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THE ENCLAVE HP TRYOUTS - Printable Version

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THE ENCLAVE HP TRYOUTS - psy - 04-09-2022


The Enclave is a new group founded by Maximilian Caputo with the goal of battling the forces of evil and chaos that ravage the Island, as well as protecting passive/neutral groups in times of need. This valiant, justice-seeking group is not for the weak, for newcomers must embark on a dangerous journey in order to prove their strength and loyalty to the clan and be recognized as full members.

The group has a Greek alphabet-themed hierarchy and borrows many traditions reminiscent of ancient Greek society and mythology, such as Olympic tournaments and the concept of the Nostos, or a seafaring quest undertaken by a hero that was a common theme in Greek mythos. Members are housed in three Divisions: Sun, Moon, and Star, with each Division pertaining to a certain skillset (Sun being war, Moon being hunting/scouting, Star being healing/foreign relations).

Looking to play a high position in the Enclave? Look no further!
Please review our guide prior to applying! Click on the colored Enclave header at the top of the post to read our guide.

BETA - [0/1]
The Alpha's right hand in charge of overseeing operations if the Alpha cannot be present. The Beta has most of the Alpha's powers, save for promoting/demoting members and declaring allies/enemies. The Beta may accept joiners and approve the completion of a Zeta's Nostos, as well as approve any members that wish to change their Division.

SIGMA - [1/1]
The leader of the Sun Division, the Sigma acts as the clan's general on the battlefield unless the Alpha or Beta are present. They are tasked with strategizing in times of war and leading warriors to battle, as well as leading training sessions and ensuring that warriors are prepared for anything and everything.
Sora Hoshi, played by Cobra

DELTA - [0/1]
The Delta leads the Moon Division and is in charge of territory maintenance as well as making sure that the clan is well-fed and well-fortified against attacks. They can host events relating to hunting, scouting, and territory cleanup, and they may execute espionage missions with the Sigma.
Rylios Arvada, played by teef

EPSILON - [1/1]
The Epsilon is in charge of the Star Division and oversees all medical operations as well as social events/gatherings. They may host events, parties, festivals, etc. at any time and can assign ambassadors from their Division to other groups. They often help execute any plans the Alpha and Beta may have in regards to foreign relations.
Okami, played by Windowmemer

GAMMA - [2/3]
Considered a semi-high position, the rank of Gamma is a stepping-stone for Omegas that show great promise and excel in their chosen field. Gammas are tasked with welcoming newcomers and visitors to the Enclave and are often among the first considered for any special operations on behalf of the head of their Division. This position is first-come, first serve.
Alex Hayden, played by DIO!
Ragnar Castemont-Sempiterne, played by sykes

Please note that positions are NOT first come, first serve unless stated otherwise! Those only applying for a Gamma position will be automatically accepted; anyone who applied for another position with Gamma as a fallback will be assigned the rank of Gamma should they not earn their higher position (if slots are still available). Since positions are not first come, first serve, multiple players can apply for the same position.

[b]Player Name:[/b] here
[b]Character Name:[/b] here
[b]Character Description/Bio:[/b] here
[b]Desired Position:[/b] here
[b]Potential plots/ideas/events:[/b] here
[b]Other:[/b] here

Re: THE ENCLAVE HP TRYOUTS - Windowmemer - 04-09-2022

Player Name: Windowmemer
Character Name: Okami
Character Description/Bio: (her info isn't on here but in the discord channel? I need to flesh her out moree)
Desired Position: Beta or Epsilon
Potential plots/ideas/events:
- branching out to other territories and meeting other clans, negotiating alliance deals (with help from the alpha ofc)
- hosting a divisions flag painting + face painting too
Epsilon: (whole nother villain arc)
-  beginning likes medicine a lot but then gets bored of healing because she remembered her warrior past so she tried to relive that glory by doing some unethical medical things to experience blood that she caused (used to be in a heavily warbound group)
Other: here

Re: THE ENCLAVE HP TRYOUTS - sykes - 04-09-2022

Player Name: sykes (@ is Fenway)
Character Name: Ragnar Castemont-Sempiterne, [member=16329]RAGNAR C.S.[/member]
Character Description/Bio: Ragnar typically takes the form of a large canine, the crossbreed of a greenland sled dog and what appears to be a wolf, although he's so old even he has forgotten what breed he is. His base fur takes on a dark purple-black colour, with his underfur- his belly, lower jaw and the back of his ears- becoming a beige tone. He has two curling ram horns the same colour of his base fur, and his two back paws are replaced with jet black hooves, while his eyes shine a bright golden colour.
Desired Position: Sigma or Gamma
Potential plots/ideas/events: Ragnar is something of a religious fanatic and his judgements are usually based on what he sees around him that he believes to be signs of his God trying to talk to him. Because of this, he can make ill-thought decisions that often times are hasty. Perhaps, in the far future, Ragnar's nature of acting without thinking could cause a rift between him and another person within the group and/or in another group? (WIP)
Other: here

