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how can this happen to me ;; sick - Printable Version

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how can this happen to me ;; sick - Agrimony - 04-22-2022

[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia; color: #9ADCFF;"]the child felt horrid that day. she woke up early and felt like her body was on fire. she had no idea that she had a fever or even that it was only the start. she slowly stood up h=when her head started throbbing.

she let out a tiny yelp as she collapsed back into her nursery nest. she had a headache and it was bringing her to tears. her body hurt all over and she wanted to curl up and just stop being there. it sucked and she stood up by force. tears stinging her eyes as she stumbled out of the nursery and towards the den of plexus.

on her way the cough started. it was dry and hurt her chest. she had no idea that she had the flu, but she wanted it to stop. she needed her friend. she needed anyone. as she reached the door to plexus' home, she collapsed in a coughing fit. everything hurt and she was full on crying now. so, she did the only thing she knew how.

she cried out for help. plexus. laertes. byriath. the three people she trusted the most were who she pleaded for. and for one, she was not quiet in her call. no, she was loud for the first time in her life.


Re: how can this happen to me ;; sick - Kindledflame - 04-22-2022

  [font=trebuchet ms]Zuriela's voice crying out in pain was not what Kindledflame had wanted to wake up to.

  Quickly climbing out of bed and heading towards the sound of Zuri's voice, she took a deep breath. If she's talking, that means she's still breathing. If she's talking from near Plexus' house, that probably means she can still walk. The situation probably wasn't as bad as her worst fears would lead her to believe.

  Arriving to find Zuri at Plexus' door, shaking and coughing and crying, Kindledflame furrowed her brows. Coughing... that could mean any number of things. She might be contagious, she might not. She wasn't sure if she had anything to cover her face with right now, but she could figure that out once she identified what Zuri had.

  ...Well, first of all, she had to rule out poisoning. "...Zuriela, dear, have you eaten anything unusual today?" she asked after a moment, carefully approaching Zuri and gently pressing a paw against her forehead. Sure enough, her forehead was very, very warm. Almost certainly a fever.

  Frowning, Kindledflame stepped back. "I'll need to go find a mask, dear, but I can stay with you until Plexus arrives." She clearly remembered stocking a couple of cloths in the closet of her house, and thought she also recalled finding a box of surgical masks... she wasn't sure how many were still in the box, though. Plexus had had the right idea in always wearing that bird mask of his, it seemed.

  /permission granted for peaceful powerplay

Re: how can this happen to me ;; sick - Plexus - 05-01-2022

✯ — You're not a monster, just a human
Plexus's ears shot up instantly, his mask still on from gathering herbs earlier. His eyes still dull and fur looking better, he charged out of his dwelling, fighting down the panic from hearing the fox kit he became so fond of. Eyes looking around, they landed on the youngster, seeing her in pain and shivering (his heart ached at the sight). Gently nudging her, he softly began, "Zuriela?" He tried to gingerly wrap the fox kit in his tail as he crouched beside her, he had heard her coughing and he could feel the heat radiating from her.

Looking up, plexus gave a light nod to Kindledflame, "Thank you for keeping her company." His words sounded sticky and rough from not talking for so long, "Have you seen any other symptoms she's had before I showed?" His mind was running from possible illness she could have (likely a respiratory infection of some kind) but more info would be helpful to narrow down a possible diagnosis so she's be treated correctly.

Re: how can this happen to me ;; sick - Agrimony - 05-03-2022

[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia; color: #9ADCFF;"]the first one to arrive was kindledflame and zuriela felt herself shivering as her gaze lifted to the older female. she opened her mouth to speak, but broke into another long coughing fit. tears stinging her eyes as she finally spoke in turn to the older fox. no.. nothing but what i normally do.. the little fox wanted to hide her face. yet, she let her eyes flick down as her head throbs. she slammed her eyes shut and let out a soft whimper.

my head.. it hurts.. the little fox wanted the pain to go away. she wanted to just be back on the beach relaxing. she wanted to feel okay again. the pain was to much and she hurt all over. a paw touched her head. she slowly opened her eyes again as kindledflame spoke. she just hoped the older female had some sort of idea as to what was wrong with her. maybe she would be okay.

