Beasts of Beyond
there's a fire in my brain, and I'm burning up - joining - Printable Version

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there's a fire in my brain, and I'm burning up - joining - Kindledflame - 04-09-2022

  [font=trebuchet ms]The soft scent of pine needles hung in the air.

  With the handle of a woven basket in her mouth, the fox trod through the forest. Inhaling deeply, she nodded slightly to herself. Yes... I do believe this is them. The scent of other animals was easily distinguishable from that of the fruits, vegetables, flowers, and acorns she carried. (Hopefully she'd find some space that she could keep warm for them- the raspberries in particular would be very nice, once she could get them going.)

  Taking a seat where the scent seemed to mark a border, she then carefully set down her basket and looked over it. The crane flowers remained sheltered underneath a small cloth; peeking under it, she confirmed that they appeared to be intact. Smiling, she tucked the cloth back over the flowers, then looked back up. "Ah, hello?" she called out, twitching her ears. "My name is Kindledflame, and I'm told this land belongs to the Coalition of the Condemned. I'd like to join, if that's alright."

Re: there's a fire in my brain, and I'm burning up - joining - Plexus - 04-10-2022

✯ — You're not a monster, just a human
The large Norwegian Forest cat was lazing in a tree when he heard the call of someone underneath him. Pawing at his mask to make sure it was there, the Guru bunched his muscles and gracefully jumped from the branch. Only, one of his muscles locked up from the overstimulated from the free fall and impact, causing him to stumble. Turning to the newcomer, he cocked his head curiously and used his tail to signal to follow him, "Welcome. Plexus, Guru of the Coalition."

Re: there's a fire in my brain, and I'm burning up - joining - Kindledflame - 04-10-2022

  [font=trebuchet ms]As someone landed on the ground in front of her, Kindledflame watched him regain his balance, tilting her head. Aside from his brief stumble, he was certainly a graceful creature- especially considering that mask of his, I'm surprised he can see anything through that, she mused to herself. It probably served some protective purpose, perhaps preventing the inhalation of parasitic spores, or something along those lines...

  When he introduced himself, though, Kindledflame dismissed her speculative train of thought and nodded. "Thank you, dear," she said, her smile growing just a bit brighter. "It's very nice to meet you." Taking her basket, she looked in the direction he'd indicated, then padded after him.

  She wasn't entirely certain what a Guru was; word on the grapevine about the Coalition rarely delved into such things. More often, it was tales of crimes committed, of wars waged, of enemies eliminated. While those stories were good fun, perhaps even "free advertising," as it were... hopefully she would gain a better sense for how the group actually worked once she was officially a part of it.

Re: there's a fire in my brain, and I'm burning up - joining - Byriath - 04-10-2022

His heavy paws crashing through the foliage was a clear sign of his arrival, and the dark prehistoric feline emerged from the underbrush with slow, methodical steps. "Always early to greet our joiners, aren't you, Plexus?" He spoke roughly, though a smile played at his lips. Byriath wasn't a people person either, so he respected Plexus' courage and responsibility on that field. Walking along the smaller feline's side, he turned to face Kindledflame. "I'm Byriath. I didn't quite catch your name, fox." He stopped in his tracks slightly, but resumed in his thunderous pawsteps.
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: there's a fire in my brain, and I'm burning up - joining - Plexus - 04-11-2022

✯ — You're not a monster, just a human
"Favor...for Romulus." The male tugged his mask to underneath his chin so his words would he clearer, "Hard, but friends depend on me." Stilted words, but got his point across, he hoped. Tugging his mask back over to hide his face, he gave a deep bow of his head in thanks for coming as back up. His head tilted as a way of showing he's open to questioning for the fox, and even for Bryiath.

Re: there's a fire in my brain, and I'm burning up - joining - Agrimony - 04-11-2022

a new member of the group? that was exciting. so, of course, she would come over close to plexus. staying close to the guru as she could. her eyes scanning the woman before her and head turning to plexus. he was not much for this greeting strangers thing. then again, she was not ether. so, she looked to the stranger. "hello.. i'm zuriela.." she offered in that soft voice.

⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ sing along with me

Re: there's a fire in my brain, and I'm burning up - joining - Kindledflame - 04-11-2022

  [font=trebuchet ms]Looking up at the large feline as he approached, Kindledflame blinked. Now that, there, was a species she'd never seen before. Sabertooth? her mind supplied. His teeth didn't look quite as long as the sabertooths' were in the stories she'd heard, but they were still quite long... and stories tended to exaggerate, anyway. This was no ordinary big cat, that much was certain.

  As he and Plexus exchanged words briefly, she lifted a brow. Romulus. Perhaps that was who was in charge. When Byriath asked her name, she set down the basket she'd been carrying, then nodded. "Yes- my name is Kindledflame. It's quite nice to meet you, too."

  Her attention then turned to the little fox by Plexus' side, and her gaze softened. Why, she's still a kit. I'm surprised she's dared to venture out this far. Her thoughts wandered, for a mere moment, to days long past- before she gently shook her head. Now wasn't really the time to reminisce. "Good to meet you, dear," she said, with a swish of her tail. "Zuriela is a very nice name."

  Glancing back up at Plexus and Byriath, she asked, "I don't suppose you'd happen to have a garden or a greenhouse around here?"

Re: there's a fire in my brain, and I'm burning up - joining - Plexus - 04-12-2022

✯ — You're not a monster, just a human
Stance softening at fox kit appearing, as he has always enjoyed the youngster's presence. Plexus tipped his head to the side, speaking cautiously as an offer, "I've been considering starting an herb garden. Of plants, and herbs, that can survive in this climate."

Re: there's a fire in my brain, and I'm burning up - joining - Agrimony - 04-12-2022

at her greeting, the pup let her tail sway softly behind her. "thank you.." she murmurs back before her eyes flick to plexus. his answer made her ears perk up. he was going to make one? maybe she could help. "a garden..? can i help..?" she asked with that same soft voice, but those eyes showed how excited she truly was.

⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ sing along with me