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RIGHTEOUS SIDE OF HELL // Nightmare, open - Printable Version

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RIGHTEOUS SIDE OF HELL // Nightmare, open - Byriath - 04-13-2022


Heavy paws approached the waters, heavy eyelids drooping. Tired. He felt tired. The energy of returning to The Coalition had run out, now. But still, he did not wish to sleep. Terrors plagued him as he closed his eyes, visions of a lioness with Saturn's bloodied body beneath her, staring into Byriath's very soul. This is what you want, She would whisper, This is what you seek. And before he could say anything, he would awake. Trembling, shaking, he would awake, and pull Saturn closer to him as they slept.

Glowing eyes looked deep into that water, staring into the soul of the other Byriath. A perfect reflection, a perfect vision of what he was. As he stared deeper and longer, he noticed things changing. The reflection would change, horns would become more pronounced, a crown above the head. Fresh wounds, a gash over the right eye, blood blacker than oil spilling into the water. Flesh torn from his neck and face. A terrifying rendition of him. Many eyes, red in color, stared back from this reflection, fangs and tusks becoming longer.

"You are not me." He stated sternly, though his voice wavered. It was him. A rendition of what he would have been, should he had not fallen in love and chose the healing aspect of life. It whispered slowly, I am you. But are you, you? and viciously clawed its way out of the river, forcing the true god to scrabble back. Once it stood, a wicked smile formed on its face.

Three snakes acted as its tails, hissing and spitting at Byriath. It was hunched, with a pig-like face resembling his war-pig form. Spikes drove up its back, a mockery of a porcupine. Much like his form, its fur was black, with a glowing face and markings. Blood dripped from its many oozing wounds. As if the strange bird Vale had taken his form and warped it. It raised a bleeding paw, and he heard bones crack.

I am all that you want to be. Vicious. Malice. Cruel. Yet, a mortal holds you to a soft place. It crooned, stepping forward and caressing Byraith's fur. He snarled and bit down, but recoiled at the abrasive, disgusting taste the being had. Bitter and depraved, what you are destined to be. And he shook his head. NO. "I am not you. You are not me - you will never be me."

It laughed, a laugh that shook the earth around them. Are you sure? It grinned, then rushed at the god. Making contact, he felt himself falling. Falling, falling, falling. Manic laughter filled his ears. Louder and louder, until...

His eyes opened, and the dark of his room made him panic. As it usually did after these. He breathed heavily, claws digging into the cloth underneath him. He felt around with his tail for saturn, yet could not find his lover. This sent him into a panic, and he scrambled up. "Saturn!" He choked, too afraid to feel the itchiness of his back.
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: RIGHTEOUS SIDE OF HELL // Nightmare, open - INFERNO CIPHER-VANTAS - 04-13-2022

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ —  ɪɴꜰᴇʀɴᴏ | ꜱᴄᴀʀᴇᴄʀᴏᴡ ᴇꜰꜰᴇᴄᴛᴇᴅ ʙᴀʙʏ | ᴄɪᴘʜᴇʀ-ᴠᴀɴᴛᴀꜱ | ʙɪᴏ

ɪᴄ ᴛᴇxᴛ | ɪᴄ ᴏᴘɪɴɪᴏɴꜱ

the female was wandering, slowly, in a manic haze. the was hearing these voice that sounded surprisingly similar to byriath which probably didn't belong to byriath. hell, she had even seen her sister walk out of camp just now. but they were all gone, they had all left her. a depressed grin lined her face as a panic-stricken call for saturn shot through the air, making the female turn her head.

byriath's house. so it was him, after all. but what was it with him? she nudged open his door and found him standing there, fur looking a mess. "hey, you okay?"

ᴏᴄ ᴛᴇxᴛ!


Re: RIGHTEOUS SIDE OF HELL // Nightmare, open - Casphian - 04-13-2022

Saturn had been peacefully asleep during Byriath's nightmare. They had woken up moments before their husband did, having stepped out to get a bit of fresh air. It had pained them to pull away from their husband's embrace but their own dreams had awoken them and they just needed to shake the claws of the dream off of them.

At the sound of his name being shouted Saturn was bursting back into their shared home, noticing Byriath's frantic look. Saturn only briefly noticed the scent Inferno, more focused on calming their husband down than to notice anyone else who might be in their home. The snow leopard drew closer to the larger male, cautiously sitting down in front of him and resting their tail over the other's. "Hey, hey Byr I'm right here, I'm still here I haven't gone anywhere," they reassured softly, lowering their head down. "I need you to take nice, deep and even breaths my love. Breathe with me," they mused, evening out their breathing so the other could follow along.

Re: RIGHTEOUS SIDE OF HELL // Nightmare, open - Kindledflame - 04-14-2022

  [font=trebuchet ms]"Saturn!"

  The panicked, desperate cry of Byriath- Byriath?- startled Kindledflame awake. Though her bed had been warm, a sudden fear spiked through her, cold spreading through every crack in her veins. Saturn... a lover...


  With a snarl that left smoke curling into the air, Kindledflame shook her head. This isn't about you, it's about Byriath. The poor dear probably needs help. Quickly getting to her paws and descending from her bed, the fox left her room and headed over to Byriath's abode. Get it together.

  Upon reaching Byriath's room, she was met with the sight of Inferno in the doorway- and within the room, a snow leopard gently reassuring Byriath. ...Saturn. Remaining next to Inferno, she took a deep breath. Saturn is alive. Saturn is good. Saturn is taking care of Byriath. Everything is fine.

  ...Well, maybe everything's not fine right now. But it will be fine.

  This seemed a lot like a night terror, now that she could look at the situation a bit more clearly. Some night terrors could be quelled by thyme; others could only be quelled by time. Softly, Kindledflame asked, "...Do you want me to fetch Plexus, dear, or would you prefer to just have some space?" She wasn't sure if Byriath would hear her, but it was worth asking nonetheless.