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Greetings from Bunny - Printable Version

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Greetings from Bunny - Cutebunny50 - 05-24-2018

Hey all! I'm on mobile right now 'cos I'm in school and I won't be home 'til a little later because I have club. Even so, I was excited to make an account to greet you guys!
I guess I'll talk more when I get home! For now, hi! I'm Bunny! I used to roleplay on both feralfront (WCRPG) and bearbones! I also still rp now 'cuz I love it!
If we've met before, hello again!
If we haven't, nice to meet you!
I'm looking forward to rping and posting again!

Re: Greetings from Bunny - Verdigris - 05-24-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]/falls through the roof

Re: Greetings from Bunny - Cutebunny50 - 05-24-2018

/makes a mental note to repair the roof later

Heyyy!!  I'm here!!! *waves*

Now that i'm back from school, I think this is a good time for self-introductory stuff!

I've been a roleplayer for like 7+ years by this point! I've always been a casual rper who likes to take rping seriously. XD
I've roleplayed a bunch of things: humans, Pokehumans, anime, Vocaloid, main game, etc.
I'm the most excited about main game because as I've always said, it's always been my opportunity to rp my favorite characters (turned cat) as much as possible, and that doesn't change now! c:

So you'll be seeing me there!
If you want to rp, i'm always open to it! Friend me, message me, summon me-- it's all good!

I'm a girl, 18 years old (yeah I wasn't kidding about having rped for a long time), currently in 12th grade and going to college next year! My old characters were mainly Touhou characters, like Remilia Scarlet, Icey, Marisa (and more recently: Cosmicstar) etc.

I also rp on tumblr a bit! I checked out the tumblr rp scene. I'm luckyyoukairabbittewi! That's where I rp my favorite character Tewi haha (another Touhou character, ofc)

When it comes to rp experience, you can see I have a lot haha. XD I love love art, I love animals, I love turning everyone into a cat, I love reading stories and coming up with ideas etc. 

That should be all you need to know, I think! I'm gonna work on the character i'm gonna introduce to the scene, Rosegarden!

It's great to see you, Verdigris! Big Grin Glad you've been with me for so long (I can't even accurately measure it xD)

Everyone feel free to self-introduce and stuff! Thanks for having me! Big Grin

Re: Greetings from Bunny - Orion - 05-24-2018

ayyy welcome to the site bunny! i'm orion, sometimes known as star on other places(for example, ff lmao), so it's nice to see you here dude!!
any questions so far??

Re: Greetings from Bunny - Cutebunny50 - 05-24-2018

Hii!! Big Grin thanks for the welcome!! it's nice to meet you! ( 'v' )/
Ohh, do you still rp on ff?

No questions except that one (of curiosity), really! I'll ask if I'm ever confused Big Grin

Re: Greetings from Bunny - Orion - 05-25-2018

nah, i don’t anymore! i was the roleplayer of many cool(imo) characters like fragilepast, archipelagoisland, imperialcrown, fernando, etc 

aight! let me know when you do.

Re: Greetings from Bunny - rakue - 05-25-2018

(05-24-2018, 03:37 PM)Cutebunny50 link Wrote: I'm the most excited about main game because as I've always said, it's always been my opportunity to rp my favorite characters (turned cat) as much as possible, and that doesn't change now! c:

but welcome to bob!! i think we met briefly on ff, i was rakue over there nwn

Re: Greetings from Bunny - Cutebunny50 - 05-26-2018

ooohh!! that's cool!! sounds lit Big Grin

hahaha ikr xD i love my faves so much that i just have to rp them xD

thanks!! Big Grin i'm happy to be in bob. bob sounds great. i'm excited about bob Big Grin
nice to meet you!! i'm bad with remembering names and stuff but if we met, that's cool! Big Grin it's cool to see you again! Big Grin

Re: Greetings from Bunny - Orion - 05-26-2018

<3 awesome dude!!

Re: Greetings from Bunny - Cutebunny50 - 05-27-2018

[Image: Bunny.gif.b81c65ec5c6dd688accaad93f4f16f4e.gif]