self finding his way to the outer edges of his homeland. there he was sitting in the swirling snow and winds. eyes locked on the sky as he willed his lightning to act. alas, he got no response and let out an annoyed growl.

how had he lost everything so fast? all he had was a new home and his friend. yet, without his lightning, how would he ever be able to protect kitty? his mind reeled as he looked away a moment. finding his gaze on the distant mountains. vast and wide. secrets held for ages.

secrets like his own.


Re: a fallen god's plea - jerisidie - 06-26-2022

[div style="padding-top: 40px; padding-left: 30px; font-size: 90px;"]X
THE WAVES WILL BREAK! -- hellhound. regent.
secrets were troublesome at the best of times, sometimes, they were things that people wanted to share but were afraid of being hated for. he was no stranger to keeping secrets, no, he bore many himself, many that would change how folks saw him.

he had fled to the beyond and it's mainland years ago, grieving the death of one he loved more than he ever should, a man that had caused him so much pain and grief as well as joy and happiness. he hadn't known what to do so long ago, he'd tried to find purpose in so many people and things that in the end he just wore himself out. his shadow stretched longer and longer, day by day, if only because of the secrets that he kept, and the secrets of those who had confided in him.

then, there was the day that he had fallen and become injured. his wings were not free to fly with anymore, his duties leaving him bound to places he wished to escape. he had escaped, disappearing after a very public wounding, for disobeying another. he had no place left there, fleeing, running and running all the way north until he collapsed in this land that had been foreign. he was powerless and so alone, bleeding half to death. death had come some time later, freeing him from that bound body and allowing him this shape, whole in it's entirety if only for the empty heart in his chest. he'd given something up to come back, to this land of frozen hell where he'd remained.

coming across gekigami, the god of battlefields would stand silently, observing the male from a distance before exhaling and a grand cloud of mist surrounded his muzzle, stepping forward to quietly sit next to him. he didn't need to speak, he knew the frustration that the other felt. he could practically feel it in the air, his gaze flowing out over the frozen lands turning into less frozen landscape and sighed slowly, "what you lost will be discovered again, when it's ready to come back. and it does not mean you are weak without it.", he murmured gently, the meaning of his words meant for himself and for the other as well, though, perhaps, he took the most comfort from his own words

[align=center]"speech" .. 'thoughts' .. attack
attack in #606A83. -- EVERY CHAIN ON ME !
[member=11].[/member]teef + help from [member=11].[/member]psy

Re: a fallen god's plea - Nickodemus Mistletoe - 06-26-2022

the voice startled the broody male and he let his head whip around. narrowed blue optics finding no threat, but finding jer. the male would pause and then sink his claws into the snow and ice under paw. letting his anger die down before he let his gaze soften. not by much, but enough that it was not a glare now.

"wise words, friend. weakness is only there when you choose to let it be. no one is weak unless they believe it to be so. words i heard my father utter a thousand times. though i found no comfort in his words, but your words bring me this.."

he trailed off and looked away once more. debating a moment before speaking again. "don't tell kitty this, but i lost my powers." he decided to state bluntly. voice dripping with barely contained anger.



Re: a fallen god's plea - jerisidie - 06-30-2022

[div style="padding-top: 40px; padding-left: 30px; font-size: 90px;"]X
THE WAVES WILL BREAK! -- hellhound. regent.
he would sit quietly and listen to geki, to the other beast of these frozen wastes as he spoke of his secrets, an understanding expression on his face, "You needn't worry. Your secrets are safe with me. I've got my own to hide from those who would judge me, friend." he would murmur softly as he looked out in the storming area around them.

"Do not hate yourself for the loss of your powers, Gekigami. Things happen for the strangest of reasons, and very few reasons make any sense.", he murmured quietly, "It hurts like hell to know that but ... it is what it is. We can only do so much about it."

[align=center]"speech" .. 'thoughts' .. attack
attack in #606A83. -- EVERY CHAIN ON ME !
[member=11].[/member]teef + help from [member=11].[/member]psy

Re: a fallen god's plea - Nickodemus Mistletoe - 07-01-2022

the words were comforting, even to the grumpy beast. he was not the only one worried about keeping secrets. nodding his large head, the tiger would offer a chuff. it would seem the hellhound beside him understood what it was like. this was oddly soothing to hear, though geki did not understand why.

"perhaps i need to earn back my gift. lightning is a powerful gift i took for granted and this must be my undoing, right?" he was sure this was the case. he once held the power to smite those that dared try him. now, he could fight, but he could not rain lightning upon them.

that was what he missed. "lightning arrows were a blessing." he muttered before chuckling softly.

