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Rosegarden's Bio [please don't post unless it's gift art or something lol] - Printable Version

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Rosegarden's Bio [please don't post unless it's gift art or something lol] - Cutebunny50 - 05-24-2018

[td][div style="border: 4px solid black; height: 200px; width: 200px; background:url(; background-size: 100% 100%;"]space[/td]
[div style="text-align: center; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 4px black; font-family: andale mono; font-size: 36pt; color: white; margin-top: -16px;"]ROSEGARDEN !

full name. Rosegarden
nicknames. Rose, Rosy, Gar, 'Den, Garden. Basically anything under the sun is okay with her, as long as it's somewhat close to her name or established it's a name for her. 

sex. female
gender. female

physical age. young warrior, 1 year (12 moons)
mental age. childish and acts like a kit/excited newly-named apprentice (6 moons) but capable of maturity. Can be naive too. 
spiritual age. young and innocent, a child in soul

group. The Ascendants
rank. Observer (normal warrior)
titles. none yet

species. domestic feline
appearance. Russet/auburn-furred female with a black-striped tail. Above her nose is a dash of white, and on the left side of her chest near her heart is a vaguely heart-shaped patch of fur (symbolizing her pure heart). Her eyes are sapphire blue, and she is rarely ever seen without her flower crown of red roses. From top to bottom, the alternating black stripes on her fluffy, bushy tail are all pointed towards the end of her tail, at an angle. (About 45 degrees.) Towards the tip of her tail, the stripes end, stopping before a vertical stripe that looks like a ring. The stripeless part of her tail is comparable to the brush of a paintbrush. 
modifications, scars, permanent injuries, etc. none yet, thankfully

discovered powers. none yet
mastered powers. none yet
future powers. mental bond, maybe? maybe something to do with growing flowers (flower prints?) or having flowers grow on her (aesthetic elementals?) Earth-related powers, maybe, and connecting to someone else on a deeper level if that's possible

deep inside.
personality type. tbd
positive traits. friendly. honest. loyal. responsible.
neutral traits. energetic. curious. wild. bold.
negative traits. hasty. loud. thoughtless. naive.
personality description. She's a good girl at heart who wants to do things that she enjoys. However, sometimes she may do something you don't like, such as acting overfriendly and forcing you to get involved in what she does (her problems or her hobbies). She's just a bold girl who does as she likes, though, so she can't help but drag others into her passion. She is the type of cat who wants to share the energy and the fun, and it's not like she can't take no for an answer; she's just thoughtless and naive sometimes (too trusting), and she marches to the beat of her own drum. One great trait of hers is how loyal and protective she is of friends: she'll fight anyone who badmouths them! In addition, pride is not an issue with her (she cares more about the important things like maintaining relationships and getting things done), and if she has a perceived role of leadership, she will do everything in her power to make everyone happy/everything go well.   

mental disorders. none
emotional disorders. none
quirks. She speaks in a tomboyish manner as seen in her energetic, boisterous personality.

goals/dreams. To have a great big garden of flowers that everyone can enjoy and love and to see what those after her do with it-- that's the closest thing to eternity for her. She wants to accomplish this with her friends.
fears. the usual

history. Previously a loner, Rosegarden found out about clans and clancats and started calling herself by a Warrior name because she thought it sounded/seemed neat. The earlier parts of her life are a bit of a mystery to her: where did she come from? Who did she come from? Who was her family? Because of her knack for looking forward, her name before Rosegarden is probably a mystery too (it may have started with a Y). 

generation. Gen Alpha (made May 24, 2018. birthdate tbd)
parents. NPC x NPC
siblings. who knows?

romantic orientation. homoromantic
sexual orientation. demisexual
crushes. to be added to
love interests. to be added to

romantic partner. to be added to
children. none
best friend. to be added to
mentor. none/to be added to
apprentice. none/to be added to
enemies. none/to be added to

song name by artist name
song name by artist name

Inspired by/based off of Ooshiro Yukina from A Kiss and a White Lily For Her! She might have a kittypet (or not) friend called Towako. This is dependent on if anyone else has read the manga and wants to join me. I highly recommend it, btw! (The series, not joining me xD)

Re: Rosegarden Character Bio - Cutebunny50 - 05-24-2018


Avatar by me:
[Image: rosegarden_beasts_of_beyond_avatar_png_b...ccfr01.png]

Signature by me:
[Image: rosegarden_beasts_of_beyond_signature_pn...ccfrvy.png]
Quote from one of the scans of the drama CD of A Kiss and a White Lily

Re: Rosegarden Character Bio - Cutebunny50 - 05-24-2018

[Image: tumblr_p4vh6lKow41qll5dxo2_500.gif]
The Ascendants — Observer — HOVER FOR TAGS
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Re: Rosegarden's Bio [please don't post unless it's gift art or something lol] - Cutebunny50 - 05-25-2018

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