Beasts of Beyond
It's said that you were Gold / Olalla - Printable Version

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It's said that you were Gold / Olalla - Kold - 04-24-2022

Lightning splits the sky over the jungle, the once soft tapping of water becoming a steady roar. Rain collects on leaves and falls in heavy drops into the Marauder's body, soon leaving her a drenched mess. Her face spells out her annoyance with a downturned face and narrowed eyes. After all, anything wet reminds Kold of Tanglewood, and, more specifically, her death at the hands of a lioness.

But the place she comes across is familiar, faded memory provides a peek into what transpired here. A wing extends and hovers above her head, shielding her face from the rain. Her breath catches in her throat, and a longing whine leaves her lips.

While the memory of a father and sister attempt to curb a monster's hunger plays in her head, she doesn't notice or hear the presence of anyone approaching.

Kold Darcia Ní Broin - Pitt - Marauder
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: It's said that you were Gold / Olalla - Olalla - 06-28-2022

Olalla G. Semenov
Male— Ardent— The Pitt— Bio.— Plot
Olalla didn't mind the rain; he didn't mind the gently tip tip tapping of the droplets hitting the large leaves of the jungle that surrounded the Plaza. However, he hated the wind and cold that was brought forth with rainstorms. Nevertheless, he padded through the Plaza, eyes darting between closing shutters and slamming doors, various members scuttering past him in an attempt to beat the worsening rain.

The beast had secured the coops, closed off the yard, and shut the door to the egg rack. They had proven to be an extra task, but a task necessary. If it meant his people were at least a little more fed, then so be it. Something Vale never really understood, the necessity of these tasks. Of all of this. Though how could vey, with only a single braincell left after the years which was only used for sarcastic comebacks and berating newcomers, Olalla was surprised Vale could even handle being a war criminal let alone Ardent. Although Vale and proven his point that he had made not so long ago. Vale would leave, and vey did. Pity, almost.

Out of the Plaza now, Olalla quickens his pace as lighting cracks open the sky, clouds pouring about like blood from a whip. It was ironic really, this whole thing. Everyone had been wishing for rain, wishing for the heat to die down at least a little; their prayers being answered in full. Now they'd have an overflowing river to deal with, although maybe some oddities would wash up as they normally do. The beast sat at the forest's edge, swiveling his head to look around him before noticing that drenched white fur he had come to grow fond of; though he'd never admit it, not even to himself. A brow raised as he lumbered toward her, teeth parting in a small, subtle smile. "Kold," the beast greeted in a low voice. "You're looking as horrible as ever." Olalla sat below a large, sickle shaped leaf, his head touching the underside of it. The saying wasn't true after all, you really can choose function over fashion! The behemoth lowered his gaze from the Plaza to Kold, eagerness in his gaze.

Re: It's said that you were Gold / Olalla - Kold - 06-28-2022

Jolted from her memories, Kold darted her head around to see Olalla, and for a moment she was a little ticked. He wasn't the first being she wanted to see, but he also wasn't the last. And out of everyone who could have stumbled upon her reminiscing, Olalla wouldn't know her past. Not that she cared. Totally.

"Olalla. You look more like a Rat than usual with this rain." and that was the truth. The wing shielding her head twitched, and she turned to walk toward him. "What causes you to be out in this rain?"
Kold Darcia Di Angelo - Marauder of The Pitt - 3 year, 8 months
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: It's said that you were Gold / Olalla - Olalla - 07-12-2022

Olalla G. Semenov
Male— Ardent— The Pitt— Bio.— Plot
Olalla watched as she padded over to his little fashion show, a small smile curling upon dark lips once more with a chuckle not far behind his joyous parade. "Really? I figured I looked much more like a drenched seal than a rat," the beast remarked. "Big."

He swayed, shifting his weight to the side as he moved to sit on his haunches. The rain was calming when there weren't cracks of lightning splitting open the sky every few moments. So not only would he have to worry about the Nile and the oasis overflowing, he'd also have to worry about the jungle burning to a crisp. Again. Although, it was good; all this rain. Good for the plants, regeneration and all. "Oh you know me," Olalla teased with a light chuckle. "I love sitting in this cold rain, getting colds and sniffles. The usual." He looked to her, raising a brow. "And you? What is the terrifying Kold doing in this horrid weather?"

Re: It's said that you were Gold / Olalla - Kold - 07-12-2022

Kold squinted at Olalla, stopping before him, just out from the trees. "Is it bad that I don't know what a seal looks like?" She asked, sittind down on the sodden earth. A pathetic chuckle left her, and she shook herself slightly.

"Ha-Ha." She scoffed at his words, but took a second to think of an answer to his question. Kold shrugged, then craned her neck to stare at the clearing. "Memories, really. Granted, I didn't want to be out in the rain, but I didn't have a choice." And she stared back at Olalla, tilting her head. "Memories of here and somewhere else. They're a little fuzzy since they happened a few years ago."
Kold Darcia Di Angelo - Marauder of The Pitt - 3 year, 8 months
[sup]© tikki[/sup]