Beasts of Beyond
WHAT ARE YOU WILLING TO LOSE [ stranger ] - Printable Version

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WHAT ARE YOU WILLING TO LOSE [ stranger ] - adomania - 04-22-2022

— time had a funny way of blurring into monotonous days, each the same as the last, centuries passing in the blink of an eye. stars dissolving from entropy, gravity pulling the pieces back together into suns that had no memory of their previous lives, each still yet a blip in the face of the universe. if something so grand could unmake itself and still be forgotten in the grand scheme of things... then he most certainly had no chance.

he envied the stars. at least when they got unmade, they knew nothing of the power they once held.

at least this body didn't feel as strange as it did when he was first shoved into it, muscles and sinew no longer screaming under the ache of holding something that wanted to burst out, rage and power turning on their prison. he had since come to understand that destroying his new vessel would prove to be more disastrous than beneficial - he would stay within it looking for means of escape, but until that moment there was no reason to preemptively burn all his bridges. it still felt awkward, bursting at the seems at times when the power it tried to contain overflowed, but beyond that it served its purpose... satisfyingly.

large paws had carried him past the railroad, so unused to groups at this point that the change of scent meant little to him, so caught up in his own thoughts that it barely registered. groups never did mean much to him anyways... this wouldn't be the first time he forgot that the creatures inhabiting the many mortal dimensions held particular regard for their little alliances. it wasn't until he heard footsteps, ears perking up and large form pausing, that the realization dawned on him, brows furrowing slightly. someone was coming, and they likely weren't happy... and that meant he was likely already going to be off to a wrong foot when he struggled so much already with getting on people's good sides on better terms.

Re: WHAT ARE YOU WILLING TO LOSE [ stranger ] - Cobra - 04-22-2022

[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia; color: #B2FFA9;"]now, boots was not a fighter. no, he was willing to fight if he must, but he often avoided it. the feminine looking male was unlucky enough to be the first to find a trespasser. he fluffed his fur, trying to look bigger, and stepped into view. praying to what ever god was out there that this did not go south.

welcome to the typhoon. you seem to have wandered in a bit farther then most of our guests. how may i help you? he asked with a swish of his tail. if this one had not trespassed, boots would have flirted his soul out. her was rather lovely to look upon.


Re: WHAT ARE YOU WILLING TO LOSE [ stranger ] - adomania - 04-22-2022

— for now there didn't seem to be a large threat to his well being despite the blunder... for now. he wasn't a fool nor naive enough to believe that all creatures in this realm, however big or small, could have the potential to leave him clinging on to life. not kill him, though. no, he wouldn't underestimate those he came across, but he wouldn't consider the thought that anything could take him down, not even like this.

though the feline certainly tried to appear more intimidating, it didn't seem to make much of a difference, ephrem's expression still flat as it settled on him, the only indication he had heard and was listening being the sudden shift of his ears, flicking backwards as his face twitched, giving the briefest indication of a frown. "it appears to be so," the words fell flat from his tongue, acknowledging the observation but portraying little particular worry. after a brief, perhaps slightly uncomfortable silence he nodded, dipping his head slightly, mane bobbing with the movement. "it has admittedly been a while since I have found myself in the company of... larger groups. it wasn't my intention to barge in, I can see myself out if you would prefer."

Re: WHAT ARE YOU WILLING TO LOSE [ stranger ] - Cobra - 04-22-2022

[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia; color: #B2FFA9;"]the others words made his fur fall flat. ears perking and his head tilting slightly. you didn't come here to cause trouble? he asked with a more relaxed tone. head lifting slightly as he slowly sank to his haunches. it was odd hearing the way he worded it.

did you need a home? being alone is not much fun, after all. he paused in thought before offering a kind smile. i'm boots. perhaps we should talk on the boarder. i would hate for anyone to be upset by any of this. after all, it was an honest mistake. he wondered if the other wanted to hang around or to just leave. he was not sure.

he hoped he would hang about, but he doubted that would be his luck.


Re: WHAT ARE YOU WILLING TO LOSE [ stranger ] - adomania - 04-27-2022

"it was not my intention, no," he winced after speaking those words, however, ears flattening - "though intentions sometimes fall flat." though boots seemed far calmer, even going so far as to sit down in front of him, ephrem still stood, body not tense but certainly not settled or at ease. there didn't seem to be anyone else coming for now - a good thing, certainly, for more reasons than just one - but for now didn't mean at all.

"moving would be for the best," after a brief, cursory glance around the area, the conclusion felt natural, though he didn't make any move to leave just yet, waiting for the feline's cue. Though his ears were already flattened, they twitched ever so slightly down further at the inquiry. "there is nothing wrong with solitude," with how flat his voice sounded, it was hard to figure out if the words were sarcastic, though he didn't seem to show any hostility towards the question so much as confusion. "there is a reason I am not used to groups and their territories. it was not something I have needed thus far."

Re: WHAT ARE YOU WILLING TO LOSE [ stranger ] - Cobra - 04-27-2022

[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia; color: #B2FFA9;"]boots nodded softly in understanding to the other. the other made an honest mistake and boots could relate. slowly standing, he would trot past the other to lead the way to the boarder. i can understand that. solitude can be good for some. he mused as he remembered his intent on sleeping on that log.

that went sideways when he washed away and fell off on these shores ages ago. that was when his solitude had ended. personally, i prefer company. i can not imagine being alone for to long. his paws guided the way from memory at this point.

i must say, i have a lot of respect for those that can handle that. his sing song voice was back as he spoke. happy and upbeat in his ways again.
