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ANYWHERE THE WIND BLOWS :: sora - Printable Version

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ANYWHERE THE WIND BLOWS :: sora - The Tombs - 04-17-2022

As young as his bones and muscles may be, nothing stopped Maximilian from feeling absolutely ancient. Every minute he spent awake felt like hours, and the hours felt like days, so on and so forth. There wasn't a moment in which he questioned his decision to come here, to bring these people together, to appoint himself as their leader. Was this worth his pristine sanity, his mental wellbeing, his mind at every moment?

Whatever. He just needed another damn cigarette.

Tired brown paws opened the carton and pulled out a fresh one, taking it into his jaws before fumbling with the lighter he had found, whose flame he brought towards him and let rest upon the cigarette, setting the tip ablaze. He tucked the lighter into the carton with a sigh, a cloud of smoke exiting his maw. One could follow the plumes of smoke to the Docks, where the wolf sat beneath gentle moonlight, for he found the night to be far more comforting than the overpowering brightness of the daytime sky. The Alpha found genuine solace by the waters, staring out into the calm lake whose waters stretched out into the great beyond, being flowed into by many rivers that carried their waters on past the horizon, out to God-knows-where.

This was home now, and he truly loved it.

[member=23398]Sora Hoshi[/member]
[glow=#008040,2,300]where is my mind?[/glow] —

Re: ANYWHERE THE WIND BLOWS :: sora - Cobra - 04-17-2022

"those are bad for your health, but good for your soul, eh?" the words were offered long before the woman of the night sky appeared. her pelt not much different from the sky she walked underneath. the woman enjoyed the night as much as anyone would expect, based on her own looks. she was always doing something, like hunting or patrolling, but today she was home.


well, all the tasks for tonight were long done and she was taking a much needed day off. after all, she was fresh back from her nostos. she could use a relaxing night at home and the docks were the best place to be. that was how she found her alpha on this night. though, with the smoke he was puffing out, she was sure she would have found him anyways.

"it is a lovely night to visit the docks. clear skies and calm waters." she would note as she slowly reached his side. she would take a seat a few feet from his right side and let her bright yellow optics scan him. "though i am sure you knew that already. care if i hang around a while? i don't want to intrude on your alone time, but this place is where i like to come to think."

she could just go to that rock she found off the shore a bit ago. but, the dire wolf would rather not remember her dream or that star. not right now.

what good is a star that has lost its light?

Re: ANYWHERE THE WIND BLOWS :: sora - The Tombs - 04-17-2022

A brown, ragged ear twitched, and Max raised his head to see Sora approaching him, making her way onto the Docks to stand beside him. He took a final, long drag of his cigarette before extinguishing it, blowing a puff of smoke away from the other's face so not as to bother her. He tried not to smoke around others, especially not around children for obvious reasons, and he found it to be almost embarrassing to be witnessed with a cigarette in his mouth by someone else. Often, though, it was only because he was sick of the "you know those are bad for you, right?" talk that everyone felt obligated to give him. Sure. I don't give a shit, would be his honest answer, but it was one he didn't vocalize and instead opted to just put the damn thing out and let that be the end of it.

The wolf recomposed himself afterwards, glancing over at the other canine and nodding to her request of hanging around the Docks with him. She looked as though she could blend in with the night sky if she could reach high enough, her midnight pelt filled with stars and silver swirls. Sora looked much larger now, though, due to her abrupt transformation into a dire wolf. Max didn't know how the hell that worked, but he had to admit it sure was fascinating. There were many on this Island that looked strange as she did, though there were varying degrees to the peculiarities, and not all of them were particularly hideous, just interesting to look at. It sure made people easy to tell apart, too. "Surprised we don't run into each other too often, considerin' we both come down here," Max mused with an arch of an eyebrow. He often took refuge by the lake to soothe his nerves and clear his mind, but he hadn't quite noticed other people doing the same — at least, not when he was there.

Now that this space was shared, maybe it would be appropriate to start a conversation. Good idea. But how? The classic "you come here often" shtick was not only overplayed, but she had already answered it earlier. "How do you feel about this place, Sor?" he said finally. In all honesty, Max was still trying to figure out his own opinions on the Enclave's new, permanent territory, but the woodlands were really starting to grow on him.
[glow=#008040,2,300]where is my mind?[/glow] —

Re: ANYWHERE THE WIND BLOWS :: sora - Cobra - 04-17-2022

as he put the cig out, she frowned softly. she wondered if he did that for her sake. not that she would have cared if he smoked, as everyone had their vice. "you don't have to stop for my sake." she mused softly before looking back over the waters. her eyes tracing the distant shores with mild interest. the woman would let out a faint sigh before realizing he had spoken to her.

