Beasts of Beyond
the stars are so black today // blooding (tw blood, gore) - Printable Version

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the stars are so black today // blooding (tw blood, gore) - DAMION MAVERICK - 04-23-2022



blooding. how interesting. it was a term the hellhound wasn't familiar with - they didn't have that back in the golden eye. now he was reduced to what he once was, an outcast. no rank, no friends. alone again, just like after he had killed his father and left with his wife and children. "сука." he murmured to himself. the desert was cold in the evenings. but it was fine - he'd adapt to it easily, he hoped.

jormungand had mentioned something about killing an animal so he supposed that's what he was going to do. hunt an animal - but what to do with it afterwards? strip it of its treasures then leave and brin g back a trophy? he could do that easily. he wasn't really sure what kind of animals roamed here - hopefully a dangerous predator that would allow him to fight again.

he wandered a bit more, aimlessly, enjoying the cool air on his skin. to say he was rotting would be a lie, he just looked that way and he didn't intend to start rotting anytime soon. his ears pricked up as he heard a noise - a shuffling, grunting, groaning. a large beast, he assumed. one for him to kill and devour. venom lined the grooves in his nose as his muscles came to life, senses on high alert. he sought it out in the dark - it was an ugly thing but he didn't care about looks. not when it came to prey, especially. his optics lighting up was like a beacon announcing his geolocation to the world but he could see everything so much more clearly.

then he saw his opponent. a towering, lumbering beast of a bear. friend or foe he had no qualms, as far as he knew everyone was out trying to kill him at the moment so with one push of his hindlegs he was off, a silent snarl bursting from his throat as he launched himself towards his enemy. it saw him coming and rose up to his hind legs to meet him. but damion had speed and fury on his side, barreling into the exposed stomach of the other animal. attacking the stomach was useless but it knocked the animal off-balance and with a thundering crash it fell backwards, off a small ledge. the jarring crack rang through the clearing as a huge cloud of dust rose. his back had broken and that bored the hunter. no use fighting a prey who couldn't fight back.

an annoyed grimace made its way onto damion's maw and he spat acid on the ground. hollowed ribcage pulsated with a heightened heartbeat and the hunter tread on light paws towards the fallen animal who against some odds managed to prop himself up. it began crying roars that echoed throughout the night, roars that seemed desperate, and soon it was followed by thinner, higher ones. two different ones that caused the hellhound to sweep his gaze over to watch two bear cubs run into the clearing. one of them, upon seeing its mother, freaked out and rushed to her side whilst the other turned on damion with a fury only he could match.

claws lashed out, heavy and off-balancing, easy for the male to dodge. blood pumped through his veins as laughs spilt from his maw - he lived for the adrenaline of this and occasionally he got a lucky shot in. snap as his talons left deep gashes in the bear's face. blood spurt as lip split. despite all the fun he was having he was still weary. an enraged bear could deal damage so he needed to make sure he wasn't hit. if he did get one hit it would be over, he'd be dead. then he would never be able to communicate with his family again.

a lucky opportunity presented itself to him as the cries of the mother distracted his newer opponent, causing him to look away, and damion's claws sunk deep into the cheek of the animal. it turned towards him with a shriek and by then it was all over. muscles bunched and pushed through the skull of the animal, crushing the insides, and teeth dug into eye sockets and he pulled and ripped the head to shreds. the animal fell, dead, to the ground and he rose, covered in blood and guts and tore open the stomach with some difficulty. a pile of steam wafted out into the air and he began feasting, his hunched form wary of the other two. however the other child seemed to be terrified and tried to nuzzle into the womb of the mother who was still lying on the floor.

soon he ate his fill. there was still a good portion left - he didn't need it, the coyotes and desert scavengers could have it. but he might have use for the teeth and the skull, so he took extra care breaking them off with rocks, each hammering noise causing the other cub to whimper. he had no bag so de-skinned a large chunk off the back and managed to form sort of a makeshift pouch to dump everything inside. by the time he was done he was nearly bathed in blood and covered in all sorts of smells but that wasn't anything a quick wash couldn't help him with. he clamped his jaws around the neck of the bag and began making his way away from the pair. this, he counted as a successful hunt - despite the original target not having been felled.



Re: the stars are so black today // blooding (tw blood, gore) - VALE - 04-24-2022

graphic gore ★ genderfluid ★ bonehead hyena
After Damion (presumably) entered the Pitt's plaza, word traveled quickly to Vale. Verifying the completion of bloodings had fallen onto vis shoulders, in no small part due to the goremonger's proclivity for violence. Vis grey tongue tutted against vis teeth at the thought of Olalla stepping away from his logistics and weird math to judge foul-smelling mavericks in desperate need for a bath.

On second thought, maybe Vale should offload some of these approvals to Olalla. Only to start a betting pool with the Pittians to see whether a newbie could make the behemoth vomit.

Damion's prize, of bones and teeth wrapped in untreated bearskin, might've been a good contender for winning Vale some drugs. The hyena bobbed vis skull in approval. "Nice work, eh? If only you'd brought the chemicals to skin and tan, you could've made a nice cloak. But! Well done, consider yourself a proper Pittian, Damion."

// noice fight sequence!

Re: the stars are so black today // blooding (tw blood, gore) - DAMION MAVERICK - 04-25-2022



the ardent verself came to congratulate him and he dipped his head in respect. "thank you, vale. i am not aware such chemicals exist? but if we have some in the pitt, i can go back and return to skin the bear.." came the quiet rumble from the male.




Re: the stars are so black today // blooding (tw blood, gore) - VALE - 04-27-2022

graphic gore ★ genderfluid ★ bonehead hyena
"It's a multistep process--probably take a day or two, it's such a pain--but the materials are easy enough. You just need the animal hide, salt, beeswax, and beef tallow." Vale shrugged. Damion could probably find these items with trading within the Pitt, if he wanted, since the materials weren't inanely stupid to keep like lead.

Re: the stars are so black today // blooding (tw blood, gore) - DAMION MAVERICK - 04-28-2022



as ve listed items he would need the hellhound nodded, seemingly in thought. his next move would have to be going to his home and dropping everything he had gathered off, then going back to where he had made the kill and skinning the damn thing. then he'd need to ask around for salt and beef tallow, animal fat. he was sure he could find beeswax somewhere but if not he'd have to trade some things, so he might as well bring an actual bag and go to collect everything from his kill. he dipped his head respectfully to vale, turned, and made his way towards his house.


out unless stopped!