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TO THE EDGE || dual introduction - Printable Version

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TO THE EDGE || dual introduction - dragonsbane. - 04-22-2022

it was certainly not his idea, nor was he at all fond of it, but he has reluctantly obliged. (maybe it was something about getting out of his comfort zone. maybe it was something about making new friends. dragonsbane had not been completely listening to snownose when they had spoken, which was likely the only reason that he had decided to go along with them. half not knowing exactly what was in store until it was too late, half unwilling to chance, by some odds, snow deciding to separate should bane choose to stay behind. it's a thought with little potential to back it, but one that he refuses to tease. and one that he refuses to admit would bother him significantly.) and now he finds himself tailing snownose like a lost puppy, brimming with exasperation. "you do know that it is not too late to reconsider." a pointed remark. "they have done naught to earn your loyalty, and yet you blindly flock like a sheep. and for what can they offer you that i am incapable to provide?"

bane shakes his head, clearing away his thoughts. it's not that he does not trust snownose. actually, it's quite the opposite. snow is the only one that bane would ever follow into a situation like such. they are the only one that he would so much as considering spending such companionship with. and truth be told, it would be a lie to say that the hound was  concerned not just for their wellbeing and the trustworthiness of these strangers. dragonsbane thinks for a moment before going on. "mayhaps safety in numbers. more like a damn nuisance if i've ever heard of one. might i suggest we turn back and put such trifling matters behind us." it's just food for thought. social gatherings have never been his favorite. it took long enough for him to warm up to snownose themself. while a bad feeling certainly wrestles deep in his chest, one might say that it is naught more than anxiety (the mighty dragonsbane, anxious? he would scoff at the thought of it. laugh even). but a laughing matter this was not, and the hound's attention was diverted elsewhere, watching the skies above. and there is little chance snownose that change his mind. like it or not, somebody is bound to be nearby. it is more of a matter of where. where are they hiding. the thought makes his pelt stand on end from more than just the cold.


speaking color (#ffffff), action color (#536872)

Re: TO THE EDGE || dual introduction - HONEYMOON - 04-22-2022

"WILLS UNBENDING, FAITH UNENDING" bio ── this is open to replies now!! //

snownose is well aware of dragonsbane's qualms towards living within coalition borders. they are additionally well aware that bane will voice these displeasures upon the chance to do so… as he insists on doing presently. but snow merely hums a tune to let bane know that they are listening — they're well acquainted with his current anxiety, and don't wish to appear that they are ignoring him in favor of setting up a picnic. (which they do so lavishly upon a brightly dyed blanket: wines, breads, desserts, all assorts of treats brought from a basket and placed out carefully.) "my family by adoption is here, and that is reason enough for my 'blind allegiance.'" a bit of a mock in their tone, but they don't intend it to harbor animosity. and they refer to jasper and those under him — though snownose trusts and is fond of jasper, seeing him as a brother, they do understand that bane has never formally met him, and there is some natural level of unease.

with the finishing touches placed upon their picnic, snownose will turn to dragonsbane with a gentle smile placed upon their face. "there is no need to be so upset, honeybee," they offer, speaking of the anxiety they can sense in his chest. and they'll next reach over, bringing up a paw to flatten down a lock of fur upon dragonsbane's chest. "i would not do this if i thought we would be in some danger. relax, and have some wine. mon amor."

Re: TO THE EDGE || dual introduction - Kindledflame - 04-25-2022

  [font=trebuchet ms]The sound of strangers at the border wasn't all that unusual. While it had yet to happen during Kindledflame's short time here, she knew it would only be a matter of time before more lost creatures stumbled across the Coalition's home. It was a simple fact of life.

  Now, strangers having a picnic on the border was a bit unusual. Spying the two canines sharing food and drink upon a blanket, the fox approached with a quirked brow. "Hello there, dears- I don't suppose you're here to join the Coalition?" she asked, with a smile. It'd be more surprising if they weren't here to join- they certainly are getting comfortable here...

Re: TO THE EDGE || dual introduction - dragonsbane. - 05-19-2022

//oh i am so, so late to this.

snownose and their picnics... he is not understanding of how they could be so capable of making themself quite comfortable in a place they did not belong. or in the simple fact of placing roots to begin with. throughout his years alive, snownose has been the only one that bane has put his trust into. they are the only one that he has made an effort to remain close by to. as much as he does hate to admit it, he trusts that the decision that they are making at the moment is wise. pleasant for himself? mayhaps not. but wise. as per typical remark, bane merely scoffs at snow's words and reasoning. family by adoption, it's not something that he naturally agrees with. an opinion soured with a one-sided outlook. "you make an open fool of yourself, snownose; they are not your family." they are but strangers, acquaintances, friends... but they are not family. however, he knows that there is no talking them out of this decision, and bane owes it to them to at least give it a shot. difference in opinion or not. "i am not upset, you of all people should know i am not." and snow of all people would see past that and know the truth that he is.

