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THE AZURE;; dragonsbane - Printable Version

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THE AZURE;; dragonsbane - dragonsbane. - 04-17-2022

(intro post here)


Re: THE AZURE;; dragonsbane - dragonsbane. - 04-19-2022

(a bio for dragonsbane is a current work in progress and will be posted and/or updated as time progresses.)

dragonsbane is a male, currently living in both the body of a silken windhound and the coalition of the condemned. his full name is dragonsbane varlineau, but instead goes by dragonsbane wyrmblood, or just bane for short. in the coalition, he currently holds the rank of a wanderer. his previous ranks, in order of achievement, went from: n/a. bane is not currently an ambassador to any clan. previous clans in which he has served as ambassador to, in order of assignment, are: n/a. his current powers are: mental manipulation and communication, mental bond (snownose), and jump boost

in terms of general appearances, bane is nothing too extraordinary or special. while is is rather large for his breed, he fully resembles the features of a silken windhound. while it’s hard to be exact, he believes himself to be pure of breed and takes a fair bit of pride within that fact. long legs are accompanied by a slim build, obstructed only by a large, barreled chest typical of the breed. his nose is long and slender, housing just the slightest of a dish in its shape. while extremely atypical of his breed, bane’s ears have been cropped, resulting in them pointing upright. two light, blue eyes rest upon his face alongside a dark grey nose. light tones grey covers up the vast majority of bane’s fur, splotched to and fro with bits of a darker shade (most specifically a saddle on his backside, his legs and feet, bits of his tail and face, and a scarf-like ring around his neck). an even lighter silver traces along his chin and underbelly, traveling all the way down to his tail and touching the hair within his ears. putting colors aside for now, bane’s fur is very thin and carries with it the appearance of silk. however, it’s a coat that has had no care of it, in return sporting patches of knots and tangles. from a distance, a shine can almost look beautiful; that is until realizing that it’s little more than clumps of grease. and if not bad enough, fleas are more than likely making a home within, and the dog has had problems on and off dealing with mange. surely he’s not somebody that you would not hope to get too touchy feely with. perhaps that’s why he does it. all hygiene aside, another topic at hand is scars; dragonsbane has got his fair share of them, tracing scores along his body from countless battles since passed. none of these scars are located in any notable spots, but that doesn’t mean that they aren’t too unpleasing to look at. that is until one’s gaze is falling back down upon the bits of bald patches accompanied by his battles with said mange, spotting around his nose, ears, and feet. as of current, bane wears no accessories. however, he does own a rather long, rather intricate lance (known by some as the gae bolg) that is faithfully carried into battle at his side.

as for his personality, to put it quite bluntly, dragonsbane is rude. there’s not room for him to worry about how others are to react to the words he speaks. he is not going to eloquently phrase things and lie to make those around him like him, or to keep their feelings from being hurt. if bane is going to speak, he is going to share what's on his mind just the way that he thinks it. and at times there’s moments in which he is just rude for no reason other than that’s the way that he is. stoic and aloof. bane prefers to not find himself in any sort of intense social setting, including meetings, gatherings, and any sort of events regarding both his clanmates and any potential allies. sure, he can see the benefits and important nature of these sorts of events; he finds little pleasure idling through trivial politics and exchanging forced and hardly-genuine pleasantries with strangers whom he would never think twice about before the sun makes its leave.

while he is a bit of an ass. dragonsbane is still an individual to acknowledge those higher than him, and to obey their commands (long as he deems them worthy of the respect to be given. bane is not oblivious enough to blindly follow a corrupt tyrant without question, nor to abandon the sake of his cause should some ignorant soul bid him forth). of course, even this has its ups and downs, for he will not always do so with pleasure or lack of judgment. should the need to do so arise, bane will go behind the back of authority to ensure success (both for the betterment of his group or for his own personal reasons, though do note that he is not selfish enough to sacrifice the well being of many to indulge in his own gain) of a mission, even if it means ignoring a direct order. in addition, bane avoids from making direct promises to others, and to avoid the telling of certain truths in order to believably articulate a lie. he hates to be sworn by promise; especially one binding him to a cause deemed unworthy of his attention or care. however, it should be noted that should you prove to be someone worthy of such admiration and respect, bane is a soldier who will fight alongside you until his dying breath. do note that this is not a moment to be treated lightly; it is not often he do so.

blunt rudeness aside, it’s by no shock that bane is somebody who is not easy to get along with. he is one to harbor more grim views of life: death over life; pessimism over optimism; a belief of peace forged through the wake of conflict over peace written through words on paper. many of which are ideas that no doubt tend to rub some the wrong way… especially if its a constant topic rolling off his tongue. most of his life has been forged from death and combat, and it’s rather difficult to silence the harsh realities of fighting tooth and nail for a cause that almost feels impossible to achieve. it would not be a lie to say that bane is not almost always thinking something along the lines of changing the past, or doing what he can do to prepare for the future. to silence the brutal thoughts of vengeance and malice with busy work, such as hunting,  training, or tracking the beast that slew his family. but a soul born of hatred is fueled by hatred, and perhaps it’s these reasons that makes it difficult not just for others to approach him, but for him to see the goodness within someone else, and to reciprocate these feelings within himself.

