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it was one time ; spider - Printable Version

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it was one time ; spider - Agrimony - 04-12-2022

was it weird of her to fear one of the creatures vita gifted this world? perhaps it was odd for the woman to be scared of something so trivial. alas, it was how the world often worked. the woman was cleaning her home that fine day. humming a song as she set up her home with white curtains, white everything really. she was a follower of vita, after all.

the woman moved into the room where she planned to put up her alter and that was where she found it. the gentle soul let out a squeak of surprise and stepped back from her the room and blinked. eyes never leaving the thing. "ah.. can someone remove a spider without killing it..?" she called out with a clearly nervous voice.

she didn't want it dead, but she didn't want it in her home ether.

send a prayer to the ones up above

Re: it was one time ; spider - ninazu - 04-18-2022

Ninazu ducked her head to enter Bellaluna’s cottage, yet the tall feathers in her crown brushed the ceiling. “It’s not often I get asked to remove something without killing it, though I will try.” Amusement seeped off her neon blue tongue as thickly as saliva.

She followed Bellaluna’s eye line until she found the spider upon the alter. So much fuss for an arachnid…? Her flames or lightning could destroy it. But if the resident wanted it removed peacefully, she could try another method she hadn’t attempted since before her rebirth.

A single yellow eye locked onto the spider. NInazu breathed in, out, and opened her mind’s eye to find it’s consciousness. [color=#b1fe4e]“The window. Leave through the window.” The command arced into the spider’s mind with all the strength of Ninazu’s lightning.

Ninazu didn’t flinch when the spider jumped and scampered, frantic, all eight pumping to leave the cottage. It wasn’t graceful. But it was speedy, even if it struggled to climb efficiently in its haste.

[color=#b1fe4e]“I doubt it will return.” Ninazu also thought it likely she wouldn’t be asked to remove a little pest in this manner, either; personally, she thought watching the spider run in terror was more unsightly than its charred corpse.
© [color=white]MADI

Re: it was one time ; spider - Agrimony - 04-20-2022

[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia; color: #B8DBD9;"]the female turned to see the raptor as other entered her home. part of her found the woman to be beautiful, but the prey instinct deep inside made her hesitate in voicing that. i am not one to enjoy death without good cause. thank you for trying, though. she responded to their comment as her eyes flicked back to the creepy little creature.

of course, bella knew how silly she seemed. a large beast that feared something so small. there was no rational reason for it, but how often was fear rational? when the woman didn't move, but the spider did, well.. it was obvious that bella was curious and impressed.

the spider was gone in a less then graceful way and bella turned to the woman beside her. dipping her head in a graceful arc as she spoke. thank you, miss. i do not believe we have met. i am bellaluna. a follower of vita. she stated before raising her head back up.


Re: it was one time ; spider - ninazu - 05-11-2022

Ninazu blinked. She tilted her head a tad to the left, and tried to squash her facial expressions otherwise. The equine mentioned a follower of Vita—nothing Ninazu had ever heard of before—and the Utahraptor disliked this on principle that a Condemned would claim to follow anything before her son.

“I don’t think I’ve heard of Vita, is this a person or ideology?” Ninazu’s voice was soft and sweet, betraying none of the authoritarian acidity rising in her throat. “Hmm. I suppose we haven’t met, Bellaluna. I’m Ninazu. Feel free to ask for me if you would like another creature removed from your cottage.”

Re: it was one time ; spider - Agrimony - 05-26-2022

the question was one she had never been asked before. this, however, did not deter her. she knew that vita was a concept. a name given to the giver of life. vita was, a goddess in many forms. yet, she was not walking among them. she was merely life in its glory.

vita is the latin word for life. i believe life to be sacred and deserving. it is a concept, or belief. she answered after a long moment. letting her gaze scan the utahraptor calmly. i must thank you again, ninazu. i owe you one.

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