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it was building up ;; enclave ;; nostos - Printable Version

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it was building up ;; enclave ;; nostos - Cobra - 04-11-2022

sure, they just settled in. the group was just starting up. she had no reason to rush this. but, being so new to her group made her want to do this. that was why she was using one of the boats now. the wolf of stars would step into the boat and look back. she would return one day. hopefully before death called her name. after all, death was her only enemy in this world. so, she pushed the dock and set sail into the night.


when she finally hit land, she was starving. she was hungry and she knew food was her desperate need. she took water, but not food. why, you may ask? well, it was for motivation, really. hunger would drive her to survive. hunger would guide her into the future and make her better. it would help her build up her own power. so, she stepped onto the shore. dragging her boat up and keeping it from drifting off.

the woman would set off on her quest. heading into the lands and shifting her sword slightly. the female would only stop when she reached water. there she would lower her head to lap at the cooling liquid. eyes peeled for any sign of danger. until, she found herself looking across the water at a deer.

he had not noticed her, but she sure noticed him. as such, she would leap across the water. landing nearly silent on the shore, but not silent enough. the buck was running, but she was too. she was on his heels. building up her speed. she would tilt her head and grab her swords hilt. swinging it.

the deer fell, wounded before she finished it off. she would start eating after her sword was returned to his place. the woman ate her fill before taking the head off her deer.


the female spent her time exploring this land or cleaning her skull. it still had the antlers, for now. not that it mattered. carrying her skull to the boat, she would push off. heading to the lotus cave as her week was almost up. the woman simply looked forward to her mind opening vigil.


she arrived early the next day and moored her boat once more. she had a long day ahead and she knew it. as such, she moved forward into the cave. picking a lotas flower and eating it before she found a smooth stone to sit upon. she would let her mind swirl. the sounds of whispers reaching her ears. blaming words targeting her. it was hard to ignore, but she didn't move. she didn't sleep.

the sun was setting when she swore she heard her daughters voice. glancing around in silence, she couldn't see anything. her mind wandered to the little fox pup she lost. to her dead son as well. she had failed him and she didn't know if her daughter was dead. her mind raced as the sun faded away.


the sun rose upon a very worn looking sora. the canine would rise to her feet and move to leave the cave behind her. finding her way to the boat once more. she tried to shake off the sense of loss she felt. pushing off once more, she headed home. the woman finally fell asleep. drifting off towards home.


she woke up long before she was home. her belly grumbled slightly. the docks were in site and she would be home before she knew it. she could eat and choose her place. she was going to pick. as soon as she was moored. it was all building up to this moment. she stepped lightly into the camp.

"i want to join the sun division." she states as she dropped her skull at her feet.

what good is a star that has lost its light?

Re: it was building up ;; enclave ;; nostos - The Tombs - 04-11-2022

Maximilian felt no particular desire to rush members into completing their Nostos, especially since they were already quite occupied with settling into their new, permanent home. Things were hectic as is, and he didn't believe that people would take it upon themselves to embark on such a journey so early on. Now was a time of settling down, gathering one's wits, adapting to their territory and housing. Life would be quite different for them all starting now.

He did, however, take note of those who were compelled to take on their riverbound journey anyway, Sora evidently being the first. He had seen the wolf around plenty with her distinct pelt that looked as though she was born from the night sky, taking the stars with her. There were many that looked bizarre on this mysterious Island — it was something he had to get used to, but in all honesty, it made telling everyone apart a whole lot easier. The Alpha had noticed her disappearance to the Docks one day, watching her sail off into the unknown to complete her valiant quest. He didn't feel the need to worry about the odds of her surviving this journey, for he knew her to be a large, physically capable beast, and certainly a dedicated one as well, considering she was the first to take on the expedition among all of the Enclavians. God save anyone who stands in a determined man or woman's path.

The wolf watched the other canine arrive back at camp, a deer's skull in tow that would be set down before her for all to bear witness to. Sun Division, eh? Fitting, Max supposed. "Wanted to get it out of the way, huh?" he mused, honey-like brown eyes falling upon her. "Good job, Sora. Consider yourself a Sun."
[glow=#008040,2,300]where is my mind?[/glow] —

Re: it was building up ;; enclave ;; nostos - Cobra - 04-12-2022

the female looked to her alpha as he spoke to her. watching the male with calm eyes as he made her a sun. her tail wagged softly for a moment, but stopped sharply. "thank you sir. i will not let you down." she swore with a sharp dip of her head. the wolf was thrilled, not that it was showing. she was good at hiding these sorts of things. the wolf let herself take a firm seat before speaking again.

"now to decide where to put this skull. it will make a lovely decoration." she mused with a tilt of her head. blinking as her eyes fell onto the skull.

what good is a star that has lost its light?