Beasts of Beyond
i can do anything better ;; blooding - Printable Version

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i can do anything better ;; blooding - Night of No Stars - 04-22-2022

[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia; color: #64F58D;"]mess.

she was a freaking mess. she had left a week ago to do that blooding thing. not that she had cared, really. it was more at the request of mr. snuggles. she was expected to do as he wished, or he would not care for her. so, of course here she was doing something she could care less about.


that emotionless gaze studied the world around her as she picked her way through the desert. moving like she was simply a ghost. she was seeking her victim and she was still on the trail. she found a strange scent and had decided to follow it. something she hardly cared to do, as trespassers or prey were not on her list often.

half the time she forgot to eat. so, this was likely her first meal in days. she only stopped when she reached the resting being. it was, what appeared to be, a young gazelle. it seemed to be passing through in search of food or water. it would never make it.

the kill had been slow. more like torture. livingdead would pin her victim and cut them over and over. small cuts. watching the blood pool under her. she would start eating the still alive creature. living off it for a few days. rolling in the blood until she was soaked. she would take her rib and skull. carrying these things as she headed home.


that was why she was there in camp. covered in blood with bones at her paws. that was why she was a nasty mess. she did what she was told and she look awful for it.


Re: i can do anything better ;; blooding - VALE - 04-23-2022

graphic gore ★ genderfluid ★ gross shapeshifting
Following the smell of stale blood and dirt, the jaguar found Livingdead back from her blooding. Covered in more blood than her own spots, she looked like a true monster belonging in these harsh lands. Vale’s head tilted to the right; flesh sloughed off the bone as the skull beneath shrunk and contorted.

Vale stretched out vis front limbs, rubbing vis teeth against the flesh until rotting globs broke off. But the flesh beneath wasn’t rotten; glossy fur and slender legs replaced the bulkier body. When Vale shook verself off and stepped out of the rotting shell, ve’d become a slender cheetah drenched in black sludge.

Smiling with a fresh face, Vale’s three eyes locked onto Livingdead. If not for the scruffy psuedo-mane along vis neck and the third eye, ve thought they looked rather identical. Of course, ve’d neglected to copy the color palette correctly; ve was a washed-out, greyscale version of Livingdead’s yellow pelt and red blood.

“Congratulations on completing your blooding. Consider yourself a full Pittian, Livingdead.” Vale wasn’t usually this polite after a joiner proved their loyalty, but ve appreciated the dramatics of appearing in the Plaza drenched in another’s blood. And the smell. Oh, yes, the smell of blood was divine here where blood was more abundant than water.

Re: i can do anything better ;; blooding - Night of No Stars - 04-27-2022

[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia; color: #64F58D;"]the woman let her eyes flick over vale as he came upon her. she took in his shifting with mental envy. though she did not feel it in the way others did. she felt her mind tell her she wanted that ability. she wanted to be like vale, but was not like vim. thank you, vale. she mused with a wave of her tail. glancing down at the blood on her fur. wondering if she needed to groom herself.

the woman decided not to, for now. in her mind, she looked good. so, why would she clean herself? illness perhaps, but she was not worried about that.