even if someone were to dig deep enough into bane’s heart to uncover it’s sliver of affection, he is not one to express this through gooey, romantic pleasantries. he will never learn not to be rude. he will never learn to express his affection through kind words or an action as simple as a kiss to the cheek. insults are shared, ‘endearing’ albeit the lightheartedness of them only be through intention. only to those of whom has earned his steadfast trust (though yet rarely) does he divulge in his more private thoughts, or suffer through a bout of public affection. not that he would admit that he might just enjoy it, and not that he would see why anybody would even wish to do so; he’s definitely got fleas.

as for his family, he has none. a fact that leaves him bitter. mother, father, and little brother scorched in the flames of the scaled fury he loathes. their deaths sealed dragonsbane’s fate from a very young age, and ever since, he has never given anybody else so much as a passing thought of a replacement familiar figure. adoptive parents, siblings, children…. there is no appeal. little room for anybody in his heart, though it seems that despite his own best efforts, snownose has charmed his way in there. not that bane would care to admit it, of course. and while he would never directly address to him as a lover, one can not hide what the heart feels.

in terms of history before joining the clans, it’s not something that bane finds himself talking about to others that often. for the sake of noting, when he was younger, his mother, father, and younger father were all killed by hand of a dragon. a dragon of which he has spent almost his whole life tracking ever since. pushing and training himself to be strong enough to slay the creature whenever destiny lets them cross paths next. he did change his name on his own to dragonsbane wyrmblood cause he thinks its edgy actually. what’s gonna happen. his parents say they don’t like it? blah blah blah, unimportant information and backstory front the time between then and now. likely to be updated further as time passes on. although he did meet snownose <3 not that he would ever admit that they’re in love, noooooo.

in terms of history after joining the clans, tba cause im lazy actually

character belongs to me, dofferz | character design belongs to me
edit log:
> 4/21/22: i'm dumb and can't link things right
> 4/23/22: jump boost.... doggy go BOING

Re: THE AZURE;; dragonsbane - dragonsbane. - 04-19-2022


» get away from it all: dragonsbane spends time with snownose

» the azure: character storage

Re: THE AZURE;; dragonsbane - dragonsbane. - 04-19-2022

dragonsbane (varlineau)-wyrmblood | typically addressed to as bane | trans male | bisexual | greyromantic | age undetermined | average age | ages real time | birthday is april 11 | aries | silken windhound | tall and slender | barrel chested | ears are unnaturally cropped | fur is white and grey | mostly a light grey with darker patches | eyes are light blue | very thin, silky fur | fur can be abnormally shiny, mostly due to bits of grease | he has literally no clue what a bath is he smells | probably has fleas | has (had) mange | has a couple small, scarred patches due to this, predominantly on his nose, ears, and feet | has multiple other scars across his body, nowhere specific | ectomorphic | has no current accessories | weapon of choice is an intricate lance | will still fight tooth and claw

current member of the coalition of the condemned | current rank is wanderer | previous ranks in order of achievement -> n/a | current ambassador to (---) | previously an ambassador to mentioned groups in order of assignment -> n/a

speaks in "white bold quotations”| thinks in "bold italic quotations" and plain text | attacks in #536872 underline unless specified

powers include: mental manipulation and communication, mental bond (snownose), jump boost | bodies include: silken windhound (main) | mutations include: n/a

first generation | npc x npc | unknown mother | unknown father | unknown (younger) brother | all are deceased | in courtship with snownose

open to minor and minor nonviolent powerplay | closed to any sort of major or violent powerplay | open to unprovoked attack | closed to murder | closed to maim without permission | closed to torture without permission | closed to capture without permission | minor injuries allowed | closed to major injuries without permission | please do not have three or more enemies attack at once unless granted permission or risk being ignored | note that you are targeting dofferz ooc when attacking or risk being ignored | battle skills range from hard | often fights with a lance | will typically not kill without reason | may kill in battle | will typically not capture without reason | has an average pain tolerance | relies on heavy, strong attacks | surprisingly lithe and mobile in combat

heavily based off of estinien wyrmblood, final fantasy xiv | extremely gruff | is usually mean for no reason | does not go out of his way to interact with others outside of a work basis | hates physical interaction and touch from most people | carries with him more of a ‘tough love’ sort of mindset | will give you the hard truth instead of lying for a good cause | refuses to admit when he’s wrong | refuses to admit when he likes somebody | hates dragons | will especially attack and/or kill dragons | like killing dragons is sort of his whole deal and it’ll take a lot for him to change his mind | like it’s literally in his name | (he changed his name for that purpose i think he wants to be edgy) | estinein ffxiv smells so bad i know bane does too | blah blah blah | final fantasy dog go brrrr | more traits to be added as time goes on

character belongs to me, dofferz | character design belongs to me
edit log:
> 4/21/22: i'm dumb and can't link things right
> 4/23/22: added jump boost

Re: THE AZURE;; dragonsbane - dragonsbane. - 04-19-2022

art © me:
art © on instagram:

Re: THE AZURE;; dragonsbane - dragonsbane. - 04-19-2022

(post reserved for character opinions)

Re: THE AZURE;; dragonsbane - dragonsbane. - 04-21-2022