her eyes flicked over to the male again. taking in his rugged features. his comment made her laugh a little. "i doubt so. i come in the early hours of the morning. though, i could come here at night if you want." she offered with a soft tone. she knew that company could often help with clear thinking. she knew that from her own experience. she often needed company to help her think.

the woman looked back at the water as she slowly relaxed. laying herself down and resting her head on her paws. "the sunrise over the lake is one of the most wonderful things to see." she adds with a rather dreamy tone to her voice. she wished she could watch the sunrise right then. the ways the color danced on the rippling waters. the way the light gave life to the creatures swimming below the surface.

then he asked her opinion and she blinked. did he want the personal or the group safety opinion? the woman would turn her head slightly to look at him a moment before deciding to speak. lifting her head as she did so. "personally, i love it here. this place brings so much peace despite the unknowns. it is a little different settling down, but i think it will be wonderful for myself. though i can not speak for others."

she paused to choose her next words carefully. "it, as with any home, has its pros and cons. the woods provide food, but it can provide danger as well. the water provides drinking and a place to cool off, but if we do not teach the young to swim they could drown. though with classes and patrols, we can avoid anything bad happening." she hoped she was right. though anything could happen.

"i would think, in time, the group would do well here. after all, we can handle anything if we stick together." she mused as she let her head fall to her paws. not taking her eyes off max as she waited for his response.

what good is a star that has lost its light?

Re: ANYWHERE THE WIND BLOWS :: sora - The Tombs - 04-17-2022

"You don't have to stop for my sake." Huh. That was a first. "Duly noted," the wolf drawled, though he didn't bother reaching back into his carton again. He didn't know when he would find another one, so he was focusing on rationing his intake. Max believed that the awkwardness he felt when smoking around her wouldn't relieve itself so quickly, but perhaps it would just take time.

He listened to Sora speak about the sunrise over the waters, her voice soft and filled with a certain dreaminess that answered Max's own inquiry already. He found himself in agreement with her, his chocolate hues shifting to the waters that lapped gently at the small, sandy shore that the Docks stood upon, minuscule waves making their way all around the lake beneath pale moonlight. The sunrise was beautiful here, but he found himself loving this moment even more so. It was calm, still, perfect. He was a man of the night, he supposed.

His gaze returned back to the other wolf when he realized that he hadn't responded to her previous offer — she could accompany him at the lake at night, if he so desired. Well, did he? Maximilian valued his privacy greatly, yet he also could not deny the distinct heaviness of loneliness that he felt. Forming the Enclave and meeting a variety of new people in the process mitigated the sinking feeling a little, but the residual effects of his former (was it really former?) depression still lingered, waiting until all was quiet to strike. Perhaps he could use a friend. Any friend. "Be my guest." The Alpha wouldn't force her to join him, but if the two just so happened to meet again beneath shimmering stars, he couldn't envision himself complaining. He liked the idea of having someone to talk to.

Sora followed up with a more detailed response to his question, a business-like analysis of their new home. She had her valid worries about the woodlands, and more specifically the lakeside aspect of it, but for the most part, she seemed to be content with the territory. He took a moment to process her words, slowly nodding a few beats after she had finished speaking. "The camp's got a height advantage over the rest of the forest if somethin' happens. Good thing we have those lookout towers, too," Maximilian said. He had been pleasantly surprised when he first scouted out the territory with the original Enclavian patrols — having a hilltop camp with lookout points made for an easily defensible home base.

As for Sora's concerns about the youth of the clan drowning, she seemed to answer her own question. A few swimming classes were more than enough to assist with that. "Could teach 'em myself if I gotta. I'm a bit of a fish myself," he mused dryly and without laughter, yet his eyes sparkled in a manner that exemplified the humorous aspect of his comment. He was quite fond of swimming and loved being by the water, so mentoring others on swimming wasn't exactly out of character for the wolf. It wasn't as if they had any children to worry about at the moment anyway. For now, the Enclave would be able to thrive.
[glow=#008040,2,300]where is my mind?[/glow] —

Re: ANYWHERE THE WIND BLOWS :: sora - Cobra - 05-11-2022

sora never understood the ones that smoked, as she always preferred wine. she would have a drink from time to time and it was enjoyable. though, she did not do so with others, as she knew she was not able to hold her liquor. even wine hit her hard enough to make her a bit ditzy. she was not ashamed of it, but she never showed her weakness to others. not until she trusted them one hundred percent.

she trusted max enough to relax near him, but not to drink with him. not yet, but who knew what the future would hold for them? it could be a lot more than a drink or smoke together. after all, times change people and time had a way of being funny. though the humor of time was, not always funny. it took from her more than it ever gave to her and she still suffered from the losses of her past till that day.

