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BUILD MY DREAMS, TREES GROW ALL OVER THE STREETS ; open, planting - Printable Version

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BUILD MY DREAMS, TREES GROW ALL OVER THE STREETS ; open, planting - Suiteheart - 05-24-2018

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Suiteheart didn't necessarily have a green thumb. No, she often left these duties to to her more than skilled wife. From time to time, she would help Margaery in the gardens, watering flowers and picking weeds, tilling soil and moving rocks. It was not often that she planted anything herself, for she wasn't sure if she had the potential to keep anything alive for that long. Even so, she had suddenly wondered about her abilities, and she definitely wanted to try them out.

Spring was on its last leg, and summer was fast approaching. The territory was still cool and often blessed by rain and sunshine, which made it a very lovely climate for plants to grow. At least, that was Suite's thinking. Granted, she was correct, but she couldn't be too sure. She'd only half read the book she'd found on gardening. The female was determined though. She was always determined.

A box of small saplings sat at her side while dark eyes scanned a bit of the burned territory. The earth was still scorched from Roy's unfortunate incident, but it seemed the grass was beginning to grow again. The green was brighter, healthier. From the book, she recalled, burning things could often lead to good outcomes (despite the horror of it). The book had said burning could help restore nutrients to the land, and that pinecones opened their seeds in the midst of fires. Already, she could see a few pine trees beginning to sprout above the darkened earth. This excited her, for she believed this would be the perfect spot to plant a few trees in order to help restore was was hurt.

After having cleared away various debris and long-dead trees that offered nothing, it was finally ready. Suiteheart stood upon the blackened ground and dug about ten inches into the soft dirt. She quickly retrieved a mimosa tree sapling (one of her favorites). She placed the small tree into the earth, gingerly covered it with soil, and stood back. The plant rested peacefully in its place, and once satisfied with the fact that it wouldn't fall over, she moved on the the next.

The second tree she would be planting was a willow tree. Though it wasn't as pretty a blooming mimosa in her eyes, it was a close second. As she worked on securing this sapling into the ground, she hoped it and all the rest she would plant would eventually grow big and strong and beautiful.

Re: BUILD MY DREAMS, TREES GROW ALL OVER THE STREETS ; open, planting - Margaery - 05-24-2018

[color=#b14767] ❁  ❁  ❁
"Planting something, darling?"

Margaery would send her inquiry down the bond before abandoning her place within the Observatory, curious now as to why  Suiteheart had decided to dabble in gardening, of all things, today. Her wife had always been a wonderful help in the chocolate point's own gardens, taking it upon herself to water her flowers, pluck the weeds that threatened to strangle the life from them, and till the land. She had noticed previously that Suiteheart refused to plant anything of her own and, though infinitely curious, refused to push. Tending for life in any capacity was a large responsibility and while she knew with the utmost of certainty that Suite would be able to handle it; she'd never want to pressure her into trying lest she was ready.

Arriving with a faint smile, Margaery would drink in the sight of her wife and the saplings and permit a pleasant gleam to dance within her stormy gaze. [color=#b14767]"You're reviving the land," She observed, tucking her paws neatly under her lean form as she continued to gaze amiably at the slightly scorched ground that, hopefully, would cause Suite's trees to absolutely bloom. [color=#b14767]"I'm a bit offended that I had to find out you're doing this through our bond," She laughed, [color=#b14767]"But I'm excited! This is exciting!"

And it was. Margaery had always felt innately in tune with nature. Being surrounded by trees and flowers and simply feeling grass beneath her paws always succeeded in soothing her like no else and she often times wondered why everyone wasn't so in love with the earth. There was something in her soul that tugged the budding rose queen to the outside world and who was she to deny that? [color=#b14767]"I should make you a little sign!" She suddenly exclaimed, bright eyes finding a way to brighten, [color=#b14767]"It'll be like the old sign we had for Highgarden? Do you remember that?"

Re: BUILD MY DREAMS, TREES GROW ALL OVER THE STREETS ; open, planting - Cutebunny50 - 05-26-2018

[Image: tumblr_p4vh6lKow41qll5dxo2_500.gif]
The Ascendants — Observer — HOVER FOR TAGS
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]"Planting!" Rosegarden observed cheerfully, pounding onto the scene.
When it came to planting and flowers (mostly flowers), the russet feline was a big fan. Even though Suiteheart was planting trees, it was still enough to excite Rosegarden.
So they did things like this too!
"Can I help? I have experience-- I'd love to help!"
The girl with the flower crown atop her head had a surprising amount of experience. In fact, the flowers on her now she had grown by herself!
When it came to being in tune with nature and being green and flowery, Margaery probably took that title (she had been here before Rose, after all), but the young feline still liked planting and taking care of plants all the same!
It was fun!