okay.. a mask like the one plexus had? did that mean what she had was bad? her heart was thundering in her chest at that moment. then, she felt another presence. the scent of plexus washed over her and she felt a sense of fear mixed with comfort. between kindledflame and plexus, she would be alright. she hoped she would be alright.

the little fox turned to hide her face in the fur on plexus. she wanted nothing more then to be better. would they figure it out? she really hoped they did. after a moment, she jerked her head away. turning her face away from the two of them to cough more. each cough racking her tiny little body with pain.

i'm sorry.. she wheezed as she let her head drop onto her paws. tears staining her fur and leaving dark spots on the earth under her. she hurt so much.


Re: how can this happen to me ;; sick - Plexus - 05-05-2022

✯ — You're not a monster, just a human
Gently nudging Zuriela up, Plexus gave a grateful blink to Kindledflame. His heart stuttered at the fox kits words as he lightly brushed against her, "Lean against me, need to walk." He gently encouraged the younger into the home, and nudged her into a clean bed/nest.

A light frown overtook his maw as he cycled through the symptoms he's seen. The fox kit was feverish, had a cough, and seemed weakened. His heart dropped when he realized it was possibly a flu. With a jolt in his step, he quickly went to the herb stores Zuriela helped him clean and got to work pulling down the herbs he needed. Humming, the Norwegian Forest cat got to work making a decoction and then making that into a syrup, specifically one for Flu Relief. He'd treat the cough with a Cough Syrup he had prepared not long ago if it is still kicking after a few doses of the Flu Relief.

Quietly, Plexus started with cold water and carefully began to layer in the BlackBerry and Ground Cinnamon. While he waited for it to come to a boil, he took some feverfew down the the stores to take with him when he gave Zuriela the syrup. Ears pricked, he bound back over to the now boiling water, and supervised it so it didn't boil over or become too violent. Declaring the decoction done, he began on making it a syrup. Straining the liquid without the ingredients back into the bowl he was using for heating, he added 2 parts Honey to what he had in the bowl. Letting it steep and lightly boil for several minutes, the Flu Relief mixture was now a rich syrup.

Shaking his coat, he portioned out the syrup, grabbed the feverfew, and lightly nudged the fox kit, "Zuriela? I need you to take these, okay? Eat these first," Plexus nudged the feverfew over, "then you need to take the Flu Relief syrup, it has honey in it, so it should taste better than the raw herbs." The words flowed easy, but his throat felt raw from stringing these words together. He was fraught with worry, and hadn't spoken in almost 2 weeks. Absently, he wondered if he could teach Zuriela how to use pawspeak/sign language.

Re: how can this happen to me ;; sick - Agrimony - 05-08-2022

[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia; color: #9ADCFF;"]a gentle nudge would make her stir from her self pitying state. slowly raising to her paws, she stumbled slightly before leaning against plexus lightly. she knew he could make things better. he was their guru and he knew so much about herbs. she walked at his side until she was nudged into a nest. once there, she collapsed into a heap and closed her eyes. she could hear him moving about as she lay there.

she had no idea what was ailing her at all. this was the only time she could recall being sick. she never felt like this before, so it was not something she understood. she wished she knew how she fell ill. how she came across some illness so horrid. she could hear him shuffling through herbs to get what he needed and she held out hope for a cure.

be it instant or slow working, she would accept it ether way. his humming was almost reassuring to her. she felt like that hum may be a good sign. she could hear him coming back and she forced her eyes open in time to see him above her. she tried to force herself up slightly.

the young female was trying her best not to burst into tears. she felt useless enough. the younger female knew how pathetic she seemed and it didn't help with her self confidence now. sighing slightly as she was nudged, she would do as told. taking the medicines offered to her in stride.

maybe, when she was better, she would learn more from plexus. but, as it stood, she just wanted to nap. now with the medicine in her body, she lay back down fully and looked up at plexus. wondering if he was disappointed in her like she was herself.
