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let me tell you about my best friend ;; bal'gar - Printable Version

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let me tell you about my best friend ;; bal'gar - Agrimony - 04-22-2022

[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia; color: #B8DBD9;"]she found out her family member had joined the same group. she was so happy to hear about that. so, of course she was going to visit him. bal'gar was one member of the family she would never avoid. after all, she enjoyed his company. sure they did not fallow the same deity, but that did not mean that they could not be close.

even she knew that life and death went hand in hand. so, it made sense for her to be close with bal'gar. life made the living, so that death could have the gift of the fallen souls. the female was carefully picking her way to the home bal'gar picked. stopping outside and offering a soft greeting.

bal? are you home dear? the elegant woman called out softly. her voice like bells on the wind. she would lower her head a bit as she waited. her necklaces bobbing about her neck.


Re: let me tell you about my best friend ;; bal'gar - Damiana - 04-22-2022

Bul'gar 9 moons CoTC Egyptian Jackal/Mau Hybird

[size=8pt]Bul'gars had been home laying around when he heard a noise. Bul'gars went to the door and looked out and smiled seeing Bellaluna. "Bella." Bul'gars said happy to see her. Bul'gars loved seeing his family and was happy that he joined the same group as Bellaluna. "Come in." He said moving to the side to welcome her in.

Bul'gars looked at Bellaluna. "I'm glad that you came by." He said very happy as his tail swung behind him showing that the was very happy. Bul'gars wished more of his family lived near by, but he knew at least Bellaluna did.

Re: let me tell you about my best friend ;; bal'gar - Agrimony - 04-22-2022

[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia; color: #B8DBD9;"]as her friend reached his door, she offered a soft smile. he greeted her warmly and she slipped into the house as he invited her in. the male was happy she came by and that made her heart soar. the taller female would stop and lower herself to lay on the floor out of the way.

being so tall was not always fun, really. i'm glad you were home. been lonely setting up my house. she admits before laughing softly. how are you settling in? she adds softly.


Re: let me tell you about my best friend ;; bal'gar - Damiana - 04-23-2022

Bul'gar 9 moons CoTC Egyptian Jackal/Mau Hybird

Bul'gars still smiled hearing Bellaluna. "Very well, I believe." He said walking over before settling down near Bellaluna. "I'm glad we joined the same group." Bul'gars added thinking of the idea of joining separate groups and shook his head at the thought.

Bul'gars than thought about what Bellaluna said. "Anytime you want to visit, feel free to stop by." Bul'gars said not wanting Bellaluna to be lonely. He didn't like the idea of his family being lonely in anyway. "That way you are not lonely." He added still smiling at Bellaluna.

Re: let me tell you about my best friend ;; bal'gar - Agrimony - 04-27-2022

[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia; color: #B8DBD9;"]she was happy to see that he was settling in well. that was all she wanted for her family. to see them all happy and safe. after a moment of silence, she let out a soft laugh. faint a gentle as the woman herself. i am glad as well. we belong together, as all family does.

the woman would look at the younger male with those lovely eyes of hers. i will visit you often. i much rather keep good company than be alone. she adds with a soft tone. her eyes sparkling as she aimed a soft nudge to the males shoulder. careful not to ruffle him any.


Re: let me tell you about my best friend ;; bal'gar - Damiana - 04-28-2022

(04-23-2022, 01:44 PM)Bal’gars link Wrote:
Bul'gar 9 moons CoTC Egyptian Jackal/Mau Hybird

Bul'gars nodded. He agreed with Bellaluna when it came to family being together. "I wonder how the rest of the family is doing in that case." He said now curious, but he was happy to have a least one member of his family nearby. Like Bellaluna, Bul'gars wanted nothing more than for his family to be happy.

"Then I'll look forward to your visits." He said still sitting near Bellaluna. As he sat there another question came to his mind. "Do you think the others will join the us here?" Bul'gars asked curious if they would run into any of their other family.

Re: let me tell you about my best friend ;; bal'gar - Agrimony - 05-03-2022

[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia; color: #B8DBD9;"]after a moment, bellaluna would let her ears swivel. taking in every sound around them in oblivious fashion. she was always listening to everything around her, but as a prey animal it was something she did without realizing. perhaps they have found their own way. she mused with a soft hum.

the lovely woman looked over at the male once more. not everyone is willing to live in one place forever. some may be looking for where they feel they belong. the woman would add in that voice of tiny bells. after a moment she would offer a response to his question.

the world is strange after all. perhaps they will find their path here with us, though not everyone will find that path. the woman offered with a gentle tone as she thought about it. she wished the same, but would not be surprised if it was not the case.


Re: let me tell you about my best friend ;; bal'gar - Damiana - 06-08-2022

Bul'gar 9 moons CoTC Egyptian Jackal/Mau Hybird

Bul'gars nodded once more. "Right and I hope they find their right homes." He said hoping that everyone in his family was doing okay and had found a home. Bul'gars smiled hearing Bellaluna. Then again Bul'gars was happy to have Bellaluna nearby.

I guess I'll have to settle for having you around, but I can't wait for our next family meeting." Bul'gars said happily. It was true that he love seeing his family at their family meetings and love when they had events such a picnics afterwards.

Re: let me tell you about my best friend ;; bal'gar - Agrimony - 06-09-2022

[div style="background-color: transparent; margin-top: 0x; margin-right: 0px; max-height: 45px; max-width: 500px; text-align: left; font-family: times new roman; color: #f6c1af; font-size: 20px; text-transform: uppercase;"]BUT IF YOU CLOSE YOUR EYES -
bella let her eyes flick closed in thought. would they have a family meeting? she hadn't been to one in a while, but she could not voice such a word. the woman would open her eyes and smile. "we will have a meeting before we know it."

she hoped she sounded sincere. after a moment, she would let her body relax onto the floor. laying her long neck out and sighing contently. "if anything, we can always find them and visit."