when he spoke she seemed to snap out of her own thoughts and let her eyes trail over his face once more. i guess its a date then. she said with a serious tone before laughing softly. eyes twinkling briefly with amusement. i jest, but i will make time to join you should you be here when i pass by.

she meant every word of that last part. company staved of the loneliness, and in her case, sorrow. she turned her gaze to the waters once more and sighed softly. sorrow haunted her every thought. her every move was trailed by the threat of falling back into her own sorrows once again. she was always staving of the break downs and emotional turmoil.

she tried to remain happy and strong before the others, but she was always one misstep away from that mask shattering. a fine line between the person they needed and a worthless crybaby was the line she walked. it was a shame, really. part of her wondered about it. would they still want her here if they knew?

would max want her in his ranks if he knew how close to that edge she walked? part of her doubted it. she knew deep down that appearance was not everything. yet, it lingered in the back of her mind like a thorn in her side. her and max were not to different, but not the same ether. it was funny in a weird way.

his mention of the towers made her nod as she came from her thoughts to reality again. the towers are perfect for safety. we should assign guard shifts at some point to be sure the lands are always watched. she mused with a slight wag of her tail. she loved planning things like that. it made her mind focus on less sad things.

his comment about being a fish made her snort as she tried to fight back a laugh. the image of him as a fur covered fish was a bit much on her weary brain. you would be one hairy fish. she mused with a teasing tone of voice. she had to admit, she hardly laughed like this before joining up with max.

it was nice.

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template by quietly

Re: ANYWHERE THE WIND BLOWS :: sora - The Tombs - 05-30-2022

A date. Maximilian resisted the sudden urge to narrow his eyes at the word out of confusion and perhaps even a bit of distaste. The reassurance of the phrase being a mere jest was soothing enough, though it wasn't entirely successful in immediately relaxing the body that was stiff for a moment, almost taken aback by it. Was that what she was here for? It couldn't be her motive, could it? Even if it were a joke, was it truly so surface-level? I don't even know you, rang out the thoughts in his mind that he forced down out of respect for Sora, who may very well could have simply said just that: a joke.

Just move on. Please. He had spent so much time, so many brutal nights, to get to where he was now. He needed the sincere company, desperately. He just hoped that he could find that sincerity in her.

Something seemed to seize the dire wolf too, a veil of worry falling upon her that Max had noticed yet refused to acknowledge aloud for the sake of respect. What was stirring within her? Was it in regards to earlier, or was it a general sentiment that she had been feeling lately, pushed away for everyone else's sake? Regardless of whether or not he thought of her as a weak or strong individual, there was no denying that every person in the Enclave — and the world — was carrying, or would be carrying, some sort of personal, emotional baggage. He was among them, unsurprisingly. He understood the burden of an individual struggle, yet he knew that the show must go on eventually — it was best not to be consumed by these thoughts.

He was thoroughly pleased in Sora's once again abrupt change in mood, the dark cloud above her fading away as she addressed the lookout towers he had mentioned earlier. The Alpha could greatly respect being able to bounce back whenever duty called — it was a necessary act at times, especially when there were more vital matters at hand. "I'll keep it in mind," the wolf said, nodding at the other canine's words. "I think we'll be fine for now. Baby steps 'n' all." He agreed with her suggestions wholeheartedly, but at the Enclave's current stage in their existence, it was incredibly rare that they would become a target for enemy clans now. Inevitably, there would be changes as politics evolved and relations shifted, but for now they could seize a particularly peaceful existence.

A hairy fish. A scoff erupted from Maximilian, though his expression was unchanging still, devoid of any semblance of laughter or a smile apart from his snort despite his amusement from her statement. "Is it 'cuz I'm Italian? Y'know, Sora, that's awfully rude of ya," he retorted, his honey-like eyes shimmering bright enough to express his silent laughter. "Ah, well, here's the thing 'bout hairy fish: they don't gotta worry 'bout bein' eaten." At least, I fuckin' hope no one wants to eat a hairy fish.

It was hard to resist now. The muscles tugged at the corner of his lips, revealing...a smile? A genuine smile. A rare reward gifted to those around Maximilian by himself, yet here he was. He had become fully engrossed in their conversation, being called a hairy fish and all. It was so completely, horrifically stupid, and yet...

