Beasts of Beyond
what are you doing ;; pet? - Printable Version

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what are you doing ;; pet? - Agrimony - 04-12-2022

now, what was happening was all new to her. a moment ago, the pup was resting in the nursery. watching the younger kids playing while she simply relaxed for a change. yet, as is almost always the case, she grew bored of just laying about. she always grew bored of laying around like that. she was one that enjoyed her alone time and she enjoyed the ocean. so, she decided to find her way back to her beloved waters.

slowly rising to her paws, she had picked her way through games of mossball and warriors. dodging little balls of moss and ducking under pouncing kids. she left the nursery without looking back even once. paws carefully guiding her to the beach once more. it was here that she found the little thing that was now clinging to her fur. it was a strange mouse like thing and she was highly confused by it.

yet, she let it snuggle into her fur as she lay in the sands. the little three toed jerbo was actually rather cute. maybe she would keep it. what harm was there in that?

⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ sing along with me

Re: what are you doing ;; pet? - Kindledflame - 04-19-2022

  [font=trebuchet ms]The breeze was quite nice today; nice enough, in fact, that Kindledflame couldn't resist taking a brief trip to the beach. She had some errands to run before sundown, but there was still enough time for her to take a break. Stepping out onto the sands, she inhaled deeply, filling her lungs with salty air- then exhaled, a smile once more returning to her face. In the end... what's the hurry? Whether the house is dusted today or tomorrow, it will be dusted all the same.

  Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted Zuriela laying down, with a small animal clinging to her fur. Raising her brows, she quietly approached, so as not to scare the little visitor off. Looking closer, it appeared to be a rodent of some sort... it almost looked like a kangaroo rat, albeit a bit too gangly, and its ears a bit too big. Perhaps the kangaroo rat's distant cousin.

  "...Hello there, dear Zuriela. I see you have a new pet- what's its name?" Kindledflame said after a moment, standing a few feet away from Zuriela and her new pet. If the two were comfortable with it, she could get a bit closer- but for now, best not to risk startling the rodent.

Re: what are you doing ;; pet? - Agrimony - 04-19-2022

[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia; color: #9ADCFF;"]the child looked up as a voice greeted her. eyes finding the only other fox in their clan. bushy tail curling closer to her little friend a moment. the small creature didn't seem scared. so, she let her tail move away from the little grey thing. hello.. ah.. i haven't named him actually.. she admits with a tilt of her little head.

i was thinking skippy.. but i don't know.. she mused as a soft squeak made her look to the little jerboa. he seemed so small even to her. it was cute and oddly soothing.