but, there is no use lingering on the inevitable. snow finishes their preparations, and bane settles down alongside them. "whatever it is you hope to achieve here, do it. but i will not stay if i haven't the desire. you can make your choice of loyalty when the time comes." it is but an underlying promise that he will not stay long (or, at least, that is what he currently believes to be true. by some remote chance, bane may turn to enjoy the company of others. he may turn to enjoy having a group of individuals to rely on... as unlikely the odds may be). he shakes his head, collecting his thoughts and preparing to partake of his partner's picnic until they are greeted.

bane quickly rises to his feet, turning to face the fox. there is not a moment's hesitation before he steps in front of snow, standing between both his partner and the vixen. she shows no signs of malice, but he does not risk take any sorts of chances here. "what is your name?" a low growl. he does not answer her question just yet, nor does he want snownose to (though he knows they will try to soothe him and calm the situation and provide the desired answers. if he gets them thrown off the borders before given the proper chance to join, well...... he does not see that as too undesirable either). what disturbs him the most is the fact that he had not noticed her approaching, too caught up in his minor disagreement with snownose. "you would be foolish to approach alone. have them show themselves; i do not like to be watched." he takes a moment to linger on his demand before letting out a slight snort of contempt. "should you not be stupid, that is." again, he fully expects snownose to butt in with pleasantries and a gentle tongue, praying him to still his own. he cannot just let things be easy, can he?


speaking color (#ffffff), action color (#536872)

Re: TO THE EDGE || dual introduction - Brutei Tsune - 05-19-2022

The musical giggle that left Brutei was involuntary. They were amused at Dragonsbane's sharp senses, and thus the smaller feline slinked their way out from under the shrubbery nearby. Silvery blue paws moved gracefully, and the maroon eyes the oriental bore watched the trio with mild curiosity. "Well, aren't you sharp?" They mewed, standing next to Kindledflame with little care. Ice formed along their tail, and they flicked it in slight glee. "We are the Coalition. We are not stupid, and you are never truly alone here." Brutei spoke confidently, then ran their paw over their face gently.

"Allow me to introduce myself. Brutei Tsune of The Coalition of The Condemned." And they dipped their head slightly, eyes closing in a sign of trust. Underneath all that, truly, the demon was distrusting of Bane. They were a mother; they had to be cautious.


Re: TO THE EDGE || dual introduction - ninazu - 05-22-2022

Ninazu stalked silently through the evergreen forest. As she drew closer, she caught snippets of the conversation and saw the canines through the pine’s needles. The smells of their picnic and body language hinted to their purpose of waiting on the Coalition’s territory, so Ninazu supposed it would be rude to crash upon them in all her glory.

Twigs snapped under her feet. Her tail thwacked a cypress’s trunk as she passed. She consciously rippled the bioluminescence in her feathers, drawing the eye to look at the cosmos hiding in the forest.

All so when she stepped forward, the two canines wouldn’t be surprised. Most of the dinosaurs Ninazu had encountered were feral beasts incapable of reason or rational thought—she wouldn’t have been surprised if the two strangers had the same experiences.

Yet she still snapped her jaws. A sickle claw tap-tap-tapped as an instinct fired from the smell of prey. If her assessment of their friendliness was wrong, well, she wouldn’t leave their corpses to rot on the border like she would’ve during her reign as the Pitt’s ardent.

“And I am Ninazu Malus, a warlord–a rank capable of accepting joiners into the Coalition of the Condemned.” Her friendly tone contrasted sharply with the excitement betrayed by the sickle claw—perhaps anyone watching had simply imagined it? “Am I wrong about your intentions?”

Re: TO THE EDGE || dual introduction - SOJOURN - 05-22-2022

The scent of frost and cold had wrapped around him, seeking to nestle in his heart. He was simply out for a walk himself. Finding his way within this new form that he found he adored so much. Here and now the voices were carrying, sliding into his ear with words of potential joiners to the Coalition. Thinking and debating he wondered if he should care, should he be bothered with going over there. Chains chimed and clinked as a decision was made. The pale creature picking and finding his path as easily as anyone else had done prior to arriving at the situation. Though he did pause, dark grey eyes narrowing slightly in thought. A small smirk pulled at his lips then before he finally broke from the thick foliage and approached with intrigue now lacing his gaze. "Our dear warlord could never be wrong." The former Kingpin spoke with ease, voice unassuming before he finally turned to look at both of the strangers.

They looked the part of wanting to join them. But why? Why indeed. Yet his smile never faltered, never changed as he dipped his head to the both of them almost thoughtfully and polite. Almost. There was always something off in the way he did them. "Welcome. If you do join here, I hope it becomes a...pleasant sort of home for you." As painful as things were for him he had not left, it kept him from doing other things.