...he didn't mind it one bit.
[glow=#008040,2,300]where is my mind?[/glow] —

Re: ANYWHERE THE WIND BLOWS :: sora - Cobra - 06-01-2022

the woman took in his words about baby steps. the woman knew he was right on that, but weaker groups were typically targets. small steps should be taken with caution. yet, this time, she did not voice her opinion on it. for now they were off the radar and that meant safety. though, admittedly, this did not ease her concerns for the groups safety. she was ever the worrier as she always was and would be.

his snort made her gaze flick over him and she noted his words carefully. the smile she got from him was, well, nice. she felt a lot more at ease now that he was smiling at her. the woman cocked her head slightly to the left as she thought her words over. an italian insulted by a japanese woman? i never thought i would see the day. she mused as a smile tugged her lips in turn.

i do suppose you are right though. i doubt a hairy fish would taste good. she paused in thought before rising to her paws and stretching out. then again, i don't often eat fish so what would i know? a soft laugh escaped her as she looked out into the dark waters.

part of her wanted to leap into the cool waters. to swim away from the dock and see what would come of it. yet, she held back from that action. after all, she was no fish in the slightest. do you ever think about just leaping into the dark and seeing where it takes you?

she let her head turn as she spoke. the question came from no where, but she thought it fitting. i used to do that before.. ah that doesn't matter. it was back in the day and its not who i am now. yet, i sometimes think about trying it.

actions | speech | thoughts | powers | attacking
template by quietly

Re: ANYWHERE THE WIND BLOWS :: sora - The Tombs - 06-24-2022

I never thought I'd see the day. He rolled her eyes at that, though quite evidently in jest. As soon as the smile was wiped from his face (right around when he realized he was smiling) he noticed that it had been mirrored by Sora, who beamed a radiant light at him. Her presence was...pleasant. Yes, that was the word for it. Rarely, though, did he express much emotion for the people around him, and he was unsure if he was willing to tear his walls down yet. For now, he would just sit back and listen to her, take it all in a little.

Her question was curious. Do you ever think about just leaping into the dark and seeing where it takes you? Perhaps at another point in his life, Maximilian would have responded positively. Of course. But he didn't feel so carefree anymore, not with the way his youth was stripped from him. Was he ever youthful? He was quite young physically, though he carried himself as though he had been on this earth for decades, each heavy pawstep another troublesome year, another painful memory. "I like to keep my head on my shoulders." An ancient-sounding response from an ancient-looking man. It grew difficult for him to derive pleasure from seeking out and exploring the unknown, though he understood why others felt differently. Some people had less troubling them, less to hold them back. He simply did not feel the same. In another life, maybe he would have. This is my only one. Make use of it.

The wolf never imagined Sora to be the type to do such a thing either, so it took him aback to hear her contradict his former opinion of her. Another time? Was there truly a Sora in this lifetime that didn't commit her life to her duties? He found the concept almost sinful, a complete juxtaposition of the Sigma he knew. Of course, people changed, especially into adulthood. He didn't think of the other Enclavians' histories much at all, and personally, he didn't know if he would ever care to. It was their burden to carry, not his, so long as it caused trouble for no one else.

"Well? Where would it take you?" he mused, tilting his head slightly at his clanmate. "Don't leave me hangin' here, Sor'." Her response wouldn't matter at all to him if she did decide to indulge him with the details. He was a stubborn man, and it would be difficult to change his perception of her, even with whatever anecdote she would muster up to hold the conversation. Truthfully, it was plausible that he just wanted to hear her speak. The opportunity to understand a member of the Trias was one he couldn't pass up.
[glow=#008040,2,300]where is my mind?[/glow] —

Re: ANYWHERE THE WIND BLOWS :: sora - Cobra - 07-04-2022

his eye roll was in good nature and she felt a small laugh bubble up. though, she held back on that for now. really, she had no idea about his opinion of her company. the male was nice and she rather enjoyed his company. the woman wagged her tail slightly as she looked at the other.

then, he would speak and she would twitch her ears forward. his response made her ears flick as she studied him once more. it was a decent response and she felt herself coming to a deeper understanding of max. he was a lot different when she looked at others in the group. a difference that made her respect him more.

smiling faintly still, she nodded. i understand. it is better to keep your head on your shoulders. she mused as she looked back to the water before them. before i died, i used to take leaps and it cost me everything.

sighing softly, she would reach a paw down to touch the water. feeling the cooling touch and it brought her back from her thoughts. that doesn't matter now.

did it?

to her it did, but she could not voice that. the mention of where it would take her made her lift away from the water and place her damp toes back on the dock. new lands and places. things never seen in our wildest dreams. back before i came here, i took that leap and found myself riding in a tornado. would not recommend that. she mused before carrying on.

ah, though leaping into the dark here would likely reveal things we never knew about our home. so, maybe it is not all bad, right? she adds with a laugh this time.

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template by quietly