Beasts of Beyond
now's your chance to be a big shot! -- joining - Printable Version

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now's your chance to be a big shot! -- joining - Colortheory - 04-17-2022

  [font=trebuchet ms]At long last, it was the night of the full moon.

  Er, well, the night of the full moon had actually been yesterday. But it was still a waning gibbous, hanging bright in the sky- that was close enough, right? A brightly-moonlit evening was perfect for the entrance of one such as herself.

  The rainbow-clad leopard stood tall upon the Iridescence, a most brilliant raft of her own creation. The wind blew strong and swift, guiding the raft towards the Typhoon's docks. A bright smile graced her face as she rode the waves into the landing...

  ...until the raft collided directly with the pier with a loud crrrrrack, splintering into pieces and sending her tumbling into the water with a yelp. Frantically, she thrashed to the surface, then scrambled for the ladder and hauled herself up onto the dock.

  After a few moments of catching her breath in-between spluttering coughs, she slowly got to her feet and shook out her soaked fur and cape. "Nobody saw that," she mumbled under her breath, removing her waterproof bag from under her cape and opening it.

  ...Never mind, this bag was most certainly not waterproof. Everything inside was as drenched as she was- the cards, the herbs, the books, every last little odd and end except for her glasses- it was all ruined. With a sigh, she took the glasses and slid them onto her face. She'd have to have a word with her old supplier.

  A minor setback! Clearing her throat, the leopard drew herself up to her full height, posing proudly despite the fact that her cape, wet as it was, could not billow in the wind. "Greetings, crewmates of the Typhoon!" she declared. "I am Colortheory the Radiant, goddess of the marketplace. I've come to join your crew!"

  /tl;dr: an extremely self-aggrandizing rainbow leopard crashes her raft into the Typhoon's main dock, decides to act like it was intentional, and loudly declares her intent to join

Re: now's your chance to be a big shot! -- joining - shinigami sakigami - 04-18-2022

do you really think I’m the villain?

Shinigami was not one for such antics. She was much more quiet, elegant. The canine wanted to paint herself in a frame that one simply could not deny. Her grace and beauty would hoist her to the top, and then her sharp wit would push her over the edge. Throughout her whole life, this was a common theme. Her name was renowned and helped shape her into who she was, but she wanted to take it a step further and separate herself from her name. She wanted to be revered, respected.

She wanted to be on top.

When the colorful hued stranger decided to present themselves on her borders, the wolf tried not to spit in their direction. They waltzed in and proceeded to dunk themselves into their waters? It was pathetic, in her opinion. However, for the sake of presenting a kind face for her clanmates, she threw a half-hearted smile on her face.

I’m not the leader, so I don’t have final say, but I presume you’ll be welcome anyway. Shinigami Sakigami.


Re: now's your chance to be a big shot! -- joining - Colortheory - 04-18-2022

  [font=trebuchet ms]At the sight of an approaching figure, Colortheory spun around with a flourish to face them. Ah, a potential customer- a timber wolf, and quite a graceful one at that! Though understated elegance was not her own area of expertise, it didn't take an expert to see that the wolf made it look effortless.

  As the wolf introduced herself and commented that she was probably welcome, Colortheory grinned and dipped her head in acknowledgement. "Ah, yes. Well met, Shinigami Sakigami," she said, with a flick of her tail. "I shall look forward to meeting this leader of yours, then." At first glance, Shinigami didn't appear to have any items that could potentially be traded on her person, but Colortheory supposed that talks of business would be best saved for after she was officially inducted into the crew.

Re: now's your chance to be a big shot! -- joining - Cobra - 04-22-2022

[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia; color: #B2FFA9;"]now, he was not one to judge. after all, he washed up on a log and fell in the water. he was, how ever, concerned with the others crash. that could be dangerous for her. so, as he came up to join shinigami, he blinked.

are you alright darling~ he questioned with that sing song tone. eyes scanning to see if she was hurt. but, after a moment, he would add a greeting. i'm boots, and i must say i love your pelt~ you are stunning darling~ he complemented with a bright smile.