Re: THE ENCLAVE HP TRYOUTS - SirDio - 04-09-2022

Player Name: Dio (@ is Astralbeing200x)
Character Name: Alex "Kaze" Hayden [member=23399]ALEX K. HAYDEN[/member]
Character Description/Bio: Alex is a rather large spotted hyena covered in black-ish fur and red spots, with a 'mane' with the same black-ish and red color scheme, with the stripes of his ruff being red. His chest has a spot of white fur that expands past his chest and up by his shoulders, and his eyes are a hot pink color. He has two gold piercings on his right ear, and a golden nose ring as well.
Desired Position: aiming low for now, Gamma
Potential plots/ideas/events: Coming from a violent background, Kaze wants to better himself. This could lead to him rising in the ranks and becoming more confident in himself and gaining more trust from his fellow members. Bouncing off other plots to help his character develop is also something that would be really cool, both for him and the group.
Other: here

Re: THE ENCLAVE HP TRYOUTS - psy - 04-10-2022

(04-09-2022, 11:34 PM)DIO! link Wrote: Player Name: Dio (@ is Astralbeing200x)
Character Name: Alex "Kaze" Hayden [member=23399]ALEX K. HAYDEN[/member]
Character Description/Bio: Alex is a rather large spotted hyena covered in black-ish fur and red spots, with a 'mane' with the same black-ish and red color scheme, with the stripes of his ruff being red. His chest has a spot of white fur that expands past his chest and up by his shoulders, and his eyes are a hot pink color. He has two gold piercings on his right ear, and a golden nose ring as well.
Desired Position: aiming low for now, Gamma
Potential plots/ideas/events: Coming from a violent background, Kaze wants to better himself. This could lead to him rising in the ranks and becoming more confident in himself and gaining more trust from his fellow members. Bouncing off other plots to help his character develop is also something that would be really cool, both for him and the group.
Other: here

I also posted a clarification on the OP as to how ranks will be decided for those applying.

Re: THE ENCLAVE HP TRYOUTS - Cobra - 04-11-2022

Player Name: Cobra
Character Name: Sora Hoshi
Character Description/Bio: sora is a large wolf with a pelt like the night sky. her fur is a midnight blue in color with a spackling of white like stars litters through her pelt. swirls of silver making galaxies in her fur. her eyes are a bright yellow in color.

benevolent. focused. courageous. selfless. brave. claustrophobic. perfectionist. workaholic. pedantic.
Desired Position: beta, sigma, or gamma
Potential plots/ideas/events: host a party and invite potential allies
host sparring tournaments
host training sessions
she will also be likely to become obsessed with someone and want to protect them at all cost [lover, adopted kid, bio kid? who knows could be anyone!]
Other: here

Re: THE ENCLAVE HP TRYOUTS - teef - 04-18-2022

Player Name: teef
Character Name: Rylios Arvada
Character Description/Bio: a beast of darker browns and creams with a mint to sea green set of eyes. He is a rougher around the edges fellow, following his own senses of justice, with a hot temperament, often considered a bit of an asshole by the few who have met him once and done. Rylios can be self centered and tends to be obsessive over his possessions and anything delicate looking. He is known to be a bit of a hoarder and will be very careful with his belongings.
Desired Position: Delta
Potential plots/ideas/events: - espionage acts made out to be hunting parties, perhaps even upon allied or neutral territories.
- antler imagery will be prevalent under his rule, often used as a tool to reward the Omegas under his command. Antlers will be used as territory markers to signify locations of danger, good hunting and areas of potential weak defense.
moose antlers will be for highly experienced
and senior hunters and spys, elk antlers will be used for medium experience hunters and whitetail/mule deer antlers will be given to lower experience hunters.
- the offer to hold parties as extended to other groups, within which he would get as close as possible to the others to learn more of their ways and states of their groups, including political affairs if close enough to the other characters.
- when the season of antler shedding comes around, he would hold a feast with the antlers of a big kill displayed before the Alpha to start the feast, with the ribcage of the great beast buried following a fire in which they would honor the grand kill.
- his hunting parties will consist of different animals and kinds, hunting not only for meat bearing animals but such as animals that gather foods, help foods to grow, and searching out herbs that the group can use.
- he will host hunting drills where he commands the parties of hunting Omegas into different sized teams and teach them of different ways to take down the target animal or prey, of land, water and air.
- a personal plot for the future would have him entangled with the Kinsella Family, searching after the first Lord of the Family. Within this personal plot it is to be revealed that Rylios is a trophy hunter and collects the wings of any fallen fae targets, something he wouldn't wish the group to find out about.
Other: here

Re: THE ENCLAVE HP TRYOUTS - psy - 04-18-2022

The Enclave's HP tryouts have officially concluded! Congratulations to Windowmemer, sykes, DIO!, Cobra, and teef! Characters and their new respective positions have been edited into the OP.

In addition, an in-character meeting will be hosted announcing these promotions, and the guide will be edited to reflect the new